Mary-Beth A. Cooper (2013), B.S., M.Ed., M.B.A., Ph.D., D.M.
John L. Mailhot (1988), B.S., M.B.A.
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Calvin Hill (2015), B.A., M.S., Ph.D.
Vice President for Inclusion and Community Engagement
Stuart Jones (2016), B.S., M.A. Ph.D.
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Christopher Neronha (2015), B.A., J.D.
Vice President and General Counsel
Martha Potvin (2016), B.S, M.S.,Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Gary Blanchette (2017)
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Mary Ann Coughlin (1993), B.S., M.S., C.A.G.S., D.P.E.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
James Harnesberger (2018)
Associate Vice President for Graduation Education and Research
Brooke Hallowell (2018)
Dean, School of Health Sciences and Rehabilitation Studies
John Eisler (2016), M.S., Ph.D.
Dean, School of Professional and Continuing Studies
Anne Herzog (2011), B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Dean, School of Arts, Sciences and Professional Studies
Tracey D. Matthews (2002), B.S., M.S., D.P.E.
Dean, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
Francine J. Vecchiolla (1990), B.S., M.S.W., Ph.D.
Dean, School of Social Work