Select the appropriate link below to access required information:
Tenure and Long-Term Appointment Application Schedule and Procedure
Sabbatical Application Schedule and Procedure
Promotion Application Schedule and Procedure
Mid-Probation Review Schedule and Procedure
Phased-Retirement Application Schedule and Procedure
Emeritus Faculty Status Application Schedule and Procedure
Faculty Personnel Materials and Information
Guidelines and Procedures for Faculty Searches: Introduction
SIRII Student Opinion Questionnaire
Mid-Probation Review
Tenure, Long-Term Appointment, Mid-Probation Review and Promotion Portfolio Materials
Forms/Materials for Faculty Personnel Applications/Reports
Calendar for Tenure, Long Term Appointment, Promotion, Sabbatical, Mid-Probation Review, Phased - Retirement and Emeritus Faculty Applications 2017-2018
Members of the faculty who plan on applying for tenure, long-term appointment, sabbatical, promotion or phased-retirement program during the 2017-2018 academic year must submit their letter of intent by September 5, 2017.
September 5, 2017: Faculty members will notify in writing their Department Chair/Campus Director, their School Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of their intent to apply for tenure or long-term appointment. Teacher-coach faculty members applying for a long-term appointment will submit a letter of intent to the Director of Athletics, the School Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
September 18, 2017: Candidates submit application materials to their Department Chair/Campus Director using the guidelines for tenure or long-term appointment applications included in the Faculty Handbook. The Chair/Campus Director will complete an assessment of the applicant’s qualifications that will be included in the application materials forwarded to the School Committee. Teacher-Coach candidates will submit their applications, including an evaluation of their teaching by the appropriate department chair, to the Director of Athletics. The Director of Athletics will complete an assessment of the applicant’s qualifications that will be included in the application materials forwarded to the School Committee.
October 2, 2017: Candidates submit application materials, including the Chair/Campus Director’s/Athletic Director’s assessment, to the School Committee on Faculty Development and Status for the committee’s review.
December 1, 2017: The School Committee on Faculty Development and Status will submit its recommendation and the candidate’s application materials to the School Dean.
December 8, 2017: The School Dean will submit his/her recommendation and the candidate’s application materials to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs who will make a recommendation to the President.
February 10, 2018: The President will bring tenure and long-term appointment recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Candidates will be informed of their status after this meeting date.
Sabbatical Application Schedule and Procedure:
September 5, 2017: Faculty members will notify in writing their Department Chair/Campus Director, their School Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of their intent to apply for a sabbatical leave. Teacher-coach faculty members will submit a letter of intent to the Director of Athletics, the School Dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
September 18, 2017: Candidates submit application materials to their Department Chair/Campus Director using the guidelines for sabbatical applications provided in the Faculty Handbook. Teacher-coach faculty members will submit their application materials to the Director of Athletics. Should the candidate’s project relate to their teaching responsibilities, their application materials should include a recommendation from the appropriate Department Chair.
October 2, 2017: The Department Chair/Campus Director/Athletic Director will submit his/her recommendation and the candidate’s application materials to the School Dean.
October 16, 2017: The School Dean will submit his/her recommendation and the candidate’s application materials to the Faculty Development Committee of the Faculty Senate.
December 1, 2017: The Faculty Development Committee will submit its recommendations and the candidates’ application materials to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
February 10, 2018: The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will notify the Board of Trustees of the approved sabbatical applications for the coming academic year. Applicants will be notified following approval of the sabbatical budget by the Board of Trustees.
Promotion Application Schedule and Procedure:
September 5, 2017: Faculty members will notify in writing their Department Chair/Campus Director, their School Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, of their intent to apply for promotion. Teacher-coach faculty members will submit a letter of intent to the Director of Athletics, their School Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
September 22, 2017: Candidates submit application materials to their Department Chair/Campus Director using the guidelines for promotion applications included in the Faculty Handbook. Teacher-coach candidates will submit their application materials, including an evaluation of their teaching by the appropriate Department Chair, to the Director of Athletics. The Chair/Campus Director/Athletic Director will complete an assessment of the applicant’s qualifications that will be included in the application materials forwarded to the School Committee.
October 10, 2017: The Chair/Campus Director/Athletic Director submits application materials, including the Chair/Campus Director’s/Athletic Director’s assessment, to the School Committee on Faculty Development and Status for the Committee’s review.
December 1, 2017: The School Committee on Faculty Development and Status will submit its recommendation and the candidate’s application materials to the School Dean.
January 2, 2018: The School Dean will submit his/her recommendation and the candidate’s application materials to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs who will make a recommendation to the President.
February 10, 2018: The President will notify the Board of Trustees of the approved promotions for the coming academic year. Candidates will be notified of their status after this meeting date.
Mid-Probation Review Schedule and Procedure:
October 2, 2017: Academic Affairs Office sends notification letters to faculty members required to complete the mid-probation review process during 2017-2018.
December 1, 2017: Candidates submit mid-probation review materials as described in the Faculty Handbook to Department Chairs/Campus Directors.
December 1, 2017-January 31, 2018: Chairs/Campus Directors complete written mid-probation review evaluation using designated form, and meet with each department/campus candidate before forwarding materials to the School Committee on Faculty Development and Status.
February 1, 2018-February 28, 2018: School Committee on Faculty Development and Status reviews mid-probation review materials and completes written evaluation using designated form before forwarding materials to the School Dean.
March 1, 2018-March 31, 2018: School Dean reviews mid-probation review materials and completes written evaluation using designated form before forwarding materials to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
June 1, 2018-June 30, 2018: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews mid-probation review materials, meets with all candidates, and completes a final mid-probation evaluation using designated form in the Faculty Handbook.
Phased-Retirement Application Schedule and Procedure:
September 5, 2017: Faculty members will notify in writing their Department Chair/Campus Director, the Athletic Director if appropriate, their School Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of their intent to apply for the Phased-Retirement Plan.
Faculty members develop a proposal for the phased-retirement plan starting with the upcoming academic year. This plan must be developed working in conjunction with the faculty member’s Department Chair/Campus Director, the Athletic Director if appropriate, and the School Dean.
A phased-retirement plan developed in consultation with the Department Chair/Campus Director, Athletic Director if appropriate, and the School Dean may be proposed for 1-year, 2-years, or 3-years duration. During the phased-retirement period, the faculty member’s workload will be 50% or less than their current assigned workload. Scholarly, creative, and professional activities, and service within and beyond the College will also be pro-rated to reflect the workload and must be outlined in the proposal.
October 2, 2017: Phased-retirement plan proposal is due to the Department Chair/Campus Director by the 1st Monday in October. The Department Chair/Campus Director will write an “impact statement” which comments and provides input on the impact of the proposal to the department and forwards this written commentary to the School Dean.
For Faculty members with coaching duties, the Phased-retirement plan proposal should also be submitted to the Athletic Director by the 1st Monday in October. The Athletic Director will write an “impact statement” which comments and provides input on the impact of the proposal on the Athletic Department and forwards this written commentary to the School Dean.
October 16, 2017: Phased-retirement plan proposal, including the impact statements, is due to the School Dean by the 3rd Monday in October. The School Dean will make a recommendation with justification and forward the plan to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office.
December1, 2017: Application with phased-retirement plan submitted to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs by School Dean. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will make the final decision on each proposal.
February 10, 2018: All applicants are notified by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs about the status of the application by return receipt mail. Approved applicants will sign a Phased-Retirement Plan and Agreement and release of claims. Faculty members whose application is denied may reapply in subsequent years.
Emeritus Faculty Status Application Schedule and Procedure
The designation of Emeritus is awarded to faculty members who have retired, and have advanced the mission of the college through meritorious teaching, scholarship and service.
- Minimum of 15 years of full-time service to Springfield College
- Rank of Full Professor or Associate Professor
- All faculty who have held the title “Distinguished Professor of Humanics” shall automatically be nominated. The Office of Academic Affairs will submit the names of retiring Humanics Professors to the Faculty Personnel Committee of the Faculty Senate;
- Any retiring faculty member who meets the qualifications may be nominated by any full-time faculty, their department chair/campus director, or the Dean of their School.
November 15, 2017: Nominations in the form of a letter briefly highlighting the candidate’s contributions to the college are submitted to the Dean of the School on or before November 15, 2017. Faculty who are nominated after November 15 but before June 30 will be eligible for Emeritus consideration in the subsequent cycle and will be eligible for Emeritus benefits while their nomination is pending.
December 1, 2017: The Dean will forward the nominations along with his/her recommendations (favorable and unfavorable) to the Faculty Personnel Committee of the Faculty Senate on or before December 1.
December 2017: The Faculty Personnel Committee will review the nominations and forward their recommendation and the recommendation of the School Dean to the Faculty Senate for consideration at their December meeting. The Faculty Senate will forward these recommendations to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs by January 15, 2018, who in turn makes a recommendation to the President.
February 1, 2018: The President shall forward his/her recommendation to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees of Springfield College for approval on or about February 1, 2018.
Nominated faculty will be notified of the decision in writing following the February Board of Trustees meeting by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty members granted Emeritus status will be acknowledged at Spring Retirement Reception.
For tenure, long-term appointment, and promotion applications, please use the Cover Page/Executive Summary template.
Faculty Personnel Materials and Information
The Faculty Personnel Policy of the college, (see Section III of this document), includes the basic faculty personnel policies of Springfield College recommended by the faculty and approved by the Board of Trustees. In several parts of this document it indicates that procedures to implement these policies will be developed and published, (e.g. “The CAO shall publish and disseminate the procedure to all faculty…”). This section of the Faculty Handbook is designed to provide such documents to the faculty, and to include other faculty personnel policies not referenced in the Faculty Personnel Policy.
Guidelines and Procedures for Faculty Searches: Introduction:
The faculty search process is one of the most important activities at Springfield College. A good search process allows the college to hire an enthusiastic faculty member who enhances our academic environment by serving the needs of our students for years to come. A bad search process leads to an unfilled position, or an appointment that does not work out for either the college or the faculty member. In some cases, a poorly conducted search can lead to a lawsuit filed by a disgruntled applicant. Given these options, all searches should follow some basic procedures to make it likely that we can identify and successfully hire the best candidate possible for each position.
Human Resources is in the process of implementing an automated recruiting system during the academic year which may change some of the processes contained within this section.
Here are the steps in the Faculty Search process:
1). Approval of the Job Description and Advertisement:
The VPAA will consider requests on a 2x/year cycle. Ideally, this 1st step in the cycle should be completed before May 1 and no later than November 1 for positions available the following year. Once an existing position becomes vacant, or a new position is funded, the School Dean and Department Chair/Campus Director meet to create a working job description. This is true even when an existing position becomes vacant, (e.g. a retirement), as each faculty search should be viewed as a unique opportunity to strengthen the department’s programs. Thus, at their initial meeting, the Dean and the Chair may decide to redefine the position as part of the request to approve a replacement for the department.
Once the Dean and Chair agree on the job description, they will produce ad copy for the position using the format developed by Human Resources, (see sample A), and a list of locations for advertising - including special placements that will serve to enhance the diversity of applicants for the position. To identify these special placements, the Dean and Chair will develop a diversity recruitment plan for all faculty positions. Advertisement placements may also include venues specific to the discipline that may increase exposure with desirable applicant pools. The job description, ad copy, and advertising requests are then submitted to the VPAA with the Authorization to Employ form. The VPAA will submit the request to the President after consultation with the School Dean. The VPAA and the President may revise the position description before approving the search.
If approved, the ATE for the position will be forwarded to the Human Resources Office - who will ask the School Dean to proof read the final advertisement for accuracy. Ideally, this first step of the process for faculty positions should be completed by November 1 for positions available the following year.
2.) Appointment of the Screening Committee:
The Dean of the School will appoint the members of all Screening Committees and will send a letter to the members describing the approved job description, the time frame for the search, and any special considerations that apply to this particular position. The Dean will work with the Department Chair/Campus Director to identify Screening Committee members who will represent the department, as well as other departments or campuses, and will attempt to appoint committees that are inclusive. To ensure that the search can move expeditiously, generally no more than 5 individuals should serve on the committee, including the Committee Chair. All members should be clear about the time frame established for the search by the Dean. Students should certainly be involved in the interview process, but generally should not be involved in the Screening Committee meetings.
The screening committee is not intended to be an independent entity operating in isolation from the Department Chair and/or School Dean. The screening committee process is intended to provide faculty input in the search process and to provide assistance to the Dean, the Department Chair, and the Faculty of the department with the logistics of the search. The department’s staff associate should provide administrative support to the Chair of the Committee. Throughout the search process, the Chair of the Screening Committee should work closely with the Department Chair and the School Dean to ensure that there is effective communication between all parties involved in the faculty search process. Where appropriate, the Dean may appointment a Department Chair to serve on a screening committee or to Chair a Screening Committee.
The Screening Committee will begin its work with an initial meeting called by the Screening Committee Chair. At this meeting, the Chair will establish the meeting schedule and the Dean will review the charge to the committee and search procedures.
3.) Screening of Applicants:
Applications for all faculty positions should be addressed to the School Dean, whose office will acknowledge the application, send the original of each application to the Human Resources Office, keep a record of the applications received, determine if the pool of applicants is sufficient to begin the screening process, and provide the Chair of the Screening Committee with copies of the application materials in a binder or other suitable format. A master binder or file of applicants may also be kept in the Dean’s Office for record keeping purposes. Only members of the screening committee itself will be provided access to these materials.
Members of the screening committee should review all applicants prior to the second screening committee meeting. This review should be completed using a rating form developed by the Chair of the Screening Committee in consultation with the School Dean and the Department Chair, (see sample B). To ensure a legal search, it is essential that the rating of candidates reflects the approved job description and the posted advertisement for this position.
Based on these ratings the Screening Committee will narrow the pool of applicants to a group of “semi-finalists” that represent the individuals in the pool who best meet the qualifications described in the position description. Typically, no more than 10 candidates should be considered as “semi-finalists” at this stage of the process.
4.) Reference Checks:
Reference telephone calls should be used to help identify the individuals who will be invited for an on campus interview. These reference checks are an essential part of the “due diligence” process and they provide the College with essential information about the background of applicants. Applicants who will not provide such references, or who are unwilling to have the search committee make such background checks, should be excluded from the search process at this time.
Prior to completing these calls, the Chair of the Screening Committee will contact each “semi-finalist” via email to ask permission to check references. This email (see sample C), and the applicants email reply, will provide a written record that permission has been granted for the reference checks. The request to check references should clearly include both the references provided on the resume as well as any other references deemed necessary by the committee. If for example, an applicant does not provide a reference from an institution where they have previously worked, the screening committee should contact a logical person at that institution, (perhaps the chair of the department), to discuss the candidate’s work history. While this is not to suggest that random reference calls should be made for all candidates, the Screening Committee should be aware that the failure to obtain adequate information on the background of a candidate could lead to a charge of “negligent hiring” against the College.
When making contact with the “semi-finalists” for the permission to check references, the Chair of the Committee should also ask the candidate other pertinent questions that might determine whether an interview is logical. Such questions could include - What are your salary expectations? When would you be available for an interview? Do you have any questions about the search process or the position? Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status (e.g. H-1B visa status)?
Once the permission for reference checks has been received, these calls should then be completed by members of the screening committee using a “script” of specific questions that will be asked of all candidates. Screening committee members should make careful notes during each reference call so that answers can be fully reported back to the committee at its next meeting. Following these reference checks, telephone interviews of the candidate’s themselves are recommended to help identify appropriate individual for campus interviews.
The School Dean, Department Chair, and members of the screening committee will then meet to review all of the information collected on the “semi-finalists”, and the School Dean will select the candidates that will be interviewed on campus. Normally, three candidates will be interviewed for each position. Dates for the interviews will be agreed upon in advance to be sure that they fit everyone’s calendar before the Screening Committee Chair extends the invitations.
5.) On Campus Interviews: (On campus interviews for PCS faculty candidates should follow previously established school procedures).
The Screening Committee Chair, supported by the Department Staff Associate, will contact each finalist, identify the date(s) for the interview, and discuss transportation arrangements that make sense for the candidate and the college. Candidates should make their own transportation arrangements and will be reimbursed following the interview. A full day interview for each faculty candidate is anticipated, even if this means that the applicant must stay overnight at the college’s expense. The college has arranged for a “deal” on lodging at the Hilton Gardens Hotel, so this location is our preferred lodging site. Hotel reservations should be made by the Dean’s or Chair’s office. The Department Chair/Dean should approve all travel arrangements in advance to ensure that the funds allocated for the search are well used. On campus meals are encouraged to give candidates a flavor of our student body and evening campus activities. Academic Affairs will reimburse candidates for one night of lodging and meals. Search committee member reimbursement for meals will be limited to 2 committee members per meal.
The primary functions of the on campus interview are to validate the qualifications presented by the applicant, to determine the applicant’s teaching effectiveness and ability interact with our students, and to assess each candidate’s ability to contribute to the department, the school, and the college. All faculty interview schedules should include:
A meeting with the Screening Committee;
Individual meetings with the Department Chair and the Dean of the School
A meeting time with Department Faculty - perhaps a lunch meeting or informal gathering
A meeting in the Office of Human Resources to complete a background check form and receive a summary of benefits. Please schedule this meeting in advance by calling 748-3118.
A session in which the candidate teaches a class or presents a simulated class to students
Other items can of course be included on the schedule, but these should be the basic elements included in all on campus interviews. If time permits, campus tours with students, or meetings with small numbers of faculty members can be useful in getting a sense of the candidate’s communications and interpersonal skills. Candidates should be provided an interview schedule in advance, and during the campus visit, members of the screening committee should serve as host/hostess - perhaps picking up the candidate at the airport or hotel, or helping guide them to different interview events.
To conclude the visit, everyone involved in the interview process should complete a candidate rating form developed by the screening committee, (see sample D). These forms should be returned to the Chair of the Screening Committee immediately following the interview.
6.) Making an Offer:
Immediately following the completion of the on campus interviews, the Dean will seek recommendations from the Department Chair and the Chair of the Screening Committee. The Dean will determine the format of the recommendation that they request in advance, and will also receive the rating forms completed during the interview process. The Dean will make a verbal offer of employment to one candidate for the position. The verbal offer should include the rank, salary within appropriate range, tenure-track or non-tenure-track status of the appointment, the moving allowance if appropriate, the years awarded towards promotion, etc. While making the offer, the Dean will establish a response date by which the candidate will respond to the offer and/or the offer will expire allowing us to pursue other candidates.
Once a verbal acceptance has been offered, the Dean will provide the details of the offer in a brief memo to the VPAA who will mail the letter of appointment and salary notification to the candidate with a response date indicated in this correspondence. Upon receipt of the signed documents the VPAA office will notify the Dean so that suitable letters can be sent to all other candidates in the search.
General Considerations:
- Flexibility of these guidelines: These guidelines are designed to provide a step-wise description of the ideal search process. The Dean of the School can make modifications when needed to address the specific needs of a particular search.
- Timing of the Search Process: Ideally, on-campus interviews should occur no later than November for positions beginning in January, and no later than February for positions beginning in September. If a search takes too long to identify potential candidates the search may be postponed until the following academic year.
- Diversity Enhancement: Springfield College is committed to enhancing diversity among its faculty by encouraging Deans to take steps to expand the pool of applicants, by appointing inclusive screening committees, and by creating position descriptions that are designed to be of interest to a diverse population.
7.) Ad Format for Faculty Positions
Springfield College
Springfield, MA
Assistant Professor of Special Education
Springfield College seeks applications for a tenure track position within the Department of Education. Successful candidates must have an earned doctorate from a regionally accredited institution, experience in the field, demonstrated excellence in teaching, and a strong commitment to scholarly and service activities. The College is specifically seeking a candidate with expertise in the area of high incidence disabilities who can teach and supervise both undergraduate and graduate students. Preference will be given to candidates who have worked at the K-6 level in a public school setting can teach a broad range of courses in special education, and have a strong commitment to equity, diversity, and student success.
Founded in 1885, Springfield College is a private, coeducational institution offering undergraduate and graduate programs that reflect its distinctive Humanics philosophy - the education of the whole person in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to humanity. For more information, please visit the college’s homepage at
Initial review of applications will begin , 20XX. The appointment is scheduled to begin on , 20XX. Applicants should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information for 3-5 professional references to: Dean, School of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies; Springfield College, 263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109.
Springfield College is an equal opportunity employer committed to enhancing diversity and equality in education and employment.
8.) Sample Faculty Candidate Rating Form - Special Education Position
Rating Criteria: Please rate this candidate on the following criteria using a 5 point scale, with 1 = lowest rating and 5 = highest rating.
Numerical Rating:
Credentials: Earned doctorate in appropriate discipline from a regionally accredited university
Professional Experience: Degree of experience in special education practice
Teaching Excellence: Evidence of excellence in teaching - UG and G students
Commitment to Scholarship and Service: Evidence of scholarly activity and service work
Expertise: Evidence of expertise in high incidence disabilities
K-6 Public School: Evidence of experience in this setting
Range of Teaching: Evidence of ability to teach wide range of courses in special education
Commitment to equity, diversity, and student success
Total Rating Score:
This sample uses the specific criteria mentioned in the ad for this position to rate/rank candidates using a simple rating scale that allows reviewers to make a judgment on the qualifications of each candidate;
9.) Sample Email to “Semi-finalist” Candidates
Dear Dr. Smith:
I am delighted to inform you that the screening committee for the Assistant Professor of Special Education position at Springfield College has selected you as one of our semi-finalists for this position. At this point in the search process, we want to assess your continued interest in the position and to obtain your permission to check your references - both those you provided in your application, and any others we feel might be necessary to evaluate your candidacy. We also wish to ask a few additional questions that will help us prepare for the on-campus interview portion of this process.
If you remain interested in this position, I would appreciate your reply to this email providing me with:
- Permission to begin checking your references;
- A brief statement of your salary expectations for the position;
- A list of any questions you may have about this position;
- In addition, will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status (e.g. H-1B visa status)?
Upon receipt of this information, we will begin the next step of our search process with the goal of selecting candidates for an on campus interview in the next week or two.
Thank you very much for your interest in Springfield College and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Dr. Elizabeth Mc Colligan
Chair, Screening Committee
10.) Special Education Interview Feedback Form
Interview Session Attended:
Please complete this form and provide it to a member of the screening committee within 24 hours - Thank you!
1.) Candidate Credentials and Experience:
Do you believe that this candidate has the credentials and experience needed for the high incidence disabilities special education position? Explain.
2.) Teaching Effectiveness:
How would you evaluate this candidate’s teaching skills and his/her ability to interact with our students?
3.) Humanics Philosophy:
What is your assessment of this candidate’s ability to contribute to the department, the school, and the college?
4.) General Comments/Feedback:
SIRII Student Opinion Questionnaire:
The college will collect student evaluations of faculty teaching using the Student Instructional Report II, (SIRII), developed by the Educational Testing Service. The SIRII is a valid and reliable instrument used by nearly 200 colleges and universities across the country. The SIRII is designed to be learner centered, and this instrument was selected by the Faculty Senate as an appropriate instrument for providing student feedback to faculty members.
In years when the SIRII is to be administered to their classes, faculty members will receive a SIRII packet around the mid-point of the semester. The SIR II should be administered no later than the 13th week of the semester, or in the 4th month of the term and returned to their department upon completion. SIR II evaluations should not be administered during the final exam period. Faculty members should not be present when the students complete the SIRII. The approved procedure for administering this evaluation requires that the faculty member select a student to distribute the SIRII to the class, to collect the completed surveys, and then to deliver the completed surveys to the department chair/campus director in a sealed envelope. Faculty members should wait outside the class while this occurs and provide time at the start of the instructional period for this evaluation.
Mid-Probation Review:
The mid-probation review process is designed to provide faculty with a comprehensive evaluation of their performance at the mid-point of their probationary appointment at the college. This evaluation is intended to supplement the annual evaluations completed by the department chairs/campus directors and school deans and serves to inform the faculty member of their progress in meeting the standards and requirements required for continued probationary appointments at the college, and their progress towards developing the record of achievements and performance required for a successful tenure or long-term appointment review.
A successful mid-probation review does not guarantee that a candidate will be approved for a tenured or long-term appointment during the tenure and long-term appointment review process. The faculty member however, must address concerns raised during the mid-tenure review if they hope to be successful during the tenure and long-term appointment review process.
Applicants preparing their mid-probation review portfolio should follow the format provided in the Tenure/Long-Term Appointment/Promotion guidelines described below. A Mid-Probation Review Report form will be completed for each applicant by the department chair/campus director, the School Committee on Faculty Development and Status, the school, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs as part of the mid-probation review process.
Tenure, Long-Term Appointment, Mid-Probation Review and Promotion Portfolio Materials:
Persons applying for Tenure, Long-Term Appointment and Promotion will be limited to two 2” binders for the application portfolio. The following materials must be included in the first notebook and the detailed copies of student opinion survey results should be included in the second notebook.
Notebook One:
- Copy of letter of hire
- Executive Summary (1 copies) prepared by the applicant - limited to 6 pages (if more than 6 pages are submitted, only 1st 6 will be considered)
- A complete and current curriculum vitae
- Complete copies of all faculty workplans
- Complete copies of all annual self-evaluations
- Complete copies of all annual evaluations completed by your department chair/campus director/athletic director
- A limit of four letters in support of your application, (three internal to the college and one external)
Notebook Two:
- Complete copies of all student evaluation data
Each page in the binders should be displayed in a clear plastic insert using two pages per insert - i.e. front and back. These same guidelines/parameters should be used in preparing Mid-Promotion Review applications.
Forms/Materials for Faculty Personnel Applications/Reports:
Appropriate forms and materials can be obtained from the Faculty Resources section on PrideNet.