Nov 02, 2024  
2019-2020 Springfield College Catalog 
2019-2020 Springfield College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

PHED 236 - Elementary Physical Education Methods and Pre-Practicum: Grades K-2

This one-half semester course is designed to help second-year physical education teacherpreparation students further theirpedagogical content knowledge and tointroduce principles of curriculumdevelopment and liability issues for gradespre-K through 12. Students applydevelopmentally appropriate practices inschool-based laboratory settings. Module 1 is dedicated to preparation for teaching pre-K - 2nd grade students. Students must earn a C or better in PHED 236 in order to matriculate.

Prerequisites & Notes
PHED 102 - Instructional Strategies in Physical Education 

MOSK 140 - Skill Themes and Movement Concepts 


MOST 105 - Lifespan Motor Development 

Credits: 1.5