Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Springfield College Catalog 
2020-2021 Springfield College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • ENGL 359 - The Contemporary Novel

    This course seeks to investigate the novel from the point where traditional courses in American and European literature terminate. Current novels are read and discussed in an effort to evaluate their literary merit, popularity, and contribution to modern culture.

    Credits: 3

  • ENGL 362 - Celtic Literature

    This course explores modern and contemporary Irish, Welsh, and Scottish literary traditions, with attention to the mythological and political backgrounds of the literature. Particular emphasis is given to the Irish Literary Renaissance and such writers as Yeats, J.M. Synge, James Joyce, Flann O’Brien, and Frank O’Conner.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ENGL 114 - College Writing II  


    ENGL 160 - Introduction to Literary Studies  

    Credits: 3

  • ENGL 370 - Film Genre

    Each semester it is offered, this course focuses on a specific film genre such as     
    athlete in film, crime film, women in film, science fiction film, or film comedy.  Films 
    are analyzed in terms of character, theme, symbol, structure, and unique cinematic 
    techniques.  It is suggested, but not required, that students take ENGL 343, Film  
    as Narrative Art, prior to ENGL 370. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    This course may be repeated (up to a total of 9credit hours) if different genre topics areselected.

    ENGL 114 - College Writing II   


    ENGL 160 - Introduction to Literary Studies  

    Credits: 3

  • ENGL 388 - Special Topics in Narrative Film

    Each semester it is offered, this course focuses on a specific film genre such as the war film, film comedy, or the western. Films are analyzed in terms of character, theme symbol, structure, and unique cinematic techniques. It is suggested, but not required, that students take ENGL 343 Film as a Narrative Art, prior to 388. This course may be taken for credit more than one time if different genre topics are selected.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ENGL 114 - College Writing II  


    ENGL 160 - Introduction to Literary Studies  

    Credits: 3

  • ENGL 428 - Modern Drama

    This course explores modern trends in the development of dramatic literature, with emphasis on Realism and Theatricalism.

    Credits: 3

  • ENGL 467 - Shakespeare

    This course is an in-depth study of the works of William Shakespeare.  Students analyze selected tragedies, comedies, histories, romances and/or lyric poems in a variety of historical and cultural contexts, using different theoretical approaches.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ENGL 261 - British Literature I 


    ENGL 262 - British Literature II 

    This course is geared for junior and seniorENGL and COSJ majors.

    Credits: 3

  • ENGL 482 - Seminar

    Selected topics in British or American literature are assigned. The subject of the seminar may vary from year to year.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior or Senior English majors, American Studies majors, or English minors.

    Credits: 3

  • ENGL 488 - Special Topics


    Credits: 3

English for Speakers of Other Languages

  • ESOL 250 - ESOL Reading and Writing I-Advanced

    This is an advanced level reading a writing course designed for students whose native language is not English. It focuses on developing reading and writing skills to enable them to function effectively in an academic setting. Students should be placed in ESOL 250 through the placement exam or with the recommendation of an ESOL instructor. (Fall only) .

    Credits: 3

  • ESOL 251 - ESOL Speaking and Listening-Advanced

    This is an advanced speaking and listening course designed for students whose native language is not English. It focuses on developing the speaking and listening skills to enable them to function effectively in an academic setting. Students should be placed in ESOL 251 through the placement exam or with the recommendtion of an ESOL instructor. (Fall only)

    Credits: 3

  • ESOL 260 - ESOL Reading and Writing II-Advanced

    This is an advanced level reading a writing course designed for students whose native language is not English. It focuses on developing reading and writing skills to enable them to function effectively in an academic setting. Students should be placed in ESOL 260 through the placement exam or with the recommendation of an ESOL instructor. (Spring only)

    Credits: 3

  • ESOL 261 - ESOL Speaking and Listening-Advanced

    This is an advanced speaking and listening course designed for students whose native language is not English. It focuses on developing the speaking and listening skills to enable them to function effectively in an academic setting. Students should be placed in ESOL 251 through the placement exam or with the recommendation of an ESOL instructor. (Spring only)

    Credits: 3

  • ESOL 288 - Special Topics

    Three special topics courses are offered each semester. Topics may include TOEFL preparation, study skills, vocabulary development, pronunciation, or advanced grammar topics.

    Credits: 1

Environmental Science

  • ENVS 120 - Foundations of Sustainability

    Sustainability is an interdisciplinary field that examines the interrelated environmental, economic, social and technological problems facing humans at local, regional and global scales. This course takes a scientific approach to understanding sustainability: providing a foundation of the concepts, principles and tools from diverse fields that contribute to understanding and responding to problems such as climate change, environmental degradation, and social inequalities. Introducing perspectives from the natural and social sciences, arts and humanities, and professional disciplines, it explores how their interconnection increases the prospects for creating a more sustainable future.

    Credits: 3

  • ENVS 215 - Environmental Geology

    Environmental Geology is an introductory course examines broad range of topics, all relatedby theinteractions between geological processes and society. Class begins with an overview of our physical environment, covering such topics as: rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, weathering and erosion, and climate trends. The class continues by focusing on such topics as geologic hazards, utilization of natural resources, environmental management, and regulatory processes.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Corequisite: ENVS 216 - Environmental Geology Laboratory  

    Credits: 4

  • ENVS 240 - Hydrology

    Hydrology is the study of water on and below the surface of the Earth.  Hydrology studies the properties of water and movement of water through the Earth’s spheres and its relationship with the living and nonliving environment.  Topics include, but are not limited to: surface and groundwater hydrology; watershed dynamics; and ecosystem hydrology.  The study of Hydrology is fundamental to the study of the environment.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ENVS 215 - Environmental Geology  

    MATH 115 - College Algebra  

    Credits: 4

  • ENVS 350 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    This course provides an introduction to the theory and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This class includes the three components of GIS: data, analysis, and communication.  Topics covered include data sources, data collection, data analysis techniques, and communication through cartography.  The course balances theoretical and applied material, enabling students to apply knowledge of GIS in the solution of real-world problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIOL 260 BIOL 260 - General Ecology  

    BIOL 261 BIOL 261 - General Ecology Laboratory  

    Credits: 3

  • ENVS 486 - Environmental Science Internship

    The internship program is designed to help you connect your academic studies to practical applications by offering academic credit for environmentally-focused work experience. A well-designed internship will allow you to develop your professional skills, gain hands-on experience, evaluate career opportunities, and begin building a professional network. Academic credit is dependent upon the number of hours spent at the internship site.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ENVS majors only

    Credits: 1-3


  • FINC 486 - Finance Internship

    The internship highlights academic study with a focus in various areas of finance. It offers students the opportunity to test classroom theory, align career goals, develop a professional outlook, proof communication skills, and deepen the understanding of the functions of finance in a business setting. Academic credit is dependent upon the number of hours spent at the internship site. Courses for junior and senior business majors only.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    SPCO 220 - Internship Preparation Seminar  

    Credits: 1-6


  • FREN 103 - Cultures of France and Francophone World

    This course presents selected aspects of French culture through readings, and especially through the viewing of films.  The aim is for students to visualize a culture before examining it. Students discuss selected topics pertinent to the French civilization that are also relevant to them. In addition, students acquaint themselves with French-speaking countries by embarking on an intellectual voyage through discussions of each movie and each literary work, through individual research, and oral presentation.

    Credits: 3

  • FREN 111 - Elementary French I

    This course is offered to students with no experience of the French language. Students are immersed in all the complexity of spoken French and are brought to speak with confidence and good pronunciation in familiar situations. By means of this immersion method, students use their creativity and coping skills to communicate and to reflect on the differing values in a foreign culture.

    Credits: 3

  • FREN 112 - Elementary French II

    This course is for students with some experience of the French language. As in French 111, students are immersed in French by means of global media. Conversation skills are stressed. Students use their creativity and coping skills to communicate. They also study selected aspects of French culture and develop awareness of the differing values in another culture.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    FREN 111 - Elementary French I  


    the successful completion of two years of French at the secondary school level.

    Credits: 3

  • FREN 113 - Conversational French: Ecouter, Parler, Aimer

    This French conversation course is for students with some experience of the French language.  Students are immersed in French by means of global media; they hone their speaking skills and their accent in role playing.  As they use their creativity and and coping skills to communicate; students also learn selective aspects of French culture and develop awareness of the differing values in another culture.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    FREN 111 - Elementary French I  


    2+ years of French at the Secondary School level.

    Credits: 3

  • FREN 211 - Intermediate French I

    This course focuses on the practical and contemporary aspects of the French language by means of technology and multimedia, thus reinforcing the socio-cultural frameworks of language. Conversation skills are emphasized while students surf the net, watch movies, read poetry, sing songs, prepare French recipes, and make phone calls.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    FREN 112 - Elementary French II  


    the successful completion of three years of French at the secondary school level.

    Credits: 3

  • FREN 212 - Intermediate French II

    This course emphasizes the advantages of learning a foreign language as a means of communication and as the key to a different culture. Students gain a better understanding of how the French Language works in real life. The conversational method of the course stresses both verbal and non-verbal communication, gestures, looks, attitudes, behavior, intonation, i.e., cultural conventions and assumptions. Toward this goal, multimedia and global communication capacities through technology are used to expose students to French in its natural form.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    FREN 112 - Elementary French II  with a B+ average

    FREN 211 - Intermediate French I  


    4 years of French at the Secondary School Level, or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3


  • GEOG 200 - World Regional Geography

    This is a basic introductory course in geography designed to develop an understanding and perspective of the major regions of the world.

    Credits: 3

  • GEOG 210 - Cultural Geography

    This course introduces students to cultural geography, the study of how various aspects of culture are expressed spatially.  Global patterns of population, economic            
    organization, forms of government, religion, language and development are surveyed.

    Credits: 3

Health Care Management

  • HCMT 486 - Health Care Management Internship

    The internship highlights academic study with a focus in various areas of health care management. It offers students the opportunity to test classroom theory, align career goals, develop a professional outlook, proof communication skills, and deepen the understanding of the functions of health caremanagement in a business setting. Academic credit is dependent upon the number of hours spent at the internship site. Courses for junior and senior business majors only.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    SPCO 220 - Internship Preparation Seminar  

    Credits: 1-6

Health Promotion

  • HLTH 100 - Wellness: A Way of Life

    This course provides students with a basic knowledge and practice of wellness and the importance of lifelong healthful living.   Students are acquainted with such topics as healthy behavior change, stress management, mental health, nutrition and weight management, sexuality, relationships, addictions and physical fitness and activity.  Emphasis is placed on decision-making and personal responsibility for one’s own health.  The class is comprised of lecture and lab components.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 101 - Physical Health and Wellness

    This course provides students with a basic knowledge and practice of physical health and wellness the importance of lifelong healthful living. Students are acquainted with such topics as physical health and fitness, healthy behavior change, stress management, nutrition, weight management, and relationships. The classes comprise a lecture and lab components.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 210 - Consumer and Environmental Health

    This course aids prospective health education majors, as well as interested student consumers, in attaining a better understanding of individual human rights in consumer health from conception until death and in realizing a maximum return for their money and effort spent in the pursuit of optimum wellness.  Students will examine the epidemiology and pathology of major environmental diseases and the attendant psycho-socio-economic implications.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 260 - Drugs and Society

    This course provides students with a basic knowledge of current drug use and the adverse effects of drug misuse and abuse. The use and misuse of drugs are examined from physiological, psychological, sociological, and intellectual perspectives. This course provides students with an opportunity to examine the various components and issues of drug use, misuse, and abuse in society today.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 304 - Health Education Methods and Pre-Practicum: PreK-12

    The course is designed to help dually enrolled physical education/health education teacher preparation students further their pedagogical content knowledge and to introduce principles of curriculum development and instruction for grades pre-K through 12.  Students will apply and practice developmentally appropriate activities in school-based laboratory settings.  The primary focus will be to extend pre-service teacher knowledge of appropriate practices for planning, teaching, and evaluating as that knowledge relates to children receiving instruction in Elementary and Secondary Health Education. Students must earn a ‘C’ or better in HLTH 304 in order to matriculate for the practicum experiences.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 320 - Death and Dying, Life and Living

    This course explores a range of contemporary, historical, cross-cultural, and interdisciplinary perspectives on death and dying. Students probe the many ways in which our attitudes toward death and dying influence our experiences of life and living, focusing on the relationship between the individual and the sociocultural context.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 343 - Community Health Practices

    This course helps students become effective community health educators by increasing knowledge in community health areas and enhancing individual health skills and competencies essential to this career field. This course also provides an overview of the organization, role, and structure of community health agencies, with a specific emphasis on the health education services.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 355 - Human Sexuality

    This course explores many aspects of sexuality with a focus on how one develops as a healthy sexual being. Students will explore the personal, social and cultural contexts of sexuality. Students will examine and discuss the broad range of human sexual expression including, but not limited to, the formation of sexual attitudes and myths, the physiology of human sexual systems, psychological aspects of sex and gender roles, love and relationships, sexual minorities, the development of healthy sexual behavior, and the role of sexuality in day-to-day interactions among individuals.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 360 - Violence and Bullying/Prevention and Intervention

    This course is designed to improve student’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in relation to interpersonal violence and bullying in their lives and the lives of others.  The course will focus on violent and bullying behavior as it applies to an individual’s overall health and wellness.  Participants will practice strategies to help them respond and react appropriately to conflicts, bullying, aggression, and violence in their lives. Various forms violence and bullying will be explored, including, but not limited to relationship violence, gang violence, cyberbullying, workplace bullying, microagression and suicide. The course offers a foundation for both scholarship and practice regarding identification of violent and bullying behaviors, as well as prevention and intervention in various settings; home, school, workplace and community.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 365 - The Dynamics of PsychoSocial Health Issues

    The purpose of this course is to allow students to study the effects of attitudes, emotions and relationships on health.  Students will examine the impact the mind has on the body and how attitudes and emotions directly affect an individual’s well-being. Students will explore a number of psychosocial health issues and the impact these issues have on health, including, but not limited to stress, fear, laughter, relationships, grief, joy, anger, and self-esteem. Students will practice skills like stress and anger management techniques, conflict resolution, communication skills, and self-care strategies to assist them in improving their own health and their relationships with others.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 386 - Pre-Practicum in Health/Family and Consumer Science PreK-8

    This is a supervised pre-practicum in grades PreK-8 of a public school that includes observation and participation in the work of the school. This course provides the student with exposure to various teaching methods and learning experiences.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HLTH 304 - Health Education Methods and Pre-Practicum: PreK-12  with a grade of ‘C’ or better.


    Student must be an official candidate for teacher licensure.

    Credits: 2

  • HLTH 387 - Pre-Practicum in Health/Family and Consumer Science 5-12

    This is a supervised pre-practicum in grades 5-12 of a public school that includes        
    observation and participation in the work of the school.  This course provides the student with exposure to various teaching methods and learning experiences.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HLTH 304 - Health Education Methods and Pre-Practicum: PreK-12  with a grade of ‘C’ or better. 


    Student must be an official candidate for teacher licensure.

    Credits: 2

  • HLTH 417 - Organization, Administration, and Assessment for the School Health Program

    This course examines administrative relationships, procedures, and assessment techniques involved in the conduct of school health programs. Areas of study include: general policies, services and delivery systems, environment, reliability, personnel duties, curriculum development, and instruction. An emphasis on aligning program objectives and assessment strategies with the current Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Education Frameworks (MCHEF) will comprise a significant segment of required assignments.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 425 - Human Disease and Health Promotion

    This course examines a range of contemporary health and disease challenges for the 21st Century. Students examine the epidemiology and pathology of common diseases and the attendant psychosocial implications. Disease prevention and control are discussed through the lens of health promotion.  According to the World Health Organization (1986), “Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and determinants, and thereby improve their health”.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior or Senior Status

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 450 - Workshop in Family and Consumer Sciences

    Workshop in family and consumer sciences education prepares students to teach young people and train them for family life, work life, and careers in family and consumer sciences. The course will provide an opportunity for students to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors in the critical areas of FA CS, including, but not limited to; promoting optimal nutrition and wellness across the life span, managing resources to meet the material needs of individuals and families, balancing personal, home, family, and work lives, using critical and creative thinking skills to address problems in diverse family, community, and work environments, and functioning as providers and consumers of goods and services. Students must earn a ‘B’ or better in HLTH 450 in order to matriculate for the practicum experiences.

    Credits: 1-3

  • HLTH 484 - Health/Family and Consumer Science (PreK-8) Practicum and Seminar

    This culminating experience gives teacher candidates the opportunity to plan, organize, and teach elementary/middle school health/family & consumer science under the direct supervision of a qualified supervising practitioner and program supervisor.  The experience includes between 150-225 clock hours, depending on the number of registered credits. A minimum of 150 clock hours, grades PreK-8, is required for those seeking licensure as a Health/Family & Consumer Science teacher (All levels).  A seminar taught by Springfield College faculty is included.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    All standards for practicum placement must be met including passing all required MTELs.

    Credits: 4-6

  • HLTH 485 - Health/Family and Consumer Science (5-12) Practicum and Seminar

    This culminating experience gives teacher candidates the opportunity to plan, organize, and teach secondary health/family & consumer science under the direct supervision of a qualified supervising practitioner and program supervisor.  The experience includes between 150-225 clock hours, depending on the number of registered credits. A minimum of 150 clock hours, grades 5-12, is required for those seeking licensure as a Health/Family & Consumer Science teacher (All levels).  A seminar taught by Springfield College faculty is included.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    All standards for practicum placement must be met including passing all required MTELs.

    Credits: 4-6

  • HLTH 487 - Fieldwork in Health Promotion

    The fieldwork experience in health promotion gives students the opportunity to apply theory and knowledge learned in the classroom to the work situation through participation in a health organization’s daily activities. Students learn how to identify health needs of individuals and groups, and how to plan, coordinate and implement health education activities.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Students must have successfully achieved advanced standing in the Health Promotion major.  In addition, students must meet with their faculty supervisor to discuss planning information and selection of an appropriate agency, prepare a resume to present to the agency supervisor at the time of the interview (it is recommended that the resume be shared with the faculty supervisor first), and familiarize themselves with the selected agency and then contact the selected agency to arrange for an interview.

    Credits: 6-12

  • HLTH 488 - Special Topics in Health Studies

    This course gives prospective classroom professionals an opportunity to study the special health issues and problems that arise in assisting students to change lifestyles or cope with special health needs. Through this course, students are better able to apply the communication and interpersonal skills necessary for promoting health and wellness.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 505 - Curriculum Construction in Health Education

    This course analyzes the essential components of and procedures for the development of a written standards-based/data-driven pre-K-12 comprehensive health education or interdisciplinary  (health education & physical education) curriculum.  Using the National Health Standards and the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Frameworks, students will design and write a standards-based/data-driven curriculum document geared to a specific grade level (preK-12).  Opportunity for interfacing physical education and health education instruction into a coherent interdisciplinary or cross-curricular written curriculums is often the typical instructional delivery model in grades preK-12, will be provided as one option for designing and developing a written curriculum document.  The importance of parental involvement in the delivery of meaningful and age-appropriate health or interdisciplinary curricular materials will be showcased as students enrolled in this course will evaluate the impact parenting roles and responsibilities have on strengthening the well-being of individuals and families via well-designed health instructional materials.  A variety of assessment tools and techniques will be explored completing the connection among instruction, curriculum, and evaluation.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 610 - Issues in Public Health and Health Promotion

    Contemporary public health issues are examined using a health promotion perspective. Recommendations forming the core of public health initiatives are analyzed regarding their rationale, structure, and function in promoting health and preventing disease. Current national goals and objectives for health promotion and disease prevention are covered. Issues in the interpretation of literature, public health recommendations, and principles and strategies for health behaviors are discussed. Strategies to pursue careers in health promotion and are examined.

    Credits: 3

Health Science

  • HSCI 101 - Introduction to Health Care

    Students in this course learn about the scope and domain of practice of various healthcare fields and explore the roles and relationships of health professionals within the U.S. healthcare system. Discussion and assignments address both the broader context of healthcare services and individual students’ experiences and interests. Students explore and develop plans for their own healthcare education and careers.

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 201 - Introduction to Health Care Ethics

    Health care ethics presents some of the most intriguing and perplexing issues facing the country today.  This course introduces and explores issues such as scarce health care resources; the relationship between patient and health caregiver; experimentation with human subjects; social justice and the right to health care; assisted reproductive technologies; and euthanasia and assisted suicide.  We will discuss issues from the standpoint of different kinds of patients, medical professionals, and citizens who shape policy in a democrat ice society.  Ethical theories and concepts will be stressed.

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 240 - Principles of Epidemiology

    Epidemiology involves studying the distribution and causes or disease at the population level. This course is an introduction to the basic principles and methods of epidemiology, including study design concepts, quantitative methods, and critical thinking skills relating to the study of infectious and chronic disease. Students learn how epidemiologic principles and methods applied in the fields of health care and public health, and are introduced to the skills needed to evaluate the strengths and limitations of epidemiologic methods and to interpret the results of epidemiologic studies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSCI 225 - Biostatistics  


    MATH 215 - Probability and Statistics  


    PSYC 211 - Introduction to Statistics  

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 310 - Genetics, Health and Behavior

    Students in this course learn about the scope and domain of practice of various healthcare fields and explore the roles and relationships of health professionals within the U.S. healthcare system. Discussion and assignments address both the broader context of healthcare services and individual students’ experiences and interests. Students explore and develop plans for their own healthcare education and careers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSCI 260 - Human Disease and Chronic Illness  

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 380 - Special Topics in Health Science

    By its nature, this course will be an offering where the topic will be different for each student. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior and Senior Health Science-General Studies students only and permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 384 - Practicum in Health Science

    This course is an individually contracted, practical experience under professional supervision in a Health Sciences setting.  It is intended to assist the student in exploring and confirming career goals.  Students engage in forty-five to fifty clock hours of supervised practicum per semester hour of credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Health Science-General Studies majors only.

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 411 - Cultural Competency for Health Professionals

    This course provides students with an exploration of cultural diversity as it relates to health professionals. Issues related to race, class, gender, age, sexual orientation and disability are examined. Emphasis is on gaining cultural self-awareness as well as on developing the skills necessary to build effective professional relationships with diverse individuals and groups.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSCI 201 - Introduction to Health Care Ethics   

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 420 - Evidence-Based Health Care

    In recent decades, health care delivery has moved to an evidence-based model, whereby health care providers and policy makers are expected to make clinical decisions that are informed by research. However, despite its widespread acceptance as a mechanism for rational decision making, evidence-based healthcare remains in many ways an ideal rather than a reality. In this course, students critically evaluate health research with the goal of identifying effective treatment and prevention strategies, and learn to recognize and overcome the barriers that health professionals face in effectively incorporating research evidence into their clinical decision making.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSCI 240 - Principles of Epidemiology   

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 482 - Senior Capstone in Health Science

    This is a capstone course for seniors enrolled in the Health Science major, the Rehabilitation and Disability Studies major, or the Communication Disorders major. Students in this course explore and research health-related issues in their field of study. The course culminates with students presenting a research-based project.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSCI 320 - Health Assessment  

    Senior class standing with a minimum of 90 credit hours completed. This course is open to students in the Health Science, Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, and Communication Disorders majors.

    Credits: 3

  • HSCI 494 - Research Seminar in Health Science

    This writing intensive course gives students the opportunity to design a feasible student-led research project related to the fields of health care or rehabilitation. Students learn to generate a compelling research question and hypothesis, and to develop a scientific research proposal informed by existing research. Students also learn strageies to understand and communicate scientific infromation effectively.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSCI 320 - Health Assessment  


    HSCI 240 - Principles of Epidemiology  

    Credits: 3

  • PUBH 130 - Introduction to Public Health

    This course introduces students to the population health approach to public health and describes a range of options for intervention to promote health and prevent disease. Topics include the history of public health, uses of health information, health risk, and the frequency of health problems, health screening, health promotion, a review of the U.S. public health system, the role of government in both public and preventative health, the comparison of U.S. health policy with other countries.

    Credits: 3

  • PUBH 460 - Health Law

    The health sciences student is exposed to the legal issues they are likely to face inthe delivery of health care, health care practice, and interactions with health care organizations. The further purpose is to help students understand how the legal system functions and how it affects the delivery of health care. The sources of laws, rules, and the legal process are examined. The student is also introduced to current legal issues in health care and the skills to analyze these issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PUBH 130 - Introduction to Public Health  

    Credits: 3

  • PUBH 470 - Global Health

    This course joins the main concepts of the public health field to the critical links between global health and social and economic development. Students also review the burden of disease, risk factors, and key measures to address the burden of disease in cost-effective ways. The course is global in coverage, but with focus on low- and middle-income countries and on the health of the poor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PUBH 130 - Introduction to Public Health  

    Credits: 3

  • PUBH 475 - Maternal and Child Health

    This course examines the determinants, mechanisms and systems that promote the health, safety, well-being and appropriate development of children and their families in communities and societies, and examines birth in the context of the U.S. relative to global health. Themes of joy, fear, and pain in childbirth, as well as meanings of pregnancy will be explored in different times and places. A variety of urgent issues in global reproductive health are analyzed, such as reproductive rights, equity, access, and quality of healthcare during birth.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PUBH 130 - Introduction to Public Health  

    Credits: 3

Health Studies

  • HLTH 517 - Organization, Administration, and Assessment for the School Health Program

    This course examines administrative relationships, procedures, and assessment techniques involved in the conduct of school health programs. Areas of study include: general policies, services and delivery systems, environment, reliability, personnel duties, curriculum development, and instruction. An emphasis on aligning program objectives and assessment strategies with the current Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Education Frameworks (MCHEF) comprise a significant segment of required assignments.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 525 - Human Disease and Health Literacy

    This course examines a wide range ofcontemporary health problems.Studentsexamine the epidemiology and pathology ofmajor diseases and the attendantpsychosocial implications. The preventionand control are discussed through the lens of health literacy. Health literacy is thedegree to which individuals have the capacity obtain, process, and understand basichealth information and services needed tomake appropriate health decisions.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 601 - Health Behavior

    This course provides the students with a broad theoretical base for the analysis ofhealth behaviors. Major health behaviormodels and theories, and their applicationsare presented. Theory is integrated intoanalysis of specific behaviors, which impacthealth. Sociological, cultural, economic,and environmental factors, which influencehealth, are emphasized. Students are exposed to basic applications and theories of healthcounseling. Psychological issues related tocoping with illness and death are covered.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 614 - Planning of Health Promotion Programs

    Students investigate best practices for techniques of need assessment, program design, administration, and evaluation of health promotion programs that can apply across a variety of settings. Students study literature in the field and work in small groups applied problem-solving situations. A data-driven program evaluation plan is designed.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 640 - Techniques of Applied Nutrition

    This course is a study in applied nutrition as related to human health. Health issues related to nutritional deficiencies and excesses, and related therapies are discussed. Practical applications of sound nutritional principles are the focus of this course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3

  • HLTH 682 - Seminar in Health Promotion

    This seminar considers problems and provides advanced study in health promotion and wellness management programs. A graduate student, with permission of the advisor, may register for this seminar only two times.

    Credits: 1-3

  • HLTH 686 - Fieldwork in Health Promotion

    A fieldwork experience designed to supplement classroom study by providing direct insights into the operation of a health promotion program through a participant-observer experience

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Consent of fieldwork supervisor.

    Credits: 1-3

Health, Physical Education and Recreation

  • HPER 301 - Short Term Study Abroad - Ireland

    This course will provide students withacademic and cultural experiences. Theacademic focus will include the globalization of athletic training and exercise science. The cultural include introductions to thearts, religion, historical, academic,landscape and interaction with Irish citizens and current students and faculty withappropriate visits to historical sites.

    Credits: 3

  • HPER 350 - Wilderness First Responder

    This course is designed to provide outdoor professionals with the knowledge and skills to deal with crisis in remote settings.  The W.F.R. certification is the most widely 
    recognized certification for outdoor leaders.  With an emphasis on prevention and decision-making, practical simulations and labs provide practice in backcountry leadership and rescue skills. *Students who successfully complete this course will receive a S.O.L.O. WFR certification card.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    18 years of age and permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3

  • HPER 645 - Marketing Issues in Sport and Recreation

    This course provides the student with basic knowledge and understanding of sports marketing and promotions on the educational, recreational, and professional levels. Attention is given to a history of sports marketing, definition of terms, principles of marketing, strategic market planning, and evaluation of sports marketing programs. Components of the course include developing products, sponsorships, special event fundraising, public relations, utilizing television, and radio networking.

    Credits: 3

  • WLPL 100 - Exploring Wellness through Movement

    This course is the first in a developmental sequence of three Wellness and Physical Literacy courses offered at the 100, 200, and 300 levels and completed within a student’s first two years. This course introduces students to the seven dimensions of wellness (physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, social and environmental). Students explore wellness concepts through a range of movement activities. 

    Credits: 1


  • HIST 101 - Survey of the History of Western Civilization

    This course examines the evolution of civilization from prehistoric culture through the ancient world to the seventeenth century. Emphasis is given to a global perspective, interrelationships between major world cultures, and the forces of change in political, economic, social, and intellectual institutions.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 102 - The Making of the Modern World

    This course surveys the development of ideas, institutions, and social processes in the modern world from the seventeenth century to the present. Consideration is given to both Western tradition and the diversity and interrelationships between the various cultures that comprise our contemporary world.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 103 - World History

    This course deals with the major developments and encounters of world civilizations from antiquity to the present. The aim is to develop a deeper understanding of the forces for change and patterns of continuity throughout history in order to better understand our global, yet diverse, world today.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 105 - Colonial America to the Civil War

    This is a survey of American history from the first interactions between Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans through the Civil War era.  Students investigate seminal topics and debates in the field of American history and practice historical methods and modes of thought.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 106 - The Civil War to Modern America

    This is a survey of America’s history from the Civil War period to the present. The impact of industrialization, America’s emergence as a world power, the New Deal, and more recent cultural, social, political, and economic trends are emphasized.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 150 - Leadership in U.S. History: The White House

    This course examines leadership in U.S. History through the lens of the executive branch and the First Couple. In particular, students examine changes over time in attitudes toward the White House, the participation of the president’s spouse in public life, and the role of technology in presidential politics. Key points of emphasis include the marketing of the presidency, the relationships between presidents and their spouses, and the role of religion and the presidency.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 201 - Making History Public

    This course introduces students collaborate to research, plan, and producing a museum exhibit about Springfield College’s history based on research in the Springfield College Archives and Special Collections. Students select the archival materials to be exhibited, prepare captions and other explanatory materials for the museum exhibit, and consider how best to display the results of their archival research. Topics vary by semester and include: Springfield College and World War I; Springfield College and the Origins of Women’s College Athletics; Springfield College and the Student Movements of the 1960s; and Springfield College: An Environmental History.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 210 - African American History

    This survey of Afro-American history includes the following topics the Atlantic slave trade, pre-Civil War conditions, lives and contributions of enslaved and free people, Civil War and Reconstruction doubts and hopes, post-Reconstruction struggles between Euro- and Afro-Americans through the 1950’s, and the Civil Rights activism of the 1960’s and early 1970’s.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 223 - History of Russia

    This course begins with a brief survey of Russian history from the earliest time through the nineteenth century. It concentrates on the reforms, revolutionary movements, and the decline of imperial Russia, and concludes with an overview of the Soviet period.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 260 - The Civil War Era in History and Memory

    This course investigates the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War. Major topics include the expansion of African American slavery and growth of antislavery sentiment; the political crisis of the 1850’s; soldiers’ and civilians’ experiences in the war; emancipation; and the debate over African Americans’ political and social status during Reconstruction. Special attention is given to how public monuments, Hollywood, and historical museums have influenced Americans’ memory of the Civil War era.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 310 - American Immigration History

    This course examines the history of immigration and ethnicity in America from the colonila period to the present. Major topics include distinctive patterns of voluntary and involuntary migration; the origins and evolving nature of American citizenship; the meaning of ethnicity and construction of ethnic identities; patterns of nativism, racism, restriction, and exclusion; and the evolution of American immigration policy.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 325 - The Ancient and Classical World

    This is a survey of the political, social, and economic history of the Near Eastern, Mediterranean, and Western European world between 4000 B.C. and 500 A.D. The contributions of the major religious traditions and the Grecian and Roman cultures to modern civilizations are emphasized.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 326 - Medieval History

    This course examines developments and achievements of European civilizations from 350 to 1500 A.D. The division and decline of the Roman Empire, Byzantine reorganization and expansion, feudalism, urbanization, the social role of the Christian Church in Eastern and Western Europe, the universities, new art forms, the birth of national states, and the transition to modern history are emphasized.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 327 - Early Modern Europe

    This course begins with a consideration of Renaissance and Reformation of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as the harbinger of the modern age. It analyzes the evolution of modern science, Baroque and the Enlightenment, and concludes with a study of the background to the French Revolution.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 335 - Modern China

    China’s transformation between the Opium War (1839-1842) and the 1990’s may be seen as a progressive adjustment to the modern world or as an ever-intensifying revolution in Chinese government, society, and culture. This course combines the two approaches, exploring the problem of modernizing and revolutionary China through the eyes of participants and the debates of historians.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 360 - Early American Thought and Culture

    This course is a study of American ideas and culture from the Colonial Period to the mid-nineteenth century. Particular attention is given to such areas as social and political thought, religion, philosophy, literature, science, education, and reform.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 361 - Modern American Thought and Culture

    This is a study of American ideas and culture from the early nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. Particular attention is given to such areas as social and political thought, religion, philosophy, literature, science, and education.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 365 - Environmental History of America

    This course examines American attitudes toward nature, space, land, and resources from the earliest settlements to the present. The history of public land policy, the conservation movement, federal and state policies, and environmental concern are traced.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 387 - Studies in History - America in the World

    Studies in History - America in the World

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 388 - Studies in History - American

    This course deals with one or more of the great issues that have shaped the history of civilization. It is designed to recognize, discuss, and analyze controversial issues and problems, with particular attention to how man dealt with them. Issues may be selected from any period of the Eastern or Western worlds.

    Credits: 3-4

  • HIST 389 - Studies in History - Non-American

    Studies in History - Non-American

    This course is repeatable up to a total of nine credits when taken with different topics.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 405 - The History of the Soviet Union

    This is an analysis of Communist theory and interpretations of Soviet practice in selected areas of political, social, and cultural life since the Revolution in 1917. Areas of attention include education and social sciences, the natural and physical sciences, religion, the arts, economic agencies and institutions, agencies of social control, and the USSR’s relations with other nations of the world. Not offered every year.

    Credits: 3

  • HIST 441 - Supervised Experience in History

    This course gives students a fieldwork opportunity under the supervision of a faculty member in the department. Students do extensive research off campus and participate in learning experiences in local, state, or national settings.

    Credits: 1-3


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