Feb 10, 2025  
2017-2018 Springfield College School of Professional and Continuing Studies 
2017-2018 Springfield College School of Professional and Continuing Studies [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Programs and Requirements

Graduate Degree Programs
Undergraduate Degree Programs

Graduate Degree Programs

The Master of Science degree in Human Services prepares adults to creatively and decisively lead their communities forward; to be human service practitioners with clear vision, caring hearts, and the competency to act; to acknowledge the problems of the past, work in the present, and maintain faith in the future. The interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to promote social analysis, critical and creative thinking, clear communications and leadership development. Building on what students already know and have experienced, the curriculum links classroom learning to workplace and community issues, offering a powerful educational experience of integrating theory and practice. While teaching about the importance of respect for others and valuing the diversity within and among us all, the School reflects these values by acknowledging the wisdom adults bring to education and building a community of leaders.

These principles find voice and form in the foundation curriculum, the concentrations, and the graduate action research project.


Graduate students may select one of three concentrations:

  • Organizational Management and Leadership
  • Community Counseling Psychology
  • Mental Health Counseling

Contact the Assistant Director of Recruitment and Admissions at the campus you wish to attend to learn which concentrations are offered at that campus.

Master of Business Administration (MBA) 

The MBA program at Springfield college will prepare students with the knowledge, skill, and tools to:

  • Comprehend the theories and practices of business, accounting, management, marketing, and economics as taught on the graduate level.
  • Apply these theories and practices to decision-making, problem-solving, and managing strategically in business and nonprofit organizations
  • Analyze problems and challenges facing businesses and nonprofits in the 21st century.
  • Construct feasible and practical models and strategies to meet those problems and challenges.
  • Evaluate the success of those strategies.
  • Employ leadership and teambuilding skills to effectively attain those strategies.

Graduates will do so with awareness of the core values of Humanics, exploration of social responsibility of oneself and of business, and an understanding of the entrepreneurial spirit needed to address the ever-changing world of business and not-for-profit organizations.

This program is offered at the Boston, Milwaukee, and Tampa Bay campuses.


The School of Professional and Continuing Studies employs full-time faculty who are responsible for teaching, service, and scholarship. The Human Services practice-oriented curriculum also includes contributions from part-time faculty who are directly involved in agency and community work. The result is that we have a faculty with the flexibility, resources, and expertise required to address academics as well as new developments in human services practice and delivery.

All classes in the School of Professional and Continuing Studies utilize the College’s learning management system called Brightspace. Brightspace serves as ehe virtual classroom for instructors and students to engage outside regularly scheduled classroom time in what is called the web-enhanced portion of the course. Brightspace is required in all School of Professional and Continuing Studies classes. The Brightspace orientation for the School of Professional and Continuing Studies students is provided within your PrideNet account and must be completed and passed as soon as possible in order to register for classes.

Select the desired program from the following:

Business Administration - Graduate (M.B.A. degree)  

Human Services - Graduate (M.S. degree)  

Undergraduate Degree Programs

Major Course Requirements

In the undergraduate program, students complete a basic sequence of four required core courses that provides participants with a common frame of reference and opportunities to critically analyze and creatively construct ideas about the nature and function of society including aspects of history, education, politics, economics, philosophy, justice, community, and leadership for social change. Students must also successfully complete a required yearlong community research project that allows them to work together in study groups for the purpose of designing, implementing, and evaluating a community change project. Through a culminating senior seminar requirement, students are expected to demonstrate that they can integrate and apply the theories, skills and concepts learned in the classroom to their practice in work, family, and community settings.

Course Prerequisites Policy

Students must successfully complete courses within a sequence and/or specified prerequisite courses to enroll in the next level of courses. Incomplete or “F” or “*” grades denote that a course has not been successfully completed.

Select Program below:

Human Services - Undergraduate (B.S. degree)