Feb 07, 2025  
2017-2018 Springfield College Faculty Handbook 
2017-2018 Springfield College Faculty Handbook

Academic Support Services and Departments

This section contains information on various academic support services and offices



Registration dates, final examination schedules and additional academic information can be found on the Registrar’s page at www.springfieldcollege.edu, or by calling the Office of the Registrar at ext. 3530.




Library services are housed in the Harold C. Smith Learning Commons. The Information Desk is the central point of service for all questions and is located on the first floor. It is staffed until midnight most weeknights and 9 p.m. on weekends (hours may vary for holidays or between semesters), and assistance can be reached by phone at 413-748-3315; by text at 413-314-3678; and via email and chat, which are located on the library’s website at springfield.edu/library. Librarians and staff are available seven days a week. Faculty can access the library digital resources from off campus using their PrideNET login.

Each school or academic department is assigned a library liaison who works with faculty to provide a wide range of information materials and services. Library liaisons are happy to assist faculty with personal research, as well as curriculum-based research. Faculty should feel free to encourage students in need of research assistance or library services to contact their department’s liaison librarian. Here is the current list of library liaisons, all of which have offices on the second floor of the Harold C. Smith Learning Commons:

School of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies: Biology/Chemistry and Business Management

Sheri Sochrin - ssochrin@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies: Education and Visual and Performing Arts

Amedeo DeCara - adecara@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies: Humanities and Social Sciences

Kerri Vautour - kvautour@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies: Math/Physics/Computer Science

Alli Martel - amartel5@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies: Psychology

John Brady - jbrady2@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Sheri Sochrin - ssochrin@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Health Sciences and Rehabilitation Studies

John Brady - jbrady2@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Professional and Continuing Studies

Amedeo DeCara - adecara@springfieldcollege.edu


School of Social Work

Sheri Sochrin - ssochrin@springfieldcollege.edu



The library staff encourages faculty, as subject experts, to collaborate with their liaison on the materials that are purchased for the library collection. If you would like the library to purchase materials, contact your liaison. Liaison librarians also work closely to assist faculty to incorporate the college information literacy competency into their courses. School of Professional and Continuing Studies faculty (and their students) at regional campuses have full access to all library materials and services. In addition to digital resources, they can request second-day delivery of physical library materials and take advantage of interlibrary loan service to obtain materials not owned by Springfield College Library Services.





The Office of Conferences & Special Events is located at 500 Alden Street. The Office is the contact point for all non-College use of campus facilities and  is charged with raising non-tuition revenue through marketing and selling the college as a venue for meetings, events, conferences and retreats.  The Springfield College Summer Sports Camps and Career Exploration Workshops are directed by this office.  They also serve as the liaison to the Basketball Hall of Fame and manage all aspects of the Spalding Hoophall Classic.  They provide assistance with special events planning and logistics including Commencement and other institutional activities.  The Office of Conferences & Special Events is responsible for scheduling the Townhouse Conference Room, Cheney Hall Dining Rooms  A & B, and managing Learning in Later Life Program.



The Facilities Management Department provides the entire College with custodial, maintenance and repair services. Work requests for general repairs and maintenance can be submitted through the “Facilities Work Request” link on the PrideNet page.  Renovations and construction project requests should be routed through the department to the Dean for approval before being submitted to the Facilities Management Department for feasibility and work approval.  Contact the Director of Facilities Management with questions and/or claifications.




The Campus Post Office is located in Locklin Hall, on the lower level.  The hours of operation are:

Monday through Friday ~ 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Saturday ~ 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Mail is picked up by the U.S. Postal Service:

Monday through Friday between 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

    There is no pickup on Sunday.                                       

All full-time Springfield College undergraduate students are assigned post office boxes.  These post office boxes are located in the Campus Union, on the ground level. Post Office Boxes are available to graduate students upon request and are located in lower level of Locklin Hall.

Mail is picked up and delivered Monday through Friday in all departments throughout the College.  Personal mail picked up in your department must have the proper postage on it and, by USPS rules, the mail should have a full return address and be sealed.

Campus mail is sorted and distributed on a daily basis (Monday through Friday).  Such mail should include the recipient’s full name, building and department.  Do not use name only. All notices and flyers will be distributed by our staff within 72 hours of drop off.  Notices and flyers should be no smaller than 5”x5”.  Full sheets need to be folded into thirds.

Post Office Services:

There is a USPS mailbox outside of Locklin Hall on Wilbraham Avenue.   During window hours, you may conduct regular postal business.  In addition to stamps, we have stamped envelopes, Priority envelopes/boxes, Express envelopes, and UPS envelopes/boxes.  For a small fee, you can purchase brown bubble envelopes.  A UPS box and FedEx box can be found on the outside (Wilbraham Ave. side) of the Locklin Hall building. 

If requested, all first class mail will be forwarded to students and faculty during the summer; otherwise, it will be sent to the department.  Mail is not forwarded during break periods.  No foreign mail will be forwarded.

The campus mailroom is located in Locklin Hall, on the lower level.  Full UPS and USPS Express Mail services are provided to students, faculty and staff.  Students are limited to Pride Card or cash only payments. Faculty and staff can pay with their Pride Card, cash or with department approved petty cash.  Department charges are for college related business only.  If you need further information, please call ext. 3876.



The Print Shop is located in the lower level of Locklin Hall. They offer a variety of duplicating services, posters, canvas prints, and stationary supplies as well as a pick-up and delivery servito department offices. Please contact your department secretary for specific department policies. The Print Shop publishes its regulations yearly and copies are available at the customer serviccounter. For more details, see the Print Shop brochure or call customer service at ext. 3286.     




The Department of Public Safety is located at 25 Portsmouth Street. The Department operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. In case of a health emergency, (e.g., illness or injury) call the Department of Public Safety at 748-5555. Do not call for an ambulance yourself. If a power outage should occur and the College phone system is not operational, please call 746-9106 to reach the Department of Public Safety. For non-life threatening health issues during the academic year, the Health Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and is closed on week-ends.

Locations of Emergency Telephones (BLUE Lights) ~ these phones will connect the caller to the Department of Public Safety:

Parking Lot 2

Babson Library-Left


Abbey Hall-South


Babson Library- Rear




Babson Library-Right

Alumni Hall

Weiser Hall- Rear

Cheney Hall-Rear

Senior Suites


Administration Building

Cheney Hall-Shoo

Living Center

Abbey Hall

Weiser Hall Ramp


Wellness Center

Track Shed


Fuller Arts-Lot 6

Brennan Center-Front

East Campus


Child Dev. Center

Brennan Center-South



Parking and Traffic Regulations

All Faculty, staff and students of Springfield College who park a motor vehicle on College-owned property must register their vehicles. Guests must obtain a guest pass. Vehicles may be registered 24 hours/day, 7 days/week on line at the SC Department of Public Safety web site.  There is no charge for faculty vehicle registration.

  • No vehicle is to be operated on campus at a speed greater that 15 mph, except for emergency vehicles. At no time should a vehicle be operated in any campus lot at a speed greater than 10 mph.
  • Permits are non-transferable. If you plan to change your vehicle during the time your permit is valid, you must remove the old permit and bring it to the Campus Police to obtain a free replacement. You will receive a permit number and lot assignment when you register.  Once assigned to a lot, that lot, and the alternate lot designated on your permit, is the only place on campus you may park. If you have any questions as to what is your designated lot, ask Campus Police.
  • Special Parking Privileges are available for persons who have a disability that requires exception from parking regulations.  You must report to Campus Police to get a special pass.
  • Any motor vehicle parked on campus illegally; particularly parked in designated Tow Zones and Fire Lanes, Handicapped Parking areas and in any lot without the proper permit, may be towed at the owner’s expense. No prior warning will be given to the owner. Beside the towing expense, you will be subject to any fine which results from a parking violation.
  • Loading and Unloading Vehicles: Notify the Campus Police Station by calling X5555 to advise where your vehicle is parked for this purpose.
  • Disabled Vehicles: Report to the Campus Police Station to obtain a Disabled Vehicle Pass which will prevent the motor vehicle from getting ticketed, towed, or immobilized.  No phone calls will be accepted to report disabled vehicles.

Escort Service is available 24 hours/day from Campus-owned property to any lot. Call X5555. There is also a campus shuttle van service in operation between 6:00 p.m. and midnight Sunday through Wednesday and 6:00 p.m. through 2:00 a.m. from Thursday through Saturday.



Springfield College’s state of the art 160,000 sq. ft. wellness and recreation complex opened in the fall of 2008. There are multiple opportunities for faculty to exercise and partake in wellness activities. There is over 15,000 sq. ft. of fitness area space, an indoor walking/running track, and 2 multipurpose rooms.  Faculty are welcome to take advantage of the employee wellness program which includes many free services and workshops.  Once enrolled in the employee wellness program, information regarding services/programs will be emailed to employee wellness participants throughout the academic year. These programs include but are not limited wellness workshops, employee group exercise classes, information on our personal training program, and healthy eating workshops. For more information see the campus recreation website at www.springfieldcollege.edu/campusrecreation.