Mar 10, 2025  
2014-2015 School of Human Services Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 School of Human Services Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Springfield College Policies

Each institution establishes rules and regulations to ensure that students individual rights are respected within the community. Such policies also serve to inform students of their responsibilities. Please read the following policy statements carefully. Details of some policies, when they appear to relate exclusively to students on the main campus, will be implemented to appropriately serve School of Human Service students at remote sites. Questions concerning campus policies should be raised to your campus director or to the associate dean of SHS.

The following pages contain information about these topics:


Financial Obligations

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Tuition, fees, and other charges are payable when due. Deadlines for payment of tuition, fees and other charges are identified on student account summaries which are mailed to the individual responsible for payment of the bill. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Springfield College. There is a penalty charge of $25 per check for checks returned by the drawer’s bank.

The College withholds all issuance of grades, the awarding of diplomas, the issuance of transcripts and the granting of honorable dismissal to any student whose account is in arrears. In addition, the College reserves the right to prevent any individual who fails to pay all bills from registering or selecting college housing. Any collection costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred by the College will be passed on to the individual and the student responsible for the bill, jointly and severally.

Life-Threatening Behavior

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Springfield College recognizes that certain life-threatening behavior (e.g., suicide threats, gestures, or attempts; eating disorders; substance abuse; threats, gestures, or attempts to harm others) are signs of distress. The College is committed to helping students alleviate whatever stress factors are precipitating life-threatening behavior by providing support and/or referral to students through use of appropriate resources. However, since it is critically important to maintain civility and respect for all members of the College community, it is recognized that action must be taken when such behavior is considered by the College disruptive to and unacceptable in the academic and social learning environment.

Any student who demonstrates such behavior while enrolled at Springfield College will be required to meet with a member of the dean of students’ staff or a designee of the dean of the College and may be required to immediately undergo a psychological or medical assessment and evaluation, either with a member of the counseling center staff and/or outside medical personnel. The diagnosis and results of the evaluation(s) will be considered by the dean of atudents or his/her designee in determining if or under what conditions, the student may continue at Springfield College. If it is determined that the student poses a threat to him/herself or other members of the College community, he/she may be suspended from the College.

The basis for this decision will be out of concern for the safety and welfare of the individual student and members of the community, as determined in the sole discretion of the dean of students or his/her designee. As a result, the College may require that the student actively engage in counseling and/or other treatment programs as a condition of enrollment. In such cases, College personnel would request to have access to the treatment providers to understand the students condition and if progress is being made.

Immunization Requirements (Massachusetts campuses only)

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Massachusetts Department of Public Health (105 CMR 220.600) requires all undergraduate and graduate students attending educational programs offered within the state to present documentation of the following immunizations:

  1. Mumps (1 dose given at or after 12 months of age)
  2. Rubella (1 dose given at or after 12 months of age)
  3. Measles (2 doses given at least 1 month apart beginning at or after 12 months of age)
  4. Tetanus (booster of Td within the past 10 years)
  5. Hepatitis B (3 doses)

The preceding immunization requirements are effective for all incoming School of Human Services students enrolled at both the Springfield and Boston campuses. Failure to comply with the immunization requirements will result in denied class registration. In order to meet these requirements, students are required to submit the official Immunization Record to the Springfield College Health Center prior to registration.

The Immunization Record form must be completed and signed by a health care provider (registered nurse, physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) or students may attach a copy of documented immunizations or laboratory evidence of immunity. Students are advised to receive vaccinations through their own health care provider. If needed, immunizations can be administered at the health center; however, students are strongly encouraged to contact their own health care provider first.

Students may contact the health center at (413) 748-3175 with questions or for further assistance.

Release of Personally Identifiable Information and Student Records

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Springfield College will maintain student confidentiality rights and protect access to information as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, also known as the Buckley Amendment. Except as provided by law, information from a students records will not be released without the prior written consent of the student. This legislation also provides numerous exceptions whereby the College may release information without prior notice and/or consent of the student, including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Directory information may be provided unless a student has filed a written request to withhold this information. Students, whether they reside on or off campus, must advise the Office of the Registrar in writing no later than September 15 of each academic year if they wish to restrict the release of this information.

Springfield College considers the following information as “directory information”: name, campus mailbox, campus phone number, enrollment status, dates of attendance at the College, major, semester hours earned, degrees earned, and honors received.

  1. Information may be shared with and by Springfield College faculty and staff who have a legitimate educational interest in the student.

In addition, any requests that come from officers of the court; financial aid personnel to support a student’s application for aid; as well as appropriate parties in health or safety emergencies will have access to information in the student’s records. Students may also be asked to sign a written waiver granting permission for the release of information from the school records.

Students retain the right to review the contents of their educational records. In order to do so, a formal written request must be made through the Office of the Registrar. In such cases, a meeting will be established within 45 days of the request to permit the student to review materials. Springfield College will comply with a written request initiated by the student to supply information in his/her behalf. Such requests must be signed and dated and include the specific records or information to be disclosed, the purpose for the disclosure, and the individual(s) to whom the information should be released. Details concerning the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act are available at the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of the Registrar.

General Regulatory Statement

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Students are expected to behave in a manner that is consistent with the Humanics philosophy of Springfield College. Since students are considered majority-aged citizens, they should act in a mature and responsible manner and conduct themselves with honor and integrity at all times throughout all aspects of the College experience including but not limited to academic matters, athletic participation, student teaching, student life and disciplinary hearings. While this expected code of conduct is generally not an issue for most students, it is important to clearly understand that disciplinary procedures may result from student misconduct occurring on or off campus. This misconduct may be violations of College policies, College regulations and/or violations of municipal, state or federal laws. Further, whenever student behavior becomes disturbing to other members of the College community to the extent that such behavior is believed to hinder the College in its basic educational functions, then College officials may initiate disciplinary procedures against the student or students in question.

The College should not be viewed as a haven from prosecution; College authorities will cooperate with civil and/or criminal authorities. Where action is pending before civil or criminal authorities, determination of disposition of such cases within the internal framework of the College may not await decisions of the courts. College disciplinary proceedings may be separate from that of civil and or criminal authorities.

The College reserves the right to take disciplinary action against Springfield College students who are involved in any off-campus incidents of criminal activity or otherwise inappropriate noncriminal behavior, particularly when such incidents have implications for campus safety and/or an effect on the reputation or operation of the College.

In consideration of its responsibilities, Springfield College believes that the following practices are unacceptable conduct. This list is intended to be exemplary, not exhaustive.

  1. Directing threatening language at another person.
  2. Physical altercations.
  3. Harassment of any type, including, but not limited to, repeated unwanted phone calls or visits, obscene phone calls, remarks or gestures.
  4. Nisuse or abuse of alcohol.
  5. Possession, use, or distribution of any illegal and/or controlled substance.
  6. Community disturbance and/or involvement in any situation which violates the rights of others.
  7. Gambling.
  8. Theft of College property or the property of another person.
  9. Shoplifting, including that occurring at any College auxiliary service (bookstore, food services facility) or any other theft of goods and/or services.
  10. Selling books that are not one’s own back to the bookstore.
  11. Vandalism of another person’s property, including graffiti.
  12. Damage to others property and/or to College property or College-affiliated or rented property.
  13. Unauthorized possession, use, removal or defacing of property.
  14. Failure to comply with directions of College officials.
  15. Refusal to appear before officials or properly constituted governing boards or committees of the College.
  16. False reports of fire or other dangerous conditions. Failure to report a fire properly or interference with the response of College or city officials to such emergency calls.
  17. Creating a fire hazard and/or endangering the safety of persons or property through tampering with fire safety equipment. Improper use and/or possession of inflammable or hazardous substances.
  18. Failure to evacuate, failure to evacuate in a timely manner or premature re-entry into College building after a fire alarm has been sounded or other notice has been given.
  19. Possession of firearms, illegal weapons or explosives on campus.
  20. Use of the College mail system for purposes that are inconsistent with the mission, policies, regulation or practices of Springfield College.


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The primary goal of Springfield College is fostering education and study. To achieve this, the College places restrictions on activities which might disrupt the operations of the College. For this reason, commercial groups not associated or affiliated with the College are not permitted on College-owned/rented property for the purpose of solicitation without the advance written permission of the Dean of Students or his/her designee. Such solicitation includes the distribution of flyers, announcements and posters as well as door-to-door sales in College and College-affiliated buildings. The Campus Director may arrange opportunities for outside vendors to sell their goods in College and College-affiliated buildings and property during the school year. Arrangements for such sales must be made through and approved by the Campus Director in advance and in writing.

Campus-recognized and affiliated groups are permitted to place announcements, flyers and posters on bulletin boards only for the purpose of their groups events, and students may post signs soliciting for ride shares and the sale or rental of personal property. These bulletin boards are placed in numerous areas around campus. Flyers, posters and announcements placed on walls by college-recognized groups will be removed and discarded. Disciplinary action will be taken against the group or individuals who violate this policy.

Student Demonstrations

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Students who choose to express their opinions and differences through demonstrations must keep the following in mind:

  • The demonstration must be orderly at all times and should in no way jeopardize the public safety or interfere with the College program(s).
  • Picketing or demonstrating must not interfere with the entrances to buildings or the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  • Students involved in a demonstration may not interfere by mingling with organized meetings or other assemblies for the purpose of harassment since this invades the rights of others to assemble and the rights of speakers to free expression. The demonstrating group may not obstruct or physically interfere with the integrity of the classroom, the operation of the administrative process or the function of the physical plant.
  • Acts of violence or intimidation on the part of any group of students or other conduct which the College deems in violation of its policies, whether it be those who are demonstrating, those who are dissenting or those who are interfering with the process of dissent, will result in immediate disciplinary action.

Massachusetts Legislation Prohibits Hazing

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Please note: All SHS campuses will follow this ruling:

As required by Chapter 536 of the Acts of 1985 as may be amended from time to time, “An Act Prohibiting the Practice of Hazing,” the Board of Regents has promulgated hazing reporting regulations for all colleges in Massachusetts. Each college is required to issue a copy of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 269, Sections 17, 18, 19 to every club, group, team or organization under its authority and to every member, plebe, pledge or applicant for membership.

Every college must also obtain an acknowledgment of receipt from an officer of every group under its authority stating that all members have received a copy of the statute. Each organization, team or group will be responsible for insuring compliance of their group and assumes responsibility for the groups actions. The specific enactment is as follows:

Section 17. Whoever is a principal organizer or participant in the crime of hazing as defined herein shall be punished by fine of not more than three thousand dollars or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment.

The term “hazing” as used in the section and in Sections 18 and 19, shall mean any conduct or method of initiation into a student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding, forcing calisthenics, exposure to weather, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance, or any other brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any such student or other person, or which subjects such student or other person to extreme mental stress including extended deprivation of sleep or rest or extended isolation. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section to the contrary, consent shall not be available as a defense to any prosecution under this action.

Section 18. Whoever knows that another person is the victim of hazing as defined in section 17 and is at the scene of such crime shall, to the extent that such person can do so without danger or peril to themselves or others, report such crime to an appropriate law enforcement official as soon as reasonably practicable. Whoever fails to report such crime shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars.

Section 19. Each institution of secondary education and each public and private institution of post secondary education shall issue to every student group, student team or student organization which is part of such institution or recognized by the institution or permitted by the institution to use its name or facilities or is known by the institution to exist as an unaffiliated student group, student team or student organization, a copy of this and sections 17 and 18; provided, however, that an institutions compliance with this sections requirements that an institution issue copies of this section and sections 17 and 18 to unaffiliated student groups, team, or organizations shall not constitute evidence of the institutions recognition or endorsement of said unaffiliated student groups, team, or organizations.

Each institution of secondary education and each public or private institution of post secondary education shall file, at least annually, a report with the regents of higher education and in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education, certifying that such institution has complied with its responsibilities to inform student groups, teams or organizations and to notify each full time student enrolled by it of the provision of this section and sections 17 and 18 and also certifying that said institution has adopted a disciplinary policy with regard to the organizers and participants of hazing, and that such policy has been set forth with appropriate emphasis in the students handbook or similar means of communicating the institutions policies to its students. The board of regents and, in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education shall promulgate regulations governing the content and frequency of such reports, and shall forthwith report to the attorney general any such institution which fails to make such a report.

Substance Abuse

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The College hopes that the years spent as a member of the Springfield College community will be a time of great personal growth and development. Clearly the primary goal is to gain knowledge and expertise in a particular field. However, there are other important goals, such as learning to take responsibility for one’s life, gaining awareness of one’s basic values, and making changes that are consistent with those values, as well as learning to live, work and play in a thoughtful community with others. The alcoholic beverage and drug policies are adopted to promote attitudes towards alcohol use that are consistent with an atmosphere of civility, and to discourage alcohol-related behavior on campus or campus-related sites which is illegal and/or abusive to oneself or others. The drug policy clearly outlines the position of the College relating to use of illegal substances. Both policies have been developed to be consistent with our belief in the total development of the person – in Spirit, Mind and Body.

Springfield College is in compliance with the drug free campus regulations and has adopted the following policies to address the presence of alcohol and the use of drugs and/or other illegal substances.

Alcohol Policy General Guidelines

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Please note: All SHS Campuses will follow this ruling
Springfield College will not permit any student who is intoxicated to attend class. The acquisition, possession, transportation and consumption of alcoholic beverages are governed by various statutes of the state in which the campus is located and by the regulations of the applicable alcohol beverages authority. In general, some of the more pertinent statutes and regulations state that:

  1. No person, group or organization may sell alcoholic beverages except pursuant to a license granted by the state regulatory authority of the campus in question.
  2. No person who is intoxicated shall be served an alcoholic beverage. Violators are subject to a fine and possible disciplinary action from the state licensing authority.
  3. No person shall operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Violators are subject to arrest, fine, mandatory court education programs, immediate loss of license and/or imprisonment.
  4. No person or group shall purchase or otherwise procure alcoholic beverages for consumption by persons under 21 years of age. Violators are subject to criminal charges and fine.
  5. No person shall use the liquor identification card or drivers license of another, or supply such cards to another, furnish false information in obtaining such cards, or alter or deface such cards. Violators are subject to possible arrest, criminal charges and fines.
  6. In addition to the criminal penalties for wrongful handling and use of alcoholic beverages, individuals who furnish or sell alcoholic beverage to minors or to persons who are intoxicated may be liable to such persons and to anyone else who suffers personal injury as a result of such furnishing or sale. This could result in a civil law suit.

Alcohol Beverage Policy

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  1. Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on or off the Springfield College affiliated campus must be in compliance with state laws of the campus in question.
  2. The possession, consumption or use of alcoholic beverages by those persons under the age of 21 is a violation of College Policy.
  3. Alcohol consumption and/or carrying open containers of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in public areas of College-affiliated buildings, at athletic events, student activities and outdoors on campus unless specific written authorization is granted prior to the event by the Dean of Students or the Deans designee. The College defines an open container as (a) any container that is used to hold alcoholic beverages and from which the containers original seal is broken, (b) cups, including but not limited to, those with open tops into which a straw may be inserted.
  4. Large quantities of alcohol are not permitted in College-affiliated facilities or on the grounds of the campus. Cases of beer and kegs or beer balls, whether empty or full, tapped or untapped, are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated (taps included) by the College. Recognizing the serious health risks poses by excessive drinking, the College also prohibits drinking paraphernalia, including drinking funnels, all manners of drinking games and preparation of spiked punch.
  5. Falsifying identification cards and/or borrowing another student’s I.D. to obtain alcohol or gain entrance to functions where alcoholic beverages are being served will result in disciplinary action. Production and/or alteration of identification cards for sale and/or mass-production of such cards could result in College sanctions, as well as criminal prosecution.
  6. Disciplinary proceedings will be commenced against those students who are hosting a gathering in a College or College-affiliated building where alcohol is served to minors and /or the consumption of alcohol by guests is not monitored.
  7. Abuse of alcoholic beverages is interpreted by the College as a lack of responsibility on the part of the student as determined in the discretion of the College and/or a violation of state law and will not be tolerated. Alcohol abuse will lead to disciplinary action and/or required intervention.
  8. Students who operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol either on or off campus will face disciplinary action and could face criminal prosecution.

Sanctions for Violations of Alcohol Beverage Policy

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A range of sanctions may be applied as a result of the severity of the action and the frequency of the violation, as determined by the College in its sole and inclusive discretion. Minimal sanctions may include fines and being placed on disciplinary warning with the required participation in alcohol education seminars, intervention and assessment. Further violation could include loss of privileges, community service/education, conditional enrollment, expulsion or dismissal from the institution.

General Drug Policy

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The college prohibits the possession, use or distribution of any illegal and/or controlled drug or substance as defined by the statutes of the state of the campus in question. Considered to be evidence of drug-related violation and sufficient grounds for full disciplinary actions include: being in the presence of a controlled substance/illegal drug; being in the presence or possession of any drug paraphernalia; and/or being in the presence of smoke or odors, as in the case of marijuana. The College prohibits the possession, use or distribution of all types of drug paraphernalia, including but not limited to pipes, rolling papers, clips and syringes. Possession of such paraphernalia will be considered sufficient evidence that a violation of the College drug policy has occurred. If found, any item will be confiscated. In addition, all students present at the time of the violation will be held responsible for the infraction.

Sanctions for Violating Drug Policy

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A student who violates this policy in whole or part by being found in the presence of, possession, using, and/or distributing illegal substances will face severe disciplinary action as determined by the College in its sole and exclusive discretion. Minimal sanctions may include fines as well as being placed on disciplinary probation. Required intervention and assessment with specific conditions outlined could also result. Depending on the circumstances, students may face suspension, expulsion and/or dismissal from the College. Such action may be immediate if, in the opinion of the dean of students or his/her designee, the student poses a threat to him/herself and/or the welfare and safety of other members of the community.


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It is a violation of many state laws and College policy to possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon on campus. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action including immediate dismissal from the College and/or face legal action.

Examples of weapons considered dangerous are: explosives, knives, pellet guns, sling shots, blades, wrist rockets, ammunition, fireworks, dangerous chemicals, and martial arts weapons. “Numchaks, klackers, kung fu sticks, or any other similar weapon consisting of two sticks of wood, plastic, or metal connected at one end by a length of rope, chain, wire, or leather” are illegal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Massachusetts law, section 129C of chapter 140). The law also includes “shreiken or any other similar pointed star like objects intended to injure a person when thrown,” as well as “billy clubs or other dangerous weapons.”

Students may not bring any weapons on campus or campus-affiliated property or into campus or campus-affiliated buildings. Any firearms or weapons found on campus or at College-affiliated sites will be immediately confiscated and held by the local Police Department. The student will face severe disciplinary action with the College and, consistent with the law of the local city or state law enforcement agencies, may face imprisonment for not less than six months nor more than two and one half years in a jail or house of correction.


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Since its founding in 1885, Springfield College has been dedicated to its unique philosophy of Humanics, which is the basis of the institution’s mission-education of the whole person in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to humanity. In alignment with Springfield College’s values and beliefs, the institution strives to provide an educational and working environment that is free from all forms of discrimination/harassment. Discrimination/harassment in any form undermines this concept and will not be tolerated. Springfield College is committed to providing an environment that is diverse and emphasizes the dignity and worth of every individual.

Discrimination/Harassment can be defined as any behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for any individual or group and can be in the forms of sexual, physical, or verbal conduct. It is important to note that discrimination/harassment on any demographic basis-including age, color, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, race, religion, class, active military or veteran status, institutional status, sexual orientation, or gender identity is not tolerated.

This policy applies to all members of the Springfield College community while they are on College property or participating in a college-related activity off-campus, as well as visitors, parents, independent contractors, vendors and their representatives and others transacting business with the college. All aspects of these procedures described below apply to situations in which both complainants and respondents are employed at Springfield College. All members of the College community should assume the responsibility to see that the College is free from all forms of harassment and that any harassment is properly reported.

Prohibited Conduct:

A. Harassment

Acts or communications causing emotional stress addressed to individuals or groups because of religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, or veteran’s status is similarly prohibited by this policy. Examples of impermissible harassment, including racial harassment, include the following:

 The use of physical force or violence to restrict the freedom or movement of another person or to endanger the health and safety of another person based on that person’s race, color, etc.;

 Physical or verbal behavior that involves an express or implied threat to interfere or has as its purpose or has the reasonably foreseeable effect of interfering with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment, participation in college sponsored extracurricular activities because of that individual’s race, color, etc. and which causes that individual to have a reasonable apprehension that harm is about to occur;

 Any type of conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment;

 Epithets, slurs or derogatory comments based on a person’s race, color, etc.

B. Sexual Harassment:

The courts have recognized two different types of actionable harassment:

Hostile environment harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive as to limit a person’s ability to work or participate in a program or activity.

Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a person with authority uses submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual conduct as the basis for making academic or employment decisions affecting a subordinate or a student. This kind of harassment usually involves explicit or implicit threats of retaliation for refusing to submit to sexual advances.

Examples of harassment include the following:

· The use of physical force or violence to restrict the freedom or movement of another person or to endanger the health or safety of another person based on the person’s race, color, etc.;

· Any type of conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment;

· Epithets (byname), slurs or derogatory comments based on a person’s race, color, etc.;

· Unwelcome sexual propositions, invitations, solicitations, and flirtations; leering;

· Unwelcome and inappropriate touching, patting, fondling, pinching, or obscene gestures;

· Sexually suggestive objects, pictures, videotapes, audio recording or literature, or computerized transmissions placed in a viewable area that may embarrass or offend individuals;

· In the case of co-workers or individuals in positions of authority, conduct of nature set forth above when the effect unreasonably interferes with the ability of persons to perform his or her employment or academic responsibility, or when the effect is to create an offensive, intimidating and/or hostile working or learning environment for that person.


Such unwelcome behavior has the potential to severely alter the condition of the victim’s employment or academic surroundings and results in a work or educational environment that a reasonable person would find abusive or offensive. It should be emphasized, however, that isolated instances (e.g. a single comment or joke) ordinarily will not constitute harassment unless it is repeated or egregious. Harassment may not be present if the conduct is welcomed or encouraged. The College will take appropriate remedial action to address any inappropriate conduct, even if it does not meet the legal definition of harassment.

C. Discrimination:

Springfield College is committed to protecting the rights and dignity of individuals and supports the educational and professional enhancement of all the employees and students. Each member of the Springfield College community is expected to work diligently to eliminate all forms of discriminatory conduct, including institutional and personal patterns that directly or indirectly feed the destructive forces of discrimination. Examples of discrimination include but are not limited to the following situations:

· Potential discrimination when requesting disability leave, maternity leave, or retirement options;

· Discriminating based on a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of your major life activities;

· Termination of employment on the basis of age.


Any member of the College community who believes he or she has been a victim of discrimination/harassment as defined in this policy is urged to bring the matter to the attention of the Office of Human Resources, or other appropriate individuals listed within this policy. Any member of the community has a right to file a complaint with the College. If you have experienced any form of harassment please do the following:

· Respond immediately: Sometimes, telling the discriminator and/or harasser that his/her behavior is unwelcome will stop the conduct. State an emphatic “NO” in the case of harassment at the time. Be direct and firm. Clearly express disapproval of any behavior that causes discomfort. Communicate that it is unwelcome and that you want the behavior to stop. Ignoring or avoiding a discriminator and/or a harasser usually does not work. If you are unable to confront the discriminator and/or harasser in person, try writing a letter. In the letter, include a detailed account of the conduct you find offensive, including dates. State the impact the conduct has had on you and that you will take further action if the behavior does not stop. Keep a copy of the letter.

· Keep records: Document all incidents and conversations that might constitute discrimination and/or harassment, including dates, times, places, witnesses, and an accurate description of specific incidents. Write down quotes so that you can recall at a later date the exact language used.

· Talk to someone: If the discrimination/harassment does not stop, or you are reluctant or unable to confront the person verbally or in writing, talk to someone. Talk to a supervisor or someone of authority at the College whom you trust. You may also consult one of the individuals listed within this policy. The College also encourages individuals who have witnessed, or who have knowledge of, discrimination/harassment directed at any member of the College community, to report such conduct immediately to the individuals listed within this policy.

Informal Resolution:

Many claims of discrimination/harassment may be resolved informally. The goal of an informal resolution is to end the offensive or unwelcome behavior. The dean of the respective School, the director of human resources, or the vice president of the respective division will work with the complainant and the respondent to reach an informal resolution. Examples of informally reached outcomes might include:

· Mediation, informal conversation between the complainant and respondent;

· Attending educational programs;

· Adjusting residential or academic placement of either the complainant or respondent.

Resorting to formal hearings will be avoided whenever possible. The purpose of informal adjudication is to arrange an appropriate solution acceptable to all parties concerned. At the conclusion of the informal process, the only document that will be maintained is a memorandum of understanding, signed by both parties, and maintained by the Office of Human Resources. Informal proceedings must be exhausted before formal proceedings will commence.

Formal Resolution:

If informal efforts to resolve a problem are not successful, or if informal resolution is inappropriate or inadequate based on the severity of a case, or if the Respondent is a known prior offender, then a formal resolution may be necessary. Formal written complaints must be filed with the Office of Human Resources. A representative from the Office of Human Resources will monitor the implementation of these formal grievance procedures, and either party may request a formal hearing. The human resource representative will schedule all committee meetings, oversee the process and procedures, and attend hearings, if necessary, as a nonparticipating, nonvoting member. The representative will NOT contribute to the writing of the Hearing Committee’s findings. The decision of the committee is presented to the director of human resources. The director of human desources, in consultation with the president or designated representative, will render a written decision to the complainant. This decision is final.


Springfield College acknowledges that all stages of any proceeding will be maintained with the utmost confidentiality as is appropriate under the circumstances, as determined by the College. A breach of confidentiality compromises the ability of Springfield College to investigate and resolve claims of harassment. Springfield College will attempt to protect the confidentiality of the proceedings and circumstances giving rise to the dispute. Until resolution has been achieved, participants are requested to discuss the matter only with those persons on a “need to know” basis such as:

· When the College is required by law to disclose information (such as responses to legal process);

· When confidentiality concerns are outweighed by the College’s interest in protecting the safety and rights of others.

If you think you are experiencing harassment, witnessed harassment, or received a report of harassment, you are urged to contact one of the individuals listed below. If you have been accused of harassment, you should seek the advice of one of these individuals as well.

Who to contact for assistance with harassment claims:

Internal resources for filing a complaint:


Office of Human Resources, ext. 3118

Public Safety, ext. 5555

Counseling Center, ext. 3345

Health Center, ext. 3175

Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, ext. 3100

Dean, School of Social Work, ext. 3057

Dean, School of Human Services, ext. 3982

Vice President for Academic Affairs, ext. 3196

External resources for filing a complaint:


The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)

MCAD Boston Office

One Ashburton Place-Room 601

Boston, MA 02108

(617) 994-6000

TTY (617) 994-6196

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

John F. Kennedy Federal Building

475 Government Center

Boston, MA 02203

(800) 669-4000

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) Springfield Office

436 Dwight St., Room 220

Springfield, MA 01103

(413) 739-2145


California Dept. of Fair Employment and Housing

1055 West 7th St., Suite 1400

Los Angeles, CA 90017

(213) 439-6799

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Roybal Federal Building, 4th Floor

255 E. Temple St.

Los Angeles, CA 90012

(800) 669-4000 (use the same number for all EEOC offices)


Delaware Dept. of Labor

Pencader Corporate Suites, Suite 104

Newark, DE 19702

(800) 464-4357

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

801 Market St., Suite 1300

Philadelphia, PA 19107-3127


Florida Commission on Human Relations

2009 Appalachee Parkway, Suite 200

Tallahassee, FL 32301-4857

(850) 488-7082

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

One Biscayne Tower

2 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2700

Miami, FL 33131

(800) 669-4000

New Hampshire

NH Commission for Human Rights

2 Chenell Drive, Unit 2

Concord, NH 03301-8501

(603) 271-2767

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

John F. Kennedy Federal Building

475 Government center

Boston, MA 02203

(800) 669-4000

South Carolina

South Carolina Human Affairs Commission

P.O. Box 4490

2611 Forest Drive, Suite 200

Columbia, SC 29204

(803) 737-7800

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

301 N. Main St., Suite 4R30

Greenville, SC 29601-9916


Texas Workforce Commission

1137 North Esplanade St.

Dallas, TX 77954-3433

(361) 277-8870

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Total Plaza

1201 Louisiana St., 6th Floor

Houston, TX 77002


Attorney General of Vermont, Civil Rights Division

109 State St.

Montpelier, VT 05602

(888) 745-9195

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

John F. Kennedy Federal Building

475 Government Center

Boston, MA 02203

(800) 669-4000


Wisconsin Dept. of Workforce Development

819 North 6th St., Rm. 723

Milwaukee, WI 53203

(414) 227-4384

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Reuss Federal Building, Suite 800

310 W. Wisconsin Ave.

Milwaukee, WI 53203-2292


No faculty member, administrator, staff, student, visitor, or applicant for employment may be subject to retaliation for action taken in good faith to seek advice concerning a harassment matter, to file a harassment complaint, or to serve as a witness or a panel member in the investigation or adjudication of harassment complaint. It is in violation of this policy, to retaliate against a complainant for making a claim of harassment. If warranted, the appropriate senior administrator may monitor performance review, promotion, reappointment, or other evaluation or, to the extent possible, may assign the supervisory relationship to ensure that retaliation does not occur. Retaliation, if established, may result in disciplinary action against the offending party up to and including termination of employment from the College.

Sexual Assault Policy

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Springfield College does not tolerate sexual assault in any form. Rape and other sexual assaults are violations of local and state laws as well as College policy prohibiting sexual harassment (see above). If there is a reason to believe that the College’s regulations prohibiting sexual assault have been violated, either on or off campus, disciplinary charges may be pursued through the College’s judicial system.

Any student who feels his/her rights have been violated in relation to the sexual assault policy should discuss the incident with representatives from the Campus Director’s Office, local police department or the Office of the Dean of Students.

Students with Disabilities

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Springfield College is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and full participation in College programs for persons with disabilities in accordance with State and Federal laws. The College fully supports the anti-discrimination policies expressed in state and federal legislation for persons with disabilities. It is the College’s intent that no person be subject to discrimination with regard to any College program or activity.

Springfield College recognizes the unique needs of students with disabilities and encourages these students to use the support services offered by the college to assist them in attaining their educational goals. The policy of the College regarding admission and access to programs and activities prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability.

Reasonable accommodations are provided for students with disabilities on the basis of need if the disabilities are documented with appropriate evaluations administered by qualified professionals such as psychologists, medical doctors or agencies specializing in the diagnosis of such disabilities.

Acceptable Use of Technology

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ITS Client Responsibilities

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I understand that for the purpose(s) of performing my work, pursuing my education, or in my role as a guest to this institution, I am provided access to computers, computer networks, data, and other College technological and information resources. I agree to use these resources in an ethical manner and to adhere to high moral, legal, and professional standards.

I will not attempt to access password-protected systems for which I do not have an assigned password.

I will not share my password(s) or PIN with anyone. I understand that I am responsible for all actions performed on my account, and I will take the precautions necessary to prevent its unauthorized use.

I will not attempt to access personal or confidential information unless authorized to do so. I will respect the privacy rights of others, I will not disclose confidential information without permission of the owner, and I will use data for legitimate academic and administrative purposes only.

I will not impersonate other individuals or misrepresent myself in any way when using College technological resources.

I will not use computers, computer networks, data, and other College technological and information resources to harass, threaten, defame, or otherwise cause harm or damage to another person, institution, or company within or outside the College community.

I will comply with the copyright laws and the provisions of the licensing agreements that apply to software, printed and electronic materials, graphics, multimedia and all other technological resources licensed and/or purchased by the College or accessible over network resources provided by the College.

I will not create, install or disseminate software (e.g. viruses, Trojan horses) or communications (e.g. chain letters, broadcast messages) that may disrupt, overcrowd, or otherwise harm or degrade College technological and information resources.

I will not use ITS technology, services, network, or supplies for personal gain, to promote personal interests, or disseminate information that is contrary to the mission of the college.

Clients may not use ITS services to support inappropriate activities on any network, even if the activities don’t interfere directly with ITS services. ITS will pursue allegations of inappropriate network activities with the utmost diligence.

ITS Responsibilities

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ITS operates a variety of services for its clients, and assures its clients that these services will be reliable. By reliable we mean that the services will operate according to schedule, efficiently, correctly, and securely. ITS will take any action necessary, including unannounced inspection of a client’s files, jobs, and terminal sessions, denial of access privileges and instigation of formal College disciplinary procedures, in order to protect the reliability of the services and the security of information.

Distributed Access: ITS maintains connections to various networks and has a responsibility to help maintain the reliability of computers and networks at other sites. ITS will treat any attempt to compromise the reliability of remote computing systems through ITS network connections as if the attempt were directed at resident ITS computers.

Moderate Security: ITS makes every effort to ensure that the information in its systems is secure. By secure we mean that the information stored in the computer will be safe from unauthorized access, and that ITS will attempt to maintain critical information. It is important to realize that ITS cannot make these guarantees absolute. Clients have a variety of levels of security available, and must choose the level appropriate for their own information.

Privacy: ITS will only inspect the contents of non-public files to protect the reliability of its services. ITS makes no attempt to censor any information held on its systems unless to enforce the acceptable use guidelines as described above.

Backup: ITS runs backup procedures on its computers every evening. Theoretically, in the event of a computer failure, it is possible to recover all information stored in a computer at the time of the last backup. There are, however, occasional problems with these restorations which can result in other lost information. ITS does NOT back up electronic or voice mail messages. ITS cannot guarantee that information will not be lost when servicing personal computers. It is the responsibility of clients to back up personal workstations that have been assigned to them. Clients are responsible for maintaining their own multiple, current back-up copies of valuable or critical information to insure against inadvertent loss by ITS.

Pay attention to ITS Information: ITS frequently uses its systems to provide its clients with important information. We ask that clients pay attention to ITS announcements in order to protect themselves from unnecessary difficulties.

Current page: Policies and Procedures  > Springfield College Policies