Requirements are subject to change.
Although some students clearly define their academic and career direction early in their college experience, others may be less certain about their career goals and, therefore, not ready to declare a major. In keeping with its commitment to the philosophy of humanics, Springfield College offers an innovative solution for new students who are undecided.
The undeclared major gives a student time to adjust to the College’s academic environment and to explore its many majors with the close assistance of a special academic advisor. When ready, students elect a more specific major; most decide on a major by the end of the first year of study.
Students in the undeclared major focus primarily on courses which will fulfill General Education categories. Undeclared majors are also required to take:
First-Year Seminar, a three semester hour course designed to help students make a successful transition to the College environment. Study skills, time management, getting to know the campus, leadership skills, and developing the academic advisor/advisee relationship are emphasized. This course also assists students in exploring major and career options and how those options relate to students’ interests, values, and skills.
Students in the undeclared major also have the opportunity to take courses in a variety of disciplines, for example, Introduction to Business or Principles of Rehabilitation. Taking an exploratory course in another major can help a student discover new options or narrow down his or her choices.
For more information about the undeclared major, contact Professor Judy Hartling at (413) 748-3379 or the Admissions Office at (800) 343-1257.