Objectives and Standards
The major objectives of doctoral study at Springfield College are:
A. Professional Preparation
The curriculum provides a foundation through courses and other learning experiences for successful candidates to obtain a high degree of preparation in a chosen field of specialization. This includes:
- advanced knowledge and skills;
- critical examination of the assumptions underlying the knowledge and techniques in the field;
- re-evaluation of the techniques in light of increasing knowledge and in respect to the effect on humanity;
- creative contribution to the advancement of physical education, including exercise physiology and sport and exercise psychology;
- understanding of the relation of physical education, exercise physiology, and sport and exercise psychology to other fields of knowledge;
- awareness of ethical responsibility in the use of knowledge and skills for humane purposes.
B. Research
Through the doctoral program, successful candidates acquire new skills, an interest in the discovery of new knowledge, and the ability to carefully validate such knowledge. The research portion of the program includes:
- the history, development and critical examination of the various methods of logical thought and the application of these to the discovery of new knowledge;
- understanding the scientific method including its assumptions and implications;
- learning new techniques of research: laboratory, clinical, statistical, and other;
- developing an intellectual approach toward development and testing of hypotheses;
- conducting a piece of original research under the supervision of appropriate faculty.
C. Humanics Orientation
Springfield College is dedicated to the education of the whole person - spirit, mind, and body. The focus of education at Springfield College is not only imparting knowledge and the search for knowledge but also applying wisdom in the use of that knowledge in service to people. This implies:
- wide gauged sophistication of the student and not merely a narrow specialization in any given field;
- achievement of an optimal balance of knowledge, skill, attitude and purpose;
- attainment of a personal integration of thought, feeling, and action in terms of a philosophy of life.
The desired data stated above are not matters that can be fully measured by tests and examinations. In the doctoral program, there is an atmosphere that emphasizes these values and stimulates the student to achieve a personal system of values. One purpose of the doctoral preparation is to produce professional persons who add the goal of serving humankind to scholarly and scientific interests.
D. Accepted Standards
The doctoral program at Springfield College is distinctive in accordance with the overall objectives of the College and fully meets generally accepted standards for the highest professional attainment in graduate education in the United States.
The following sections of this document describe the specific requirements and procedures for the Ph.D., with specializations in exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology, and teaching and administration. The doctoral degree is awarded by the College, but the College must look to the faculty of the student’s field of specialization for high-level preparation in that field.
Admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physical Education Program
The objective of the Ph.D. program in Physical Education in harmony with the philosophy of the College is educating the whole person in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to others. It is concerned not only with imparting of knowledge and the search for knowledge but also with wisdom in the use of that knowledge in service to others. The Ph.D. program in Physical Education is designed to prepare individuals for positions in higher education in the areas of teaching and administration, exercise physiology, and/or sport and exercise psychology. Upon successful completion of the program, we expect individuals to be leaders in higher education in their chosen specialization.
Persons who wish to study toward the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physical Education degree at Springfield College must submit a formal application at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which they wish to enroll. Application forms may be obtained on line from Graduate Admissions.
The requirements for admission are as follows:
- Master’s degree with satisfactory record from an accredited institution. (Note: Students may apply into the PhD program but must have a minimum of 30 semester hours completed. The Master’s degree must be completed by the first year of admission in the doctoral program. Failure to complete this requirement would lead to suspension of all PhD coursework until the Master’s degree is conferred.
- Evidence of personal and professional qualities that show promise of outstanding educational, scholarly, and social leadership in the applicant’s chosen specialization.
- A personal interview, prior to acceptance, with the Program Coordinator of the applicant’s chosen specialization.
- Submission of GRE scores taken within five years of the date of the application.
- Official transcripts from all previous college/university work.
- 3.0 graduate GPA
- Three letters of recommendation - Recommendations should speak specifically to the candidate’s ability to succeed in the program and in the profession.
- A curriculum vita
- Students who have or will receive a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Springfield College are not eligible for the PhD without completing at minimum 30 graduate credits at another accredited institution of higher education.
International Applicants
Springfield College recognizes the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); International English Language Testing System (IELTS); Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB); and Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic as proof of English proficiency. Scores from other English language proficiency tests will be considered on a case by case basis.
Students who do not meet English language requirements may be eligible for a conditional acceptance. Students with a conditional acceptance are required to take English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes (which carry undergraduate credit), and may be awarded an unconditional offer upon successful completion of pre-approved ESOL classes, an acceptable score on an English language proficiency test, or upon recommendation from ESOL faculty.
More information regarding International applications can be obtained from the Doggett International Center’s homepage.
Doctoral Advisement for the Ph.D. Program
The process of advisement of doctoral students is as follows:
The department chair with consultation of the program coordinator, assigns each doctoral student to an academic advisor in his/her chosen specialization. The advisor is appointed during the first semester of the student’s attendance or not later than the completion by the student of nine semester hours of work. Once appointed, the advisor shall call a meeting with the student to discuss the student’s training and experience, strengths and weaknesses, and professional objectives. On the basis of this discussion, along with an evaluation of the student’s credentials and doctoral requirements, the advisor shall identify the specified requirements of the student’s doctoral program. A copy of this individualized program tracking sheet shall be given to the student, the Department Chair, Program Coordinator/Graduate Coordinator, and Registrar.The information from the individualized program tracking sheet will be included in the student’s degree audit which is the official program tracking record for the student.
General Program Requirements
The minimum residency requirement for the Ph.D. in Physical Education is one academic year in full-time graduate study at Springfield College. Residence for the master’s degree at Springfield College or elsewhere does not meet this requirement. Students are expected to complete the minimum number of semester hours identified in their specialization area. All work toward the Ph.D. in physical education must be completed within 10 years of admission. Academic credit accepted for the master’s degree may be counted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctorate provided it fits into the student’s program and falls within the acceptable time limit for doctoral credit. For specific information regarding time limits, please refer to the Time Limits section for specifics. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B) in all coursework. A grade of a C+ or lower on any 12 hours of graduate work will disqualify a student from the Ph.D. in physical education program.
Transfer of Credit
Graduate courses in which the student earned a grade of B or better from accredited institutions may be transferred and applied toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree provided that:
- Such work fits into the student’s doctoral program
- It falls within the acceptable time limit for doctoral credit or as otherwise approved with an extension of the default time period.
- When determining transfer credit from a student’s master program, credits will only be accepted if it is determined that they would be considered valid for the entire length of the ten year time period (please refer to time limits for the Ph.D.)
I. Doctor of Philosophy Degree with a Specialization in Teaching and Administration in Physical Educ
The Ph.D. program in Physical Education is designed to provide broad based preparation in the field of physical education and it offers students the opportunity to design a program of study to meet their educational goals. The intent of the program is to expose students to various sub-disciplines in the field from which they will build a specific area of research study. This preparation ensures a more holistic and inclusive view of physical education than is found in many programs where specialization in one area is the emphasis.
This approach to graduate education is in concert with the mission of the College, which advocates the education of the whole person in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to humanity. Graduates will have the necessary research expertise to continue as lifelong researchers and contributors to the body of knowledge in physical education. They will be prepared to teach in their research area as well as the various sub-disciplines at all educational levels. Graduates who have focused their studies in administration will be qualified to lead and develop programs in the private and public sectors. The completion of the program is viewed by the College as the first step taken by its graduates in assuming positions of leadership in the field of physical education.
Program of Study
The Ph.D. program in physical education, teaching and administration, consists of courses and learning experiences in the following areas:
Physical Education. This is the student’s field of professional specialization. A program of study provided by the physical education and health education, and exercise science and sport studies faculty will help the student attain a thorough preparation of high quality. The program includes course work in pedagogical content knowledge and issues in higher education designed to prepare Ph.D. students for entry to a higher education teaching career.
Research. Theory and practice in research are to include problems of logical and critical thinking, the scientific method, and techniques of research, as well as a piece of original research, the doctoral dissertation, conducted under faculty supervision. The dissertation is the crowning achievement of doctoral study. The problem selected should grow out of the candidate’s personal and professional interests. The dissertation may be an original contribution to knowledge or an original application of existing knowledge to the solution of a practical problem in the field.
General Education. Consistent with the Humanics philosophy, the educational program at Springfield College, both undergraduate and graduate, prepares students not only in their field of professional specialization, but also with liberal education, and personal growth and awareness of the surrounding social scene. Consequently, the program includes a series of non-professional courses as an integral part of the program to help the student develop as a sensitive and growing person, as a sophisticated citizen, and as an educator with wide interests and goals. A minimum of six semester hours of exclusively graduate (600-level) general education courses are designated specifically in the college offerings as “Core courses”.
Preparing Future Faculty Series. Modeled after the preparing future faculty program designed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, this series of coursework introduces students to academia; exposes students to the teaching, service, and scholarship responsibilities of faculty members; supports development of pedagogical skills and higher education settings; and aids the transition from doctoral student to faculty member.
Dissertation area. Where the general nature of the intended dissertation can be identified sufficiently early in a student’s program, course work and other registrations are recommended to enhance the student’s qualifications to conduct the dissertation.
Electives. Selection of electives provides effective support of the total Ph.D. program and results from consultation between the student and the advisor.
The actual number of semester hours is likely to be more than the minimum stated. Flexibility is encouraged to provide for the particular educational needs of each student. The requirements in each case will be determined not only on the extent of graduate credit accumulated, but with a view toward optimum preparation for the student in the intended field of service.
The allocation of semester hours of credit in the areas is as follows:
| S.H. |
Physical Education | 26-27 |
Research (including dissertation) | 32 |
Dissertation Area | 9 |
Preparing Future Faculty Series | 7 |
General Education | 6 |
Electives | 5-6 |
Minimum Total | 86 |
A. Physical Education Requirements (26-27 credits)
1. Teaching and Administration (11-12 credits)
a. Teaching (5-6 credits)
Select a minimum of two courses from the following:
b. Administration (6 credits)
Select a minimum of two courses from the following:
2. Applied Sciences (9 credits)
Select a minimum of three courses from the following:
3. Cognate Studies (6 credits)
Select a minimum of two courses from the following:
C. Preparing for Future Faculty Series (7 credits)
D. General Education (6 credits)
Select a minimum of 6 credits exclusively from the following graduate level general education courses:
E. Dissertation Area (9 credits)
Students select a total of 9 credits at the 600 level or above in consultation with their academic advisor from the AEXS, EDUC or PHED categories.
F. Electives (5-6 credits to total a minimum of 86 credits)
The actual number of semester hours is likely to be more than the minimum previously stated. Flexibility is encouraged in order to provide for the special and unique needs of each individual student as determined by the academic advisor and approved by the Program Coordinator. The requirements in each case will be determined, not only on the extent of graduate credit accumulated, but also in view of an optimum preparation for the student’s intended field of service. The entire doctoral program, including the areas of specialization will be oriented toward the development of the student in reciprocal relationship to the community from local to international levels.
II. Doctor of Philosophy Degree with a Specialization in Sport and Exercise Psychology
A doctorate in physical education in sport and exercise psychology serves to further illuminate the humanics philosophy of Springfield College. Integral to the philosophy is the integration of the spirit, mind, and body, the whole person, for leadership in service to humanity. Sport and exercise psychology is a sub-discipline of the sport sciences/physical education and as such provides the student an opportunity to examine the integrated mind/body responses in an exercise and sport context.
Students in the program would, then, gain an understanding of the scientific, sociological, psychological, and research bases of sport, as is necessary in working with athletes in a performance enhancement context. A Ph.D. degree is suggested for certification in the field. Upon successful completion of the program, students may seek certification through the organizations for sport psychology, The Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), in conjunction with the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), and the American Psychology Association (APA).
Graduates of the sport and exercise psychology Ph.D. program will be prepared to teach sport and exercise psychology at all educational levels and teach in the areas of sociology and philosophy of sport. Graduates will be prepared to contribute to the current knowledge base of the field by continuing research in sport and exercise psychology, and will be qualified to work as a sport psychology consultant at all levels for athletes, athletic departments, coaches, exercise and fitness programs, and national governing bodies (NGB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as well as the USOC.
Program of Study
Sport and Exercise Psychology. This is the student’s field of professional specialization. Course work in sport and exercise psychology, applied sport and exercise psychology, sport psychometrics, and special seminars in sport and exercise psychology is included in the student’s program of study.
Related Course Work. Course requirements are to support and supplement the specialization in sport and exercise psychology and include, but are not limited to, course work related to philosophy, sociology, physiology of sport, motor learning and control, motor development, psychopathology, and issues and techniques in counseling.
Research. Theory and practice in research are to include problems of logical thinking, the scientific method, and techniques of research, as well as original research, the doctoral dissertation, conducted under faculty supervision. The dissertation is the capstone experience of doctoral study. The problem selected to study should grow out of the candidate’s personal and professional interests. The dissertation may be an original contribution to knowledge or an original application of existing knowledge to the solution of a practical problem in the field.
Preparing Future Faculty Series. Modeled after the preparing future faculty program designed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, this series of coursework introduces students to academia; exposes students to the teaching, service, and scholarship responsibilities of faculty members; supports development of pedagogical skills and higher education settings; and aids the transition from doctoral student to faculty member.
General Education. Consistent with its philosophy of education, Springfield College is concerned in the entire educational program, both undergraduate and graduate, not only with a student’s thorough preparation in the field of professional specialization, but also with liberal education, personal growth, and awareness of the surrounding society. Consequently, a series of nonprofessional courses is included as an integral part of the program of the Ph.D. student to help in the attainment of breadth in development as a sensitive and growing individual, as a sophisticated, contributing citizen, and as an educator with wide interests and goals.
Electives. Selection of electives provides effective support of the total Ph.D. program and results from consultation between the student and the advisor.
The allocation of semester hours of credit in the areas is as follows:
| S.H. |
Sport and Exercise Psychology | 16 |
Related course work | 27 |
Research (including dissertation) | 34 |
Preparing Future Faculty Series | 7 |
General Education | 6 |
Electives | |
Minimum Total | 90 |
A. Sport and Exercise Psychology Requirements (16 credits)
B. Related Coursework (27 credits)
D. Preparing Future Faculty Series (7 credits)
E. General Education (6 credits)
Select a minimum of 6 credits from the following courses:
F. Electives (to total a minimum of 90 credits)
The actual number of semester hours is likely to be more than the minimum previously stated. Flexibility is encouraged in order to provide for the special and unique needs of each individual student as determined by the academic advisor and approved by the Program Coordinator. The requirements in each case will be determined, not only on the extent of graduate credit accumulated, but also in view of an optimum preparation for the student’s intended field of service. The entire doctoral program, including the areas of specialization will be oriented toward the development of the student in reciprocal relationship to the community from local to international levels.
III. Doctor of Philosophy Degree with a specialization in Exercise Physiology
From the earliest days following its founding in 1885, Springfield College has been known worldwide as a pioneer in physical education teaching and scholarship. The specialization in exercise physiology at the doctoral level is greatly influenced by such legendary faculty members as Dr. Peter Karpovich, an eminent scholar in exercise physiology and co-founder of the American College of Sports Medicine. Dr. Karpovich taught at the college from 1927 to 1961 and was internationally recognized for his innovative physiological research.
The Ph.D. program with a specialization in exercise physiology provides students with knowledge in theory and laboratory techniques and teaches students how to further develop and promote research skills. The program offers a personalized approach to graduate education, with opportunity for self-directed research eligible for presentation to the American College of Sports Medicine and publication in peer reviewed journals.
Program of Study
Exercise Physiology. This is the student’s field of professional specialization. Course work in exercise physiology, biochemistry, cardiopulmonary physiology and exercise, neuromuscular physiology and exercise, environmental physiology, medical physiology, and graded exercise testing and electrocardiography is included in the student’s program of study.
Related Course work. Course requirements are included to support and supplement the specialization in exercise physiology and include, but are not limited to, cell and molecular biology, cellular physiology, gross anatomy, philosophy of sport, sociology of sport, sport psychology, and biomechanics.
Research. Theory and practice in research are to include problems of logical thinking, the scientific method, and techniques of research, as well as a piece of original research, the doctoral dissertation, conducted under faculty supervision. The dissertation is the crowning achievement of doctoral study. The problem selected should grow out of the candidate’s personal and professional interests. The dissertation may be an original contribution to knowledge or an original application of existing knowledge to the solution of a practical problem in the field.
Preparing Future Faculty Series. Modeled after the preparing future faculty program designed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, this series of coursework introduces students to academia; exposes students to the teaching, service, and scholarship responsibilities of faculty members; supports development of pedagogical skills and higher education settings; and aids the transition from doctoral student to faculty member.
Electives. Selection of electives provides effective support of the total Ph.D. program and results from consultation between the student and the advisory committee.
The allocation of semester hours of credit in the areas is as follows:
| S.H. |
Exercise Physiology | 21 |
Research (including dissertation) | 29 |
Related Course Work | 25 |
Preparing Future Faculty | 7 |
Electives | 9 |
Minimum Total | 86 |
A. Exercise Physiology Requirements (21 credits)
C. Related Coursework (25 credits)
D. Preparing Future Faculty (7 credits)
E. Electives (to total a minimum of 86 credits)
The actual number of semester hours is likely to be more than the minimum previously stated. Flexibility is encouraged in order to provide for the special and unique needs of each individual student as determined by the academic advisor and approved by the Program Coordinator. The requirements in each case will be determined, not only on the extent of graduate credit accumulated, but also in view of an optimum preparation for the student’s intended field of service. The entire doctoral program, including the areas of specialization will be oriented toward the development of the student in reciprocal relationship to the community from local to international levels.
Time Limits for the Ph.D.
In view of the present rate of expansion of knowledge and the general desirability of completing the requirements for the Ph.D. within a definite period of time, the following time limitation will be observed:
The default time period for a PhD in Physical Education is ten years from the date of acceptance into the program.
When determining transfer credit from a student’s master program, credits will only be accepted if it is determine that they would be considered valid for the entire length of the ten year time limitIf credit is accepted toward the doctoral program that would only be considered valid for a period of time less than the ten years, then the time period should be adjusted accordingly.
Graduate academic work, to be given full credit toward the requirements for the Ph.D., whether in transfer or completed in residence, must have been secured within ten years prior to the date of one’s candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. In special circumstances, credit for work completed beyond the ten-year limit will be recognized, but only upon special recommendation of the student’s advisor and approval by the Program Coordinator/Graduate Coordinator.
All requirements for the Ph.D. degree, including the dissertation must be completed within a period of five years after the student has passed the qualifying examinations and has been matriculated as a candidate for the degree. Failure to complete the requirements within the time limit stated above will mean that the student will be expected to repeat the qualifying examination in order to reestablish candidacy. Following requalification, a maximum of three years of additional candidacy is prescribed. A student who does not complete all requirements by the end of this three-year period is subject to dismissal from the doctoral program.
Plagiarism is defined as the appropriation of, and use as one’s own, the writings and ideas of another. Intent to deceive does not have to be present for plagiarism to occur. Students should be cautious when “borrowing” material from other sources. Rewording (paraphrasing) of an author’s ideas does not absolve the student from giving credit and making the appropriate citation. Students who plagiarize are subject to dismissal from the graduate program.
Per APA Rule 6.02 “Self-plagiarism refers to the practice of presenting one’s own previously published work as though it were new” (p. 170). “The core of the new document must constitute an original contribution to knowledge, and only the amount of previously published material necessary to understand that contribution should be included, primarily in the discussion of theory and methodology” (p. 16). “Avoid charges of self-plagiarism by familiarizing yourself with the ethical standards regarding duplicate publication and the legal standards of fair use (see also section 1.10)” p. 170.