Sep 29, 2024  
2024-2025 Springfield College Catalog 
2024-2025 Springfield College Catalog

Incomplete and Credit Pending Grades

Incomplete Grades

An Incomplete (I) grade can be given in cases where exceptional circumstances beyond a student’s control (such as active military service, incapacitating illness or a death in the family) prevent their ability to complete the outstanding requirements of a course in which they have completed the majority of the coursework (e.g., 75 percent or more) with a passing grade. The decision to grant an Incomplete grade is at the sole discretion of the instructor. Incomplete grades must be assigned by the instructor in the grading portlet during the final grade submission window.

When an Incomplete grade is assigned, a completed Incomplete Grade Contract must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within two weeks of the final grade submission deadline for the respective term. The contract will specify the student’s alternate grade (e.g., their current grade in the course at the time of the contract), a summary of all outstanding requirements, and the deadline for resolving the incomplete.  An incomplete deadline can be no later than the final grade submission deadline of the following semester.  Once processed, the grade is converted from Incomplete (I) to Incomplete Contract (IC). 

Upon resolution of the incomplete, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade Form to the Registrar’s Office.  In cases where no Change of Grade Form is submitted by that established deadline date, the Incomplete Contract (IC) grade is converted to the alternate grade that was designated by the instructor on the Incomplete Grade Contract, except in cases where active military service commitments prevent the student from resolving their incomplete.  In those cases, the Incomplete Contract (IC) grade will be converted to a Withdrawal - Active Duty (WA) grade.  If no alternate grade is provided on the Incomplete Grade Contract, a failure grade (F) is assigned. 

Credit Pending Grade

A Credit Pending (CP) grade is assigned with advanced approval by the Department Chairperson and the Registrar in cases where a course knowingly extends beyond the end of the semester. Eligible courses can include internships, practicums, independent studies, fieldwork, dissertation, thesis, and/or research courses, and any course that supports an event that does fall in the corresponding semester (ex. SMRT 116: Event Management and Promotions supporting the Hoophall Classic each January). 

Permanent Incomplete Grade

All students who withdraw from the College or any graduate student whose degree completion period expires with one or more Incomplete or Credit Pending grades (e.g.,. I, IC, IE, or CP grades) on their record will have those grades converted to a Permanent Incomplete (PI), except in cases where active military service commitments prevent the student from resolving their incomplete.  In those cases, the Incomplete Contract (IC) grade will be converted to a Withdrawal - Active Duty (WA) grade.  

A permanent incomplete is considered final with no opportunity to be changed in the future. Students who withdraw and later apply for readmission to the College would need to retake any course considered a Permanent Incomplete and earn a passing grade in order to earn credit for it.