Sep 13, 2024  
2017-2018 Springfield College Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Springfield College Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Nutritional Science


Occupational Therapy

  • OCTH 100 - Occupational Therapy Seminar I: Essentials for Academic and Professional Success

    This course assists the student’s transition into college academic and social life and introduces beginning professional skills.  Topics include setting goals,time management, critical thinking, test-taking strategies, and requirements for occupational therapy education and entry level skills.  Students engage in small group discussion and active learning in and outside the classroom to advance knowledge, skills and behavior in a supportive setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSOT majors.

    Credits: 1

  • OCTH 101 - Survey of Occupational Therapy

    This course provides an opportunity to survey basic concepts, theories, settings, and practices of occupational therapy. The values of occupational therapy performance and activity in prevention, treatment, and health maintenance are addressed. Roles and responsibilities encountered by current occupational therapists are explored.

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 284 - Occupational Therapy Practicum & Seminar II: Introduction to the OT Clinic

    This course is a clinical experiential course (45 hours) run simultaneously with a weekly two hour seminar. Students spend time in an occupational therapy setting in the community, observing evaluations, treatment and therapist-client interactions. The accompanying seminar offers an arena to share and discuss observations, clinical reasoning, and supervision issues. Additionally, the seminar is an opportunity to apply learning from their practicum and reading. Students may take this course more than once.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 101 - Survey of Occupational Therapy  

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 384 - OT Practicum and Seminar III: OT Practice Framework

    This course combines 90 hours of clinical experience with a weekly seminar.  Students spend time in an occupational therapy setting in the community, observing evaluations, treatment and therapist-client interactions. The accompanying seminar focuses on the OT Practice Framework and offers an arena to share and discuss observations, clinical reasoning, and supervision issues.  Students may take this course more than once for a total of six (6) credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 101 - Survey of Occupational Therapy  

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 501 - Occupational Therapy Fundamentals

    This course is a study of the historical and current philosophies of occupational therapy, with emphasis on the present scope of practices, issues, and concepts. The values of occupational performance and activity in prevention, treatment, and health maintenance are also addressed.

    May fulfill WAC.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSOT major or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 503 - Professional Seminar I

    Students in this seminar/practicum explore their understanding of themselves, the illness/disability experience and the contexts of occupational therapy practice.  Through exploration of the therapeutic use of self, reflective exercises and observational experiences in area clinics, students and faculty collaborate to exam in the dynamics of professional caregiving.  Professional ethics, standards of practice, and interpersonal skills are practiced and discussed during weekly seminar.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Major in occupational therapy or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 1

  • OCTH 505 - Group Process

    This course, including a laboratory experience, focuses on understanding the process of group dynamics, recognizing various types of verbal interactions among group participants, and learning appropriate techniques and interventions to promote insight and improved interpersonal interaction skills.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 501 - Occupational Therapy Fundamentals  

    Credits: 1

  • OCTH 506 - Group Process Lab

    Lab component of OCTH 505.

    Credits: 0

  • OCTH 512 - Neuroscience and Occupation I

    This course presents the neurological foundations of human performance, behavior, and emotion through lecture and laboratory formats. Students engage in collaborative analysis of clinical examples to better understand the structure, function, and development of the nervous system and its influence on functional tasks throughout the lifespan.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Occupational therapy major.

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 514 - Neuroscience and Occupation I Lab

    Lab component of OCTH 512.

    Credits: 0

  • OCTH 515 - Functional Movement in Occupations

    Students develop knowledge and skills in observing, evaluating, and describing posture, balance, alignment and movement during performance of functional activities. Students apply principles of kinesiology, biomechanics and motor learning to problems of functional movement. Skills introduced include range of motion, manual muscle testing, splinting and methods of adapting tools, materials and environments.

    Credits: 2

  • OCTH 520 - Development, Occupation, and Performance in Infancy and Childhood

    Through the observation and study of human performance from infancy through school age, students recognize and compare normal and dysfunctional processes which may affect growth and development, learning, self-care, play/leosure, social interactions, and familty functioning.  Through class activities and service learning, students refine their observation skills, applying their interpretation of observations as part of the evaluation process and basic intervention planning.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHTH 506 - Clinical Human Anatomy I  


    OCTH 512 - Neuroscience and Occupation I  

    Credits: 4

  • OCTH 521 - Performance, Dysfunction, and Occupational Therapy Adaptation in Childhood

    Through the study of human performance from preschool through school age, this course emphasizes normal and dysfunctional processes affecting growth and development, learning, self care, play and leisure, and family functioning. Techniques for assessment and intervention in sensory, perceptual, motor, cognitive, emotional, and social skill development are emphasized and practiced in laboratory experiences, with particular attention to skills needed in the school system.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHTH 508 - Clinical Human Anatomy II  


    OCTH 512 - Neuroscience and Occupation I  

    Corequisite: OCTH 520 - Development, Occupation, and Performance in Infancy and Childhood  

    Credits: 4

  • OCTH 523 - Performance, Dysfunction, and Occupational Therapy Adaptation in Childhood Lab

    Lab component of OCTH 521.

    Credits: 0

  • OCTH 525 - Development, Dysfunction, and Occupational Therapy Adaptation in Adolescents

    This course involves the study of human performance from school age through young adulthood, emphasizing normal and dysfunctional processes which may affect growth and development, learning, self-care, leisure, peer relations, and family functioning. Various theories and occupational therapy frames of reference are utilized in understanding the life tasks of adolescents. Intervention strategies are covered and practiced in a one-hour weekly lab.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 501 - Occupational Therapy Fundamentals  


    OCTH 503 - Professional Seminar I  

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 527 - Development, Dysfunction, and Occupational Therapy Adaptation in Adolescents Lab

    Lab component of OCTH 525.

    Credits: 0

  • OCTH 550 - Occupational Therapy Management

    This course examines the development of occupational therapy programs and departments emphasizing strategic planning, marketing, budgeting, staffing, reimbursement, and federal and state licensing regulations. Managing staff, consulting to agencies, writing grant proposals, and utilizing resources are also explored.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 501 - Occupational Therapy Fundamentals  


    OCTH 503 - Professional Seminar I  

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 582 - Graduate Seminar

    This course provides a discussion of professional ethics and current issues in the field. Personal values and attitudes, and their relationship to the provision of patient care, are explored as they relate across the spectrum of cultures, classes, and current events.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    HSOT major

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 583 - Seminar for Clinical Reasoning

    Students in this seminar explore the relationship between clients’ occupational roles and dysfunctions in light of theoretical frames of reference.  Through peer discussion students develop an appreciation of others’ experiences and greater confidence for assuming professional roles.  Occupational therapy majors with extensive OT clinical experience may apply to substitute this course for OCTH 584.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of instructor and OTRC.

    Credits: 1

  • OCTH 584 - Clinical Education I and Professional Seminar II

    This course is a combination of a supervised field experience in one or more health care setting where occupational therapy is practiced, and a series of seminars. It provides experiences in beginning occupational therapy clinical skills of evaluation, observation, treatment planning, implementation, and clinical reasoning. Students may take this course more than once.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 501 - Occupational Therapy Fundamentals  


    OCTH 503 - Professional Seminar I  

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 585 - Individualized Fieldwork in Occupational Therapy

    This course provides additional Level I fieldwork to explore particular clinical interests or to address specific performance issues identified in OCTH 584. The student and an occupational therapy faculty member develop specific objectives for an individualized clinical experience which includes regular supervision with a faculty member and a clinical supervisor, with readings, special projects, written assignments, and/or presentations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 584 - Clinical Education I and Professional Seminar II  

    Credits: 1-6

  • OCTH 592 - Individual Study in Occupational Therapy

    This course provides occupational therapy students with the opportunity to engage in individualized study with an occupational therapy faculty member. The student may explore particular academic or professional interests, beyond or within the requirement of the occupational therapy curriculum. The learning experience may include independent reading or writing on a topic related to the field. This course may be taken more than once.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Occupational therapy major or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1-4

  • OCTH 612 - Research Project Design

    Students prepare a written plan for a personal ‘program of research’ leading to a portfolio of scholarly work that will begin in this course and be completed in OCTH 626 Research Project over the next year. Course activities and assignments will demonstrate students’ emerging understanding of and competence in applying research knowledge and skills within the practice of occupational therapy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    RSCH 610 - Fundamentals and Methods of Research  

    Credits: 2

  • OCTH 626 - OT Research Project

    Students plan, organize, and implement a personal plan of scholarly activity under the supervision of an Occupational Therapy faculty member. Projects are submitted and presented in an approved form for retention by the Occupational Therapy Department. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 3 semester hours of OT Research Projects credits to fulfill the project requirements for the Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 612 - Research Project Design  

    Credits: 1-3

  • OCTH 632 - Occupation, Dysfunction, and Adaptation in Adults II

    This is the second in a four-course sequence that examines occupational function, dysfunction, and adaptation in adults. This course specifically addresses the operational use of psychosocial occupational therapy theories within the context of traditional psychiatric theories. Occupational therapy interventions, emphasizing therapeutic use of self, engagement in activity, and psychosocial evaluations are practiced.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 501 - Occupational Therapy Fundamentals  


    OCTH 505 - Group Process 

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 633 - Occupation, Dysfunction, and Adaptation in Adults III

    This is the third in a four-course sequence that examines occupational function, dysfunction, and adaptation in adults. This course specifically addresses clinical pathology, theory, and practice related to the physical domain of human occupation. Techniques for occupational therapy intervention, emphasizing biomechanic, rehabilitative, and human occupation approaches, are reviewed and practiced.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 631 - Occupation, Dysfunction, and Adaptation in Adults I  

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 634 - Occupation, Dysfunction, and Adaptation in Adults IV

    This is the fourth in a four-course sequence that examines occupational function, dysfunction, and adaptation in adults. This course specifically addresses clinical pathology, theory, and practice related to the psychosocial domain of human occupation. Psychiatric diagnoses are explored, along with occupational therapy techniques for assessment and intervention. Students have the opportunity to experience group leadership roles in the community.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 632 - Occupation, Dysfunction, and Adaptation in Adults II  

    Credits: 4

  • OCTH 635 - Development and OT Adaptation for the Older Adult

    The age range of the older adult today is 40 plus years. Students learn of the variety of physical and psychosocial strengths and challenges experienced by this population and the roles occupational therapists play in facilitation of healthy occupations. Students observe older adults in various community arenas while they practice evaluation and treatment planning for this population.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 501 - Occupational Therapy Fundamentals  

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 636 - Occupational Therapy for the Older Adult

    Occupation based issues and occupational therapy treatment for the older adult are explored and applied to treatment planning and documentation practice. Students with previous experience and/or academic history related to older adults tailor this course with theprofessor to match their individual needs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of instructor and OTRC

    Credits: 1-2

  • OCTH 637 - Occupation, Dysfunction and Adaptation in Adults V

    This is the fifth in a 5-course sequence that examines occupational function, dysfunction, and adaptation in adults.  This course specifically addresses clinical pathology, theory, and practice related to the physical domain of human occupation.  Techniques for occupational therapy intervention emphasizing advanced biomechanical and evidence based approached while applying occupation based models are reviews and practiced.

    Credits: 3

  • OCTH 683 - Professional Seminar III

    Students participate in a seminar designed to assist in the transition from the OT academic setting to full-time fieldwork. Students review AOTA and Springfield College O.T. department fieldwork policies and procedures, complete or update required training in clinical procedures (e.g. HIPAA, Universal Precautions, background checks), and discuss conceptual foundations of fieldwork education, problem solving strategies, and the student evaluation process.

    Credits: 1

  • OCTH 684 - Clinical Education II

    Students participate in an intensive full-time twelve-week (or the equivalent) field experience in an occupational therapy practice setting, supervised by a qualified, licensed occupational therapist. Students have the opportunity to master entry-level clinical skills of evaluation, treatment planning,, implementation and documentation. In these settings, students practice the application of occupational performance theories and clinical reasoning with a caseload of clients.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 683 - Professional Seminar III  


    permission of instructor.

    Credits: 9

  • OCTH 685 - Clinical Education III

    Students participate in a second intensive full-time twelve-week (or the equivalent) field experience in a different occupational therapy practice setting, supervised by a qualified, licensed occupational therapist. Students have the opportunity to master entry-level clinical skills of evaluation, treatment planning, implementation and documentation. In these settings, students practice the application of occupational performance theories and clinical reasoning with a caseload of clients.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 683 - Professional Seminar III  


    permission of instructor.

    Credits: 9

  • OCTH 686 - Specialty Clinical Education

    Specialty Clinical Education

    Credits: 0

  • OCTH 687 - Professional Seminar IV

    Students participate in a seminar designed to assist in the transition from fieldwork to career. Students discuss fieldwork successes and challenges and how that has and will influence their career goals and strategies. Students learn about and prepare for national certification, state licensure, and other policies and procedures related to entering the profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    OCTH 684 - Clinical Education II  

    Credits: 1


  • PHIL 103 - Conflict of Ideals

    This course explores the major philosophical thinkers and value systems that have influenced twentieth century thought. Students are encouraged to explore and expand their own value systems using the tools of philosophical inquiry.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 105 - Introduction to Philosophy

    This course studies representative thinkers in the major areas of philosophy, with emphasis on how philosophical ideas and methodologies can help us understand the contemporary world and our everyday lives.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 106 - Ethics

    This course applies the study of ethical theories, value systems, and models of power and oppression to everyday life, community concerns, workplace practices and global issues for the purpose of promoting social justice and the Humanics philosophy of “leadership in service to humanity.”

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 108 - Logic

    This course introduces students to the basics of critical thinking in the context of everyday discourse, including the structure of argument, major types of argument, criteria for evaluation of argument, common fallacies of reasoning, and the mechanics of writing an argumentative essay.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 222 - Africana Philosophy

    This course explores African and African-American cultures and philosophies, including such topics as human nature; mind, body, and personhood; politics and society; ethics, law, and crime; knowledge and truth; colonialism and postcolonialism; race and racism; gender; and slavery.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 288 - Special Topics in Philosophy

    Responding to changing currents in the field of philosophy, this course explores a topic of contemporary relevance.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 380 - Existentialism

    The course is an examination of those philosophers who stand within the existentialist tradition. It explores such subjects as objective and existential truth, inauthentic and authentic existence, death, and freedom.

    Credits: 3

Physical Education

  • PHED 102 - Instructional Strategies in Physical Education

    This course introduces students to generic teaching strategies, techniques, and safety issues in physical education. Lecture sessions focus upon conceptual foundations of teaching. Laboratory sessions are devoted to practical applications of lecture concepts in school based laboratory settings.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 212 - Principles and Problems of Coaching

    This course highlights the role of the coach and the coach’s application of selected concepts and principles from psychology, sociology, and physiology toward the development of the individual and team for athletic competition in schools and colleges. Special attention is given to an awareness and understanding of the problems associated with motivation and emotion in sport; legal liability; the learning and improvement of motor skills; daily, weekly, and seasonal planning; training and conditioning methods; and the integration of the whole individual and team in preparation for contests.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 231 - Challenge Course Facilitator

    This course is a practical application course that teaches how to plan, implement, and  evaluate adventure education experiences for groups in a ropes course setting. Students have the opportunity for supervised practical experience within a group leadership environment. Instruction utilizes the ropes course as a tool for working with groups. Topics such as experiential education, adventure education, group dynamics, leadership styles, equipment, and safety methods are also stressed.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 236 - Elementary Physical Education Methods and Pre-Practicum: Grades K-2

    This one-half semester course is designed to help second-year physical education teacher preparation students further their pedagogical content knowledge and to introduce principles of curriculum development and liability issues for grades pre-K through 12. Students apply developmentally appropriate practices in school-based laboratory settings. Module 1 is dedicated to preparation for teaching pre-K - 2nd grade students. Students must earn a C or better in PHED 236 in order to matriculate.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHED 102 - Instructional Strategies in Physical Education  

    MOSK 140 - Skill Themes and Movement Concepts  


    MOST 105 - Lifespan Motor Development  

    Credits: 1.5

  • PHED 237 - Elementary Physical Education Methods and Pre-Practicum: Grades 3-5

    This one-half semester course is designed to help second-year physical education teacher preparation students further their pedagogical content knowledge and to introduce principles of curriculum development for grades pre-K through 12. Students apply developmentally appropriate practices in school-based laboratory settings. Module 2 is open only to movement studies majors in the Physical Education Teacher Preparation program.                                   

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHED 102 - Instructional Strategies in Physical Education  

    MOSK 140 - Skill Themes and Movement Concepts  


    MOST 105 - Lifespan Motor Development  

    Credits: 1.5

  • PHED 238 - Secondary Physical Education Methods and Pre-Practicum: Grades 6-8

    This one-half semester course is designed to help second-year physical education teacher preparation students further their pedagogical content knowledge and to introduce principles of curriculum development for grades pre-K through 12. Students apply developmentally appropriate practices in school-based laboratory settings. The primary focus of Module 3 is to introduce preservice teachers to appropriate practices for planning, teaching and evaluating middle school (grades 6-8) physical education.  The approach to teaching used in this course is based on nationally recognized appropriate physical education practices for middle school students.  The information given in module 3-Middle School Lecture will be reinforced and practiced in a 2-hour per week lab experience at a middle school teaching middle school students.  In addition, students will have the opportunity to volunteer at the middle school and work with students in their academic classrooms as well.  Instructional methods for this course will include various teaching styles and strategies of mini-discussion and lecture, guest presenters, small group work, jigsawing, and brainstorming.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHED 102 - Instructional Strategies in Physical Education  

    MOSK 140 - Skill Themes and Movement Concepts  


    MOST 105 - Lifespan Motor Development  

    Credits: 1.5

  • PHED 239 - Secondary Physical Education Methods and Pre-Practicum, Grades 9-12

    This one-half semester course is designed to help second-year physical education teacher preparation students further their pedagogical content knowledge and to introduce principles of curriculum development for liability issues for grades 9 through 12. Students apply developmentally appropriate practices in school-based laboratory settings. The primary focus of Module 4/High School Physical Education is to introduce appropriate practices for planning, teaching and evaluating high school physical education. The   approach to teaching used in this course is based on nationally recognized appropriate physical education practices for high school students.  The information given in module 4-high school lecture will be reinforced and practiced in a 2-hour per week lab experience at a high school site teaching students.                                      

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHED 102 - Instructional Strategies in Physical Education  

    MOSK 140 - Skill Themes and Movement Concepts  


    MOST 105 - Lifespan Motor Development  

    Credits: 1.5

  • PHED 281 - College-Level Supervised On-Campus Teaching

    This course presents an opportunity to gain experience in the techniques, methodologies, and philosophies of teaching selected activities under the close supervision and guidance of Springfield College faculty members. It may be repeated once.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of the department.

    Credits: 1

  • PHED 311 - Coaching and Officiating Baseball

    This course provides students with a basic understanding of the variables associated with the coaching of baseball on all levels. The major emphasis is on providing students with team strategy, fundamentals, and technical skills necessary to assist them in administering a successful baseball program. Two semester hours are allocated to the coaching aspects of the sport, while one semester hour is allocated to offensive and defensive fundamentals and technical skills.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 314 - Coaching and Officiating Football

    Coaching and Officiating introduces students to current techniques, basic concepts, management, and methods of coaching football as they apply to both the secondary and collegiate level.  Included is an analysis of the offensive, defensive, and kicking games to help the students determine appropriate coaching strategies.  In addition, principles of coaching philosophies, recruiting, eligibility, public relations, player-coach relationships, legal issues, and other organizational factors are implemented in this course.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 315 - Coaching Men’s Gymnastics

    This course presents methods and materials of gymnastic coaching, as well as an analysis of competitive gymnastic skills. Conduct of gymnastic meets is also included in the course.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 317 - Coaching and Officiating Basketball

    This course emphasizes the methods of teaching and coaching basketball, with an analysis of specific offenses and defenses. A definite plan of offense and defense is presented.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 319 - Coaching and Officiating Softball

    Techniques and materials for coaching softball at the secondary school and college levels are presented. Emphasis is also placed on the philosophy and psychology of varsity coaching, conditioning, and team strategy.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 321 - Coaching and Officiating Track and Field

    This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills to successfully coach track and field at the high school and collegiate levels, and also achieve certification as a Western Massachusetts Track and Field Official.  This course provides the students an opportunity for the study of problems, methods of training, progressive drills used to learn the events and the various techniques in common use today.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 322 - Coaching and Officiating Volleyball

    This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills to successfully coach volleyball at the high school and collegiate levels, and to be prepared to complete certification to officiate high school volleyball matches.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 323 - Coaching and Officiating Wrestling

    Course material covers the essential techniques of wrestling, the development of a team, conditioning, conduct of practice sessions, weight reduction, and preparation of a team for meets and tournaments.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 325 - Coaching Women’s Gymnastics

    This course presents methods and materials of gymnastic coaching, as well as an analysis of competitive gymnastic skills. Conduct of gymnastic meets is also included in the course.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 326 - Coaching Swimming and Diving

    This is a systematic treatment of the philosophy, principles, and techniques of teaching and coaching competitive swimming and diving.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 330 - Coaching Youth Sports

    Coaching Youth Sports

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 336 - Officiating Athletic Events

    This course provides students with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills requisite to becoming a competent official for selected interscholastic athletic events. It may be repeated for credit as long as the athletic event designated is not replicated.

    Credits: 1

  • PHED 337 - Coaching and Officiating Field Hockey

    This course is designed to introduce the skills, strategies, and rules of the sport of field hockey in order to successfully coach at the high school or collegiate level. Topics to be covered in the course include: coaching philosophies, game strategies, coaching styles, practice planning, and other various issues associated with coaching field hockey. Students will also be prepared to become a high school field hockey official should they desire to pursue that option. 

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 338 - Coaching and Officiating Soccer

    This course emphasizes the analysis and teaching of individual skills and team play. Various types of offense and defense are presented. The course also includes strategy and the function of the coach and his/her opportunity as an educator.

    Credits: 3

  • PHED 344 - Athletic Administration

    This course prepares students to organize and administer a program of intramural and interscholastic sports at both the public school and college levels. Consideration is given to the problems and standards associated with such programs.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 346 - Pre-Practicum-Elementary Level

    This pre-practicum provides prospective physical education teachers with opportunities for observing, assisting, and teaching physical education in the elementary school setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Matriculated status and student must be an official candidate for teacher licensure.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 347 - Pre-Practicum-Secondary Level

    This pre-practicum provides prospective physical education teachers with opportunities for observing, assisting, and teaching physical education in the secondary school setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Matriculated status and student must be an official candidate for teacher licensure.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 349 - Coaching Practicum

    This pre-practicum provides prospective coaches with an opportunity to assist in the coaching of interscholastic competitive athletics in grades 7-12.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHED 212 - Principles and Problems of Coaching  or concurrent registration.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 423 - Organization and Administration of Intramurals

    This course analyzes the total aspects of organizing and administering an intramural sports program on the high school, junior college, and college/ university levels. Leadership qualities, financing, publicizing, liabilities, tournament preparation, equipment, motivational aspects, and the role of coeducational activities are among some of the topics discussed.

    Credits: 2

  • PHED 484 - Physical Education (PreK-8) Practicum and Seminar

    This culminating experience gives teacher candidates the opportunity to plan, organize, and teach elementary/middle school physical education under the direct supervision of a qualified supervising practitioner and program supervisor.  The experience includes between 150-450 clock hours, depending on the number of registered credits. A minimum of 300 clock hours is required for those seeking licensure as a Physical Education (PreK-8) teacher.  A seminar taught by Springfield College faculty is included.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    All standards for practicum placement must be met including passing all required MTELS.

    Credits: 4-12

  • PHED 485 - Physical Education (5-12) Practicum and Seminar

    This culminating experience gives teacher candidates the opportunity to plan, organize, and teach secondary physical education under the direct supervision of a qualified supervising practitioner and program supervisor.  The experience includes between 150-450 clock hours, depending on the number of registered credits. A minimum of 300 clock hours is required for those seeking licensure as a Physical Education (5-12) teacher. A seminar taught by Springfield College faculty is included.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    All standards for practicum placement must be met including passing all required MTELs.

    Credits: 4-12

  • PHED 494 - Practicum in Physical Education

    This is a supervised practicum under the direct guidance of a teacher-certified physical educator for a minimum of fourteen weeks at either the PreK-8 or 5-12 level. Site assignments are made in consultation with and by permission of the director of educator preparation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MOST major, permission of the department, permission of the department, and the following courses:

    First Aid/CPR Certification

    PHED 102 - Instructional Strategies in Physical Education  

    PHED 308 - Adapted Physical Education Programming  


    a pre-practicum.

    Student must have passed MTEL exams and courses designated by their program.

    Credits: 12-14

  • PHED 505 - Sports Medicine for Athletic Administrators

    This course is designed to expose students pursuant of a degree in athletic administration to major health issues and concerns encountered in athletics.  Specific attention is given to problematic areas and the administrator’s role.  Further, this course will aid the administrator in their ability to evaluate coaching practices and techniques making provisions for better care of the athlete.

    Credits: 2

Physical Education Activity Course

  • PEAC * All - Physical Education Activity Courses

    PEAC skills courses are All-College activity courses designed for the general College population and are intended to support the development of student commitment to and skills needed for lifelong participation in movement activity. These skills courses satisfy the four semester hour General Education requirement in physical education. Credts are .5 unless noted.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 101 - Boating and Canoeing

    This course will teach students the basic fundamentals of boating and canoeing.  Students will gain an understanding of the history, water rating system, equipment and techniques of boating and canoeing.  The learning environment for this course will be in the classroom, the swimming pool, and at designated outdoor flat water and moving water areas.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 102 - SCUBA Certification

          This course provides the fundamental knowledge and skills to scuba dive.  Upon completion of the course, students are certified and considered competent to engage in open water diving activities without supervision.

    Credits: 1

  • PEAC 103 - In-line Skating

    This course is a beginning to intermediate level course designed to teach students skating skills such as moving, stopping, and turning. The course is also taught with a focus on increasing cardiovascular fitness and addressing safety concerns specific to the sport.  

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 104 - Swimming

    This course is designed to provide participants with the fundamental skills of swimming. The course will include the history of swimming, hydrodynamic principles, basic water skills, stroke development, starts, turns, and diving.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 105 - Indoor Soccer

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 107 - Water Polo and Aquatic Games

    In this course, students will learn the fundamental skills of water polo and a variety of aquatic games. Students will be introduced to the rules and strategies of the games, and will have the opportunity to develop skills through individual and group tasks. Modified games and game-like situations will be presented as an opportunity for students to apply skills.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 108 - Sports for the Disabled I

    This course is designed to provide students with exposure to the various sports opportunities available for individuals with disabilities.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 109 - Sports for the Disabled II

    This course is designed to provide students with a continuation of exposure to the various sports opportunities available for individuals with disabilities.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 110 - Tennis

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 111 - Aerobic Dance

    This course is an introduction to aerobic dance including: choreography, music, rhythm, muscle awareness, step-aerobics, hip-hop aerobics, and overall mental wellness. This course will provide a sound foundation for lifelong fitness in aerobics.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 113 - Resistance Training

    This course is designed to teach students the importance of resistance training and potential health benefits.  Students will learn to identify appropriate resistance training exercises, as well as how to perform a variety of Resistance training exercises with proper technique.  Students acquire an understanding of the basic concepts of designing balanced programs and programs design related to training for specific goals and become familiar with the health benefits associated with resistance training.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 114 - Hiking and Backpacking

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 115 - Fitness Swimming

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 116 - Jogging

    Fulfills General Education Physical Education requirement.

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 117 - Mountain Biking

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 119 - Kayaking

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 120 - Relaxation

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 121 - Tai Chi Chuan

    Tai Chi Chuan

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 123 - Tai Chi Sword

    Tai Chi Sword

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 124 - Walking

    Credits: .5

  • PEAC 126 - Orienteering

    Credits: .5


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