Academic life at Springfield College is governed by a series of policies and regulations that ensure consistency and permit fairness to all students. These policies are under the auspices of the Office of Academic Affairs. They are managed by the Office of the Registrar which is responsible for preparing class schedules, enrolling students in courses, and compiling and maintaining grade reports and records. Student’s transcripts and certifying eligibility for loans take place at the Office of the Registrar, which is located on the first floor of the Administration Building.
Academic policies apply to all students enrolled for the current academic year. Specific program requirements and course descriptions apply to entering matriculated students for the duration of their enrollment as degree-seeking students.
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Note: Academic Policies may be subject to change. Students should access the most current catalog to assure that they are making decisions/taking actions based on the most up to date information.
This document contains information about the following topics:
Academic Classifications
Academic Credit
Academic Grievance Policy (Grade Appeal)
Academic Honesty and Integrity
Academic Honors
Academic Load
Academic Progress - Graduate
Academic Progress - Undergraduate
Adding and Dropping Courses
Audit Policy
Cancellation of Classes
Catalog Year
Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)
Change of Major
Class Attendance Policy
College Consortium Agreements
Continuous Registration
Course Numbering System
Course Overload
Course Registration
Course Withdrawal
Credit by Examination
Credit Hour Definitions
Credit Pending Grade
Cross Registration for courses between Regional Campuses, Online, and Main Campus
Dean’s List
Exiting the College
Grade Change
Grade Policy
Graduate Credits taken as an Undergraduate
Incomplete Grades
International Baccalaureate coursework
Late Registration
Non-Matriculated Students
Pass-Fail Grading
Permanent Incomplete Grades
Posthumous Degree
Prior Learning Assessment Policy
Repeating a Course
Residency Credit Requirement
Second Bachelor’s Degree
Student Records
Study Abroad
Transcript of Academic Work
Transfer Credit