Feb 10, 2025  
2017-2018 Springfield College Faculty Handbook 
2017-2018 Springfield College Faculty Handbook

College Wide Policies / Procedures

The Office of Human Resources publishes the critical college-wide employment policies and updates these on a regular basis.  These policies can be accessed by clicking on the links below.  They can also be found at https://pridenet.springfield.edu/ICS/Offices/Human_Resources/College_Policies.jnz

  Springfield College policies that you should be aware of include:

Other College Wide Policies:

Faculty Travel
Purchasing Policy
Student Labor
Business Office Insurance Coverage
Monthly Time and Leave Reporting

Faculty Travel  


Departmental travel funds are available to support costs incurred in the supervision of students enrolled in courses requiring off-campus experiences and for costs deemed appropriate for faculty development and professional service.

Faculty Development travel funds are available to support costs beyond those supported by departmental travel allocations. The Faculty Development Committee regularly publishes application criteria, procedures and due dates.

  • Travel Funds: Travel funds have been allocated to the departments based upon a formula of a fixed sum per faculty member for the purpose of supporting professional development. This does not mean that each faculty member has been granted that sum; rather, that each faculty member may access up to that amount, given the support of appropriate supervisors.
  • Types of Travel Approved: Travel allocations may be given, when possible, for academic program support in such instances as described below:
  1. Attendance at meetings of professional organizations
  2. Presentation of papers/research at professional meetings
  3. Representation of the College or Department at professional or association meetings
  • Reimbursement Procedures: Faculty who travel to an approved professional meeting and are funded up to the allotted limit should submit expenses for all incurred costs to the department chairperson. Reimbursement for the limit will be made upon submission of the travel report form. If a department has funds remaining in the travel account as the end of the academic year approaches, reimbursement for expenses incurred beyond the limit may be made on a priority basis until the funds are depleted. Any travel and/or expense reimbursement must be submitted to the Accounts Payable Department within thirty (30) days from the last day of the trip or date of purchase, or the date of service rendered.  After sixty (60) days in accordance with IRS regulations, the reimbursement will be considered “taxable income” and paid out through Payroll.
  • Authorization of Travel Expenses: All travel must be arranged in advance through one of the College-approved travel agents. The Purchasing Office will provide the name of the College agents that we are currently using and will help with reservations, if needed. If there is a fare lower than the one quoted by the College travel agent, contact the Purchasing Officer.  S/he will negotiate with the College travel agent.
  • Reporting of Travel Expenses: It is imperative that itemized original receipts for hotel accommodations, bus, train, or plane fares, together with itemized receipts of meal costs, tolls, taxi fares, etc. be retained and attached to travel expense report forms. The Accounts Payable Office will not process a request for reimbursement for which proper substantiation is not furnished. Approved requests for reimbursement submitted to the Accounts Payable Office by the close of business on Monday will be mailed to the employee’s official address on Friday of the same week.
  • Travel Advances:When travel advances are allowed, they are not to exceed the amount authorized by the Department Chairperson (SHS responsible person) and allowed by Business Office policy. Travel advances may be obtained by filling out the appropriate forms (available in the Purchasing Office). When signed by the Department Chairperson (SHS designee), the Business Office will advance the approved amount. Travel advance requests are allowed only if the travel is for an extended period of time and expenses are expected to be more than $200.00. Travel advance requests will be advanced in check form, providing the appropriate forms are submitted. Persons who submit approved requests for travel advances to the Accounts Payable Office by the close of business on Monday will be able to pick up the check at the Business Office window on Friday of the same week. All advances need to be reconciled with the Accounts Payable office on an Expense Reimbursement Form in accordance with the College’s Expense Reimbursement Policy.

Purchasing Policy:


All purchase orders, contracts, and agreements involving Springfield College in financial obligations of any kind must be approved in advance and signed by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration or a designated official. The responsibility for administering the centralized purchasing functions is assigned to the Director of Purchasing. Your cooperation with the approved College purchasing procedures will help ensure compliance with College policy and federal, state and local regulations, and maintain good working relationships with government agencies, vendors, auditors, etc. All financial commitments and obligations for which the College is legally liable must be entered into as a result of the issuance of a purchase order or a contract executed by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration’s Office. Any individual entering into a commitment of College funds shall be accountable for such action if this procedure is not followed.

  • Certificates of Insurance: The College requires that all vendors who will perform work on-campus must have a current Certificate of Insurance on file in the Purchasing Office. The Certificate must include proof of coverage for Worker’s Compensation, Vehicle Liability and General Liability, including dollar values.
  • Group Contracts: The College is a member of the Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium (MHEC) and the Educational and Instructional Cooperative (E&I). Current contracts and vendors are available in the Purchasing Office. Bid/Quote guidelines are waived when purchasing through either of these organizations.
  • Standards: The College has set standards for a number of product categories. If there are any questions regarding any standards, please contact the Purchasing Department.
  1. The Purchasing Department maintains current product and pricing information and will coordinate procurement of the following:

    Office Supplies:  The College has selected WB Mason as the current office supply vendor. All office supplies used to support the academic programs should be requested from Department offices. Each department has its own procedures for ordering office supplies. Information can be obtained from the Department Chairperson.

    Office Equipment including fax machines, copiers and typewriters and the corresponding maintenance and service agreements.

    Furniture: Various sources are available

    Catering/Food Service: The College has selected Aramark Food Service.
  2. The Print Shop maintains a stock of copy paper, letterhead, envelopes and other paper goods.
  3. The ITS Department determines the computer hardware, software and peripherals that will be supported on campus. The Purchasing Department maintains pricing information. Specific questions should be directed to ITS.
  4. ITS selects and monitors telephone service and equipment, including lines for fax machines and modems.
  5. Facilities and Campus Services is responsible for building alterations, window and floor treatments, air conditioners and heating apparatus.
  6. The College library has been delegated authority to purchase books, periodicals and other information materials.
  • Bid Guidelines: The Purchasing Department is available to assist Departments as needed in meeting all bid guidelines. It is the Department’s responsibility to follow bid/quote guidelines as follows:

For orders up to $4,999.99: Price comparison, where appropriate, is encouraged, but not required.

For orders of $5,000.00 to $9,999.99: The Department must obtain three quotations, by phone or in writing, document them on the bid sheet form, and submit form with the purchase order.

For orders of $10,000.00 or more: The Purchasing Department is responsible for conducting the bid process.  The specifications and suggested vendors should be supplied by the requesting department. The Purchasing Department is available to help in the development of specifications and in the selection of reliable vendors. Allow sufficient time for processing and response.  The bid award will be made in consultation with the requesting Department and justification for other than the low bid must be submitted with the typed purchase order.

  • Repeat Purchases: If similar items are to be purchased over the course of the budget year, one quote/bid will suffice (per budget year) for those items.
  • Reprints: Reprints of publications (forms, catalogs, viewbooks, etc.) that previously met the College’s bid guidelines may be placed with the original vendor.  Reprints must be within two years of the original publication date.
  • Sole Source Items: Occasionally a product or service must be purchased that does not follow the above bid guidelines. It is the Department’s responsibility to fully document the reason, in writing, when the purchase order is submitted to the Purchasing Department.
  • Use of Mascot: All use of the College Mascot must be in accordance with guidelines established by the Office of Communications.
  • Studio and/or Laboratory Supplies Orders: Faculty members are expected to submit to their Department Chairperson requests for supplies for studio and laboratory courses prior to each term. Each department has its own procedures and policies regarding studio and laboratory supplies. Check with the Department Chairperson for information.

Student Labor:


In order to provide students with equal opportunity to employment, all hourly student positions must be posted through the Career Center. These include: on campus student employment as well as any federally funded off-campus employment opportunities. This provides a central location for all available positions on campus.  Student labor is funded through the departmental budget allocation.

  • Request for Student  Labor: Any request for student labor must be cleared through department offices. Students not cleared by the appropriate offices will not be paid and must not work until all paperwork is completed. Please remember when hiring a student preference is given to those with federal work student (need base) awards. If a student does not have federal work study, a Justification to Hire Form must be completed and signed by the divisional Vice President. Any student who does not qualify for federal work study is not eligible to be hired until after October 15.
  • Supervision of Student Labor: Each department has its own procedure for assigning and supervising student assistants/aides. Faculty members must verify in PrideNet the hours worked by student assistants/aides under their supervision. Allocations for student labor and reports of student hours used with a declining allocation balance are available on PrideNET to the hiring supervisor and/or department head.
  • Requirements for Payment of Student Labor: All students employed by the College are required to file a W-4 and I-9 form with the Financial Aid Office. The I-9 form establishes identity and employment authorization. The List of Acceptable documents can be found on page three of the I-9 form. Student employees must present one selection from List A OR a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C. Any student working on campus who does not have a W-4 or I-9 on record will not be able to use the time and attendance system until one is on file. These documents need to be on file prior to the first day of work.
  • Recording of Time Worked: All hourly students working on campus will record their time through a scan system. The student will clock/record their time in and out with the use of their student ID. Student time will be reviewed and hours need to be approved by their supervisor in PrideNet, by Monday, at noon for submission to payroll. Students are paid bi-weekly.

Business Office - Insurance Coverage


  • Personal Property Liability
    The College assumes no responsibility for the personal property of faculty, staff, or students. This is also the case with personal property used in the course of teaching or other job related activities.
  • Automobile Liability
    Personal liability resulting from the operation of a College motor vehicle whether owned, leased, or rented, is covered under existing College insurance. The coverage assumes that the driver has a current valid operator’s license to operate the class of vehicle involved, has taken the required College Authorized Driver Training Course, and is operating the vehicle within the traffic laws. Fines and other penalties for traffic law violations are the driver’s personal responsibility. 

    When operating your own personal motor vehicle on College business (i.e., on a reimbursement basis), there is no extension of College insurance for physical damage to your vehicle. Any such damage is the owner’s responsibility, and presumed to be covered under your existing auto insurance. The College does not provide for bodily injury or property damage liability except on an excess basis, i.e., coverage is extended to you after the benefits under your personal auto coverage are exhausted.

    Note: If you are going to be operating your vehicle on College business, be sure to notify your department head or supervisor prior to your excursion, to assure coverage on an excess basis.
  • Personal Liability
    Liabilities resulting from your actions within the scope of your job responsibilities at the College are covered by existing College insurance. Definition of the scope of your employment duties is a critical factor, and often a matter of judgment. When engaging in activities which may be marginal with regard to your official” duties”, you should notify your Budget Officer or Supervisor in advance. Employees are also encouraged to discuss potentially risky activities with the Director of Purchasing, particularly if it involves operating your personal motor vehicle. Claims resulting from alleged acts of discrimination or sexual abuse are excluded from College insurance, and may result in personal financial liability.
  • College Property
    With a few exceptions, all College property is insured subject to a $10,000 deductible. This means that the first $10,000 of a loss relating to fire, theft, or vandalism will be expensed directly to the College.

Monthly Time and Leave Reporting


Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every employee.  Federal and state laws require the College to keep an accurate record of time worked in order to calculate employee pay and benefits.

Employees are responsible for accurately recording all time and leave each month and initialing the form.   Once the form is completed, it should be given back to your supervisor, who will verify the correctness of each form, initial it, and return to the Office of Human Resources for entry into the payroll system.  At the end of the year, each employee as well as each supervisor will sign the form signifying the authenticity and correctness of the information.

Springfield College must collect data from employees and supervisors to pay employees, and to charge the correct accounts appropriately based on the employee’s reported effort.  There are two kinds of information that must be collected, the time at work and the time away from work.

The goal of the time and Leave Reporting form is the accurate and timely reporting of time work and time off (by category of leave).  This is essential for guaranteeing that employees are paid correctly and that their leave accumulations are accurate.  This form, when properly completed and submitted to the Office of Human Resources, will ensure employee leave accounts are properly balanced and maintained.

If you have any questions regarding monthly time and leave reporting please contact the Office of Human Resources at 413-748-3118.

Any Springfield College employee who is out on sick leave for more than two weeks should contact the Office of Human Resources so that FMLA paperwork can be processed.  This paperwork must be completed during a specific time period, so it is important to notify them as soon as possible.  Any information provided in order to complete the paperwork will be kept confidential.