Feb 07, 2025  
2010-2011 School of Human Services Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-2011 School of Human Services Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Policies and Procedures

The following information will provide details about a wide number of policies and procedures important to students in the School of Human Services.



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Residency Credit Policy

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In order to receive a baccalaureate degree, undergraduate students in the School Human Services must complete at least 48 credit hours through Springfield College. Of the student’s last 30 credit hours, 15 credits must be completed through Springfield College.

Transfer Credit Policy

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Undergraduate students enrolled in, or enrolling into, the School of Human Services are required to complete a minimum of 48 credit hours through Springfield College in order to fulfill the residency requirement. The remaining semester hours required to complete their undergraduate degree may be transferred in from other institutions or completed at the College.

In order to be accepted for transfer credit, courses must be:

  1. Completed at a regionally accredited institution of higher education. (Regional accrediting bodies are NEASC, MSACS, NCACS, NWASC, SACS, and WASC);
  2. Graded as a C- or better (grades of P (pass) will only be accepted if there is documentation that the P is equivalent to a C- or better);
  3. Courses completed 10 or more years before the student’s matriculation at Springfield College may be subject to further review by appropriate academic faculty prior to final approval.

In addition, a course accepted for transfer credit must satisfy one of the following conditions:

  1. To meet General Education requirements: Transfer courses must be equivalent to a specific SC course that fulfills a general education category requirement. General Education competencies that are embedded cannot be satisfied with transfer credit.
  2. To meet Major requirements: Transfer courses must be equivalent to a specific SC course that fulfills a major requirement. These courses must be approved by the Associate Dean or Campus Director. The Associate Dean or Campus Director may accept coursework not offered by the College if it is judged applicable to major requirements.
  3. To meet elective requirements: Courses used for general elective credit need not be equivalent to Springfield College courses, and will be applied as elective requirements permit.
  • Springfield College does not grant transfer credit for the following work completed at or assessed by other colleges: college-based credit by exam or challenge, correspondence courses, portfolio assessment, independent study, fieldwork, or cooperative education experience.

  • Credit for CLEP, IB, AP, and DSST examinations are assessed consistent with relevant College policy. Credit for armed services experience or employer training programs is assessed by the registrar based on American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines. Original documentation related to such coursework must be presented.

  • Courses accepted for transfer credit will be listed on the students transcript with a designation of “TR,” the number of semester hours awarded, the name of the institution where the course was taken, and the number and title of the equivalent Springfield College course. For direct equivalencies, courses will be transferred in with the Springfield College credit value. If there is no direct equivalent, it will be designated as an elective with the most closely associated academic program prefix. Grades received for transfer courses are not indicated on the Springfield College record, and the grades and related quality points are not calculated in the semester or cumulative grade point averages. However, transfer credits awarded do contribute toward students totals of cumulative earned and attempted hours.

  • If a student with transfer credit changes major or minor after enrolling at the College, their transfer credits and previous transcripts will be reevaluated by the Registrars Office to determine if any adjustment is necessary.

  • For incoming transfer students 0.5 credit hours of required activity courses will be waived for every 15 credit hours of accepted transfer credit.

  • Students who matriculate into Springfield College with an A.A. or A.S. degree earned within the previous 10 years from an accredited institution that required a sequence of General Education courses will be considered to have fulfilled all Springfield College General Education requirements, excluding the embedded competencies. Such students will receive a minimum of 60 transfer credits from Springfield College. The transcripts of students who earned A.A. or A.S. degrees prior to 10 years from their matriculation into Springfield College will be reviewed to determine if credits will be awarded.



IB Policy for Springfield College    ^ Top


The College awards credits for International Baccalaureate (IB) coursework which has been approved as comparable to Springfield College courses or to college-level electives.  In order to be approved, the director of academic advising (or designee) and the department chair relative to the course in question, must determine the passing score, the actual course equivalency, and the number of semester hours awarded.  Only Higher Level (HL) coursework with scores of 4 or higher are considered for credit.  Copies of course syllabi may be required for consideration for course-specific credit.



Transfer Credit for continuing students  ^ Top


For continuing students:

  1. Currently enrolled students wishing to transfer credits to the College should submit the completed Transfer Credit Approval Form to the registrar for approval, prior to taking courses at another institution. This form is available in the Office of the Registrar or on-line at the SC homepage of the Registrar. Requests for approval may also be submitted via fax or e-mail, if necessary. A course catalog, official course description, or course syllabus may be needed to appropriately assess the course.
    1. Courses intended to fulfill major or minor requirements require the approval of the Associate Dean or Campus Director and the registrar.
    2. Courses intended to fulfill electives or General Education Requirements require approval of the registrar; in some cases the registrar may need to consult with the Associate Dean or Campus Director before granting approval.
    3. Failure to obtain appropriate approvals, in writing, prior to taking a course at another institution may preclude awarding of credit.
  2. Courses accepted for transfer credit will be listed on a students transcript with a designation of “TR,” the number of credit hours awarded, the name of the institution where the course was taken, and the number and title of the equivalent Springfield College course.
    1. Grades received for transfer courses are not indicated on the Springfield College record, and the grades and related quality points are not calculated in the semester or cumulative grade point averages. However, transfer credits awarded do contribute toward students totals of cumulative earned and attempted hours.
    2. If the approved transfer course is a repeat of a previously taken course, and it has now been passed with a C- or better, credit will be awarded. The original grade for the course will remain on the record but it is removed from the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. The new grade is not recorded and will not otherwise impact the grade point average. 

State Regulations Regarding Transfer Credits

South Carolina—Not more than sixty-four credit hours (approximately one-half) of a baccalaureate program maybe transferred from a two-year (Level I accredited) institution.

Articulation Agreements

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Transferability of credits is at the discretion of the accepting institution. It is the students responsibility to confirm whether or not Springfield College credits will be accepted by another college.

Springfield College School of Human Services has established Transfer Articulation Agreements with several two-year colleges to facilitate a smooth transfer and transition of qualified undergraduates into the baccalaureate degree program. Copies of applicable articulation agreements are available at each campus.

Credit for YMCA Modules

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The partnership between Springfield College and the YMCA dates back to the earliest days of the Colleges history. For over one hundred years, Springfield has provided the educational foundation for many of the Y movements greatest leaders. Today, the partnership between the Y and Springfield College continues to grow and flourish through expanding academic opportunities. Academic credit is available through Springfield College for many of the training courses, management modules and certification programs offered by the YMCA of the USA. Descriptions of these modules are included in The Portfolio Handbook of the School of Human Services. For a copy of the Handbook, contact the Office of the Dean.

Students who receive credit for their YMCA training will have those credits applied to the residency requirement. To apply for academic credit, students must complete a separate SHS/YMCA Course Application Form, complete a post-course assignment and provide an additional fee for each course. Further information and application packets are available through the Springfield College Office of YMCA Relations, 413-748-3914 or 800-727-0004, ext. 3914.

Graduate Courses Taken by Undergraduate Students

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Students who wish to begin graduate work at Springfield College while still an undergraduate must file a written request and secure the approval from the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at the main campus in Springfield before registering for such study. No request will be approved unless the students cumulative grade point average is 3.00 or better at the start of the term during which the course or courses are to be taken. Students interested in this option should contact their academic advisors. Students will be charged the undergraduate tuition rate for these courses. Undergraduate students who take advantage of this opportunity to take graduate courses while still an undergraduate should understand that doing so does not connote acceptance into the graduate program. To be admitted into the graduate program, students must complete the graduate application process and satisfy all admissions requirements.

Graduate Credits as an Undergraduate

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Undergraduate students wishing to take a graduate course for credit that will apply to the undergraduate degree may do so with the permission of their major advisor, the Associate Dean or Campus Director, and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. In order to be eligible, a student must:

  • Have an undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better

  • have no more than 15 credit hours of undergraduate requirements to be met in order to complete the requirements for the Bachelors degree

  • have no more than 15 credit hours of required undergraduate work remaining, in addition to full-time off-campus fieldwork, that will be done in the following semester.

The Petition for Approval to Take Graduate Courses for Credit While Still an Undergraduate must be approved by the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs prior to registering for the course. This excludes academic programs whose curricular design combines undergraduate and graduate requirements.

Cross-Registration Between the School of Human Services and Traditional Undergraduate Schools

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Upon meeting the following conditions, School of Human Services students are eligible to register for a class offered by the traditional undergraduate schools through the course cross-registration process.

  1. Prior approval of course cross-registration must be secured using the Springfield College Registration Form.
  2. Students must fulfill course prerequisites, if any, prior to course cross-registration.
  3. Undergraduate students are eligible to cross-register for undergraduate courses only.
  4. Course cross-registration is limited to one course per term, with a maximum course limit of three.
  5. Course cross-registration is allowed only in those courses where space is available.
  6. Course cross-registration is not allowed during Intersession and Summer Sessions (May term for the School of Human Services).
  7. Tuition charge for a cross-registration course is based on the rate applicable to the individual’s degree program.

Cross-Registration Between School of Human Services Campuses

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Students enrolled at one SHS campus may register for classes at another campus by completing the “Temporary Student Assignment to Another Campus Form” in consultation with their advisor and the admissions person at their home campus.

Students who wish to permanently transfer from one SHS campus to another should complete the “Permanent Campus Transfer Form” in consultation with their advisor, and signed by the Campus Director at their “home” campus.

Students cannot cross-register or permanently transfer during a term for which courses have already begun.

Please note that although all campuses offer programs leading to a Bachelor of Science with a major in Human Services and a Master of Science with a major in Human Services, campuses may have different course schedules and registration deadlines, and may offer different concentrations.

Registration and Change of Schedule Requests

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Students who attend a course for which they are not officially registered will not receive credit or grades for their work. The registration of all students is conducted under the direction of the registrar, according to the schedule of classes for the College year. The official registration records are compiled and administered in the Office of the Registrar. All full-time undergraduate and graduate students are registered at specific times and dates as listed in the official calendars. The registrar publishes, in advance of each registration, specific instructions regarding procedures. Students who fail to register by the registration deadline may be required to pay a late-registration fee. Courses with low enrollments are subject to cancellation. Not all courses listed in the course description section of the Catalogs are offered each semester.

Students are only permitted to add courses prior to the first class of each term. No class can be added after the first class has met. Students may not drop a course after the last day of the second month (Oct. 31, Feb. 28, June 30) of the term.

To add or drop a course(s), a Change of Schedule Form is used in consultation with the student’s academic advisor. If dropping all classes for a particular term, the student must consult with his/her advisor and complete a Leave of Absence Form. Contact the campus Student Services Office with questions and/or problems. Failure to attend classes does not constitute withdrawing or dropping a class.

Course Withdrawal

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Students who withdraw from a course after the Drop-Add Deadline (the last day of the second month of the term) receive a grade of “W.” This grade appears on the students’ transcripts for the course.

Once registered for classes, students are responsible for the tuition incurred. To voluntarily withdraw from a course(s), students must report to the campus to begin the withdrawal process. In circumstances where in-person withdrawal is not feasible, the student may initiate withdrawal action by writing or telephoning the campus. Absence from classes does not constitute withdrawal from a course; students must submit official withdrawal forms.

The withdrawal process involves completing a withdrawal form, having it signed by the academic advisor, and submitting the form to the records coordinator at the local campus. If the student has benefited from federal financial aid, he/she must meet with the financial aid coordinator at the local campus. The student must also contact the business services coordinator to clear any outstanding charges or holds that may prevent continuation of the program at a later date or prevent the release of academic records.

Leave of Absence Policy

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A leave of absence may be granted to a student who has completed graded courses for at least one term. Students wishing to drop all classes and take a leave of absence for a term need the approval of their academic advisor and must complete a multi-part Leave of Absence Form. The Office of Financial Aid will notify all lenders that the student is not currently enrolled and repayment of all outstanding financial loans may commence.

If after one year a student has not re-enrolled, the student will be withdrawn from the College as of the date he/she terminated academic study. During this period, any outstanding balance on the students account will be pursued until collected. Students wishing to be readmitted must retake and pay for courses with incomplete grades.

Program Withdrawal

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Students who do not plan to continue their academic studies with the School of Human Services mustcomplete a Program Withdrawal form meet with the campus director or designee for an exit interview, at which time the various steps of the withdrawal process will be reviewed. The purpose of the interview is for the student to have an opportunity to review options and bring closure to the experience at the school. The withdrawal date will be determined and used in processing any possible refunds. Students who are withdrawing from the school must return the Student Identification Card that was issued to them. Withdrawals will not be processed unless the Student Identification Card is returned. Withdrawing students must complete a multi-part Complete Withdrawal Form. Please be sure to mail it by Certified Mail, return receipt requested to the instructional campus, or obtain a receipt if the Complete Withdrawal Form is hand-delivered.

Matriculated students who have not enrolled for three consecutive semesters will be withdrawn from the College and must apply for re-admission should they wish to return to Springfield College as a matriculated student.

Student Records

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Springfield College will maintain student confidentiality rights and protect access to information as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Except as provided by law, information from a students records will not be released without the prior written consent of the student. This legislation also provides numerous exceptions whereby the College may release information without prior notice and/or consent of the student, including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Directory information may be provided unless a student has filed a written request to withhold this information. Students must advise the Office of the Registrar in writing no later than September 15 of each academic year if they wish to restrict the release of this information. Springfield College considers the following information as “directory information”: name, campus mailbox, campus phone number, enrollment status, dates of attendance at the College, major, credit hours earned, degrees earned, honors received.
  2. Information may be shared with and by Springfield College faculty and staff who have a legitimate educational interest in the student.
  3. Academic information may be shared with parents of students who complete an authorization to release academic records information, or if parents provide the Registrar with an annual copy of their federal income tax return documenting the student as a dependent.

Any request for information regarding current or former students academic records must be directed to the Registrar.

Students retain the right to review the contents of their educational and academic records. In order to do so, a formal written request must be made through the Office of the Registrar. In such cases, a meeting will be established within forty-five days of the request to permit the student to review materials. Springfield College will comply with a written request initiated by the student to supply information in their behalf. Such requests must be signed and dated and include the specific records or information to be disclosed, the purpose for the disclosure, and the individual(s) to whom the information should be released. Details concerning FERPA are available at the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of the Registrar.

Transcript of Academic Work

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Students may obtain unofficial copies of their academic transcripts for the duration of study at Springfield College. Applications for these transcripts are made in writing to the Office of the Registrar.

A $5 fee is charged for transcripts requested to be officially sent to a third party. Official transcript requests must include the name and address of the official to whom the information is to be mailed, along with a students signature as permission to release a record.

Official transcripts, bearing the College seal, are sent by the Office of the Registrar directly to the receiver and may not be transmitted by the applicant. Ordinarily, transcript requests will be processed and mailed within ten days of the written request.

Currently enrolled students; non-enrolled students; students who have been separated, dismissed, suspended, expelled, disciplined, withdrawn or were on a leave of absence may not obtain an official transcript, access to registration for courses, and/or a diploma if their accounts are not paid in full, as and when due.

Experiential Learning

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The School of Human Services offers a process to validate college-level knowledge acquired through experiential learning. The Schools Experiential Learning Committee oversees the process and monitors policies and procedures that are consistent with principles of good practice established by the Council on the Assessment of Experiential Learning (CAEL). The knowledge presented in the portfolio should have a theoretical as well as a practical application and be relevant outside of the context in which it was acquired. Credit is awarded for college-level knowledge/learning gained from experience and not for the experience itself. A Portfolio Handbook for students provides information about specific policies and procedures.

Portfolio Preparation and Assessment

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The portfolio course (HUSB 307, Human Services and Portfolio Development) teaches a process that identifies each students college-level learning and utilizes methodologies that enhance the students ability to think conceptually and analytically. Students identify, categorize and organize their knowledge and present this knowledge through a course equivalent process. Once the knowledge has been identified, students must decide if and how this knowledge relates to learning that is typically credited at the college level. The Human Services and Portfolio Development course provides a framework to assist students in reflecting upon and articulating their college-level experiential learning. These policies and procedures are based upon guidelines articulated by CAEL.

The preparation of a portfolio requires a substantial commitment of time and effort. The portfolio is both a process and a product. The awareness of individual achievement and the potential of receiving college credit for college-level learning provides the student with savings of both time and money and allows students the opportunity to present diverse college-level learning in a coherent document. The successful completion of two college writing courses is a prerequisite for enrollment in the portfolio class.

The portfolio must be submitted within one year after completing the portfolio class and at least six months prior to graduation to allow for timely review and possible revision. Students cannot register for Senior Seminar until the portfolio is submitted.

Each portfolio includes the following:

  1. Table of Contents.
  2. Resume.
  3. Personal Statement/Autobiography of Critical Incidents.
  4. Claims for Credit(s): Articulation of knowledge equivalent to a specific college-level course.
  5. Review of professional trainings, licenses and certifications.
  6. Verification and/or documentation of the above claim(s) for credits.
  7. Other supportive materials as appropriate to each individualized and unique portfolio.

Completed portfolios are assessed by at least two faculty or faculty-level professionals. Partial credit is not awarded for the claims presented in the portfolio. If the knowledge presented is not adequate to receive full credit for the course claimed, students are given additional academic support and the opportunity to revise and resubmit their work.

Portfolio Fees and Refunds

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Upon registration for the Human Services and Portfolio Development course, students are charged a $250 Portfolio Assessment fee. The portfolio fee is charged for the costs associated with portfolio materials and assessment. If a student does not request credits through the portfolio process, this fee can be refunded. The request for a portfolio fee refund must be made in writing to the experiential learning coordinator by the end of the term in which the Human Services and Portfolio Development course is taken. The refund will be credited to the students account.

Evaluation of Professional Trainings, Licenses and Certificates

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Additional credit may be awarded through the evaluation of professional trainings, licenses and certificates. This assessment is usually done within the context of the portfolio class. However, in some instances, a written portfolio will not be submitted and a student may request that only trainings, licenses and certificates be evaluated for credit. It is required that students will be accepted and enrolled in the School of Human Services for this review to occur. A supplemental handbook explains this process and the associated fee.

Professional Trainings Fee

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Students requesting only a review of professional trainings, licenses and certificates will be assessed a $100 nonrefundable fee. This fee will be charged to the students account at the time of review.

State Regulations Regarding Experiential Learning Credits

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A minimum of 48 credits of the 120 credits required for graduation must be earned in residency. A maximum of 72 credits can be awarded through transfer and experiential learning credits. However, state licensure requirements determine the actual number of credits that may be awarded through the experiential learning process. Specific state regulations are listed below:

California—A student may only earn 30 credits for experiential learning. No more than 15 credits can be lower division and no more than 15 can be upper division courses.

Florida—No more than 30 degree credits may be awarded for experiential learning.

New Hampshire—No more than 50 percent of the credits required for the degree may be awarded for experiential learning.

Experiential learning credits from other colleges are reviewed by the experiential learning coordinator for applicability to the SHS experiential learning process.


Student Services

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Academic Advising

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An academic advisor is assigned to every student who enrolls in the SHS program. The overall purpose of the formal advising is to provide students with a contact person who can help them to tailor and plan their academic program and to clarify the process, procedures and expectations involved with the SHS program. Academic advisors are assigned to students during the first term of their undergraduate program. Academic advisors and students work in partnership to achieve a students educational requirements and goals. An academic advisor:

  • makes sure the student is meeting all requirements for graduation: general education and program requirements, including transfer credits;
  • monitors incomplete grades and progress toward completing coursework;
  • assists in clarifying learning objectives and career plans;
  • addresses problems regarding work/instructors/expectations; progress of portfolio; and the use of the Academic Success Center;
  • counsels or refers student to appropriate source for assistance. 

Academic advisors are required to post office hours. A student’s academic progress is monitored by his/her academic advisor and the Academic Standards Committee.

Academic advising begins at the time of acceptance to the SHS program. The Admissions Committee reviews each applicant file and, in consultation with faculty and other academic advisors, makes recommendations for the academic program. Considered in this recommendation are the students academic history, professional human services trainings, licenses and certificates, writing assessment and other types of assessment as appropriate.

Academic Support

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Each SHS campus has a student support structure that serves as a resource to provide students with support, information, and academic skills. The resources and support offered include assistance with writing assignments, time management, study skills, research projects and areas related to personal development and academic progress. Faculty and staff at various campuses also offer workshops periodically to help students with skills such as resume writing and career planning.

Policy Statement Regarding Students with Disabilities

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Springfield College School of Human Services is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity and full participation in College programs for persons with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws. The College fully supports the anti-discrimination policies expressed in state and federal legislation for persons with disabilities. It is the Colleges intent that no person be subject to discrimination with regard to any College program or activity.

Springfield College School of Human Services recognizes the unique needs of students with disabilities and encourages these students to use the support services offered by the College to assist them in attaining their educational goals. The policy of Springfield College School of Human Services regarding admission and access to programs and activities prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Disabled students are invited to contact the Campus Director at their instructional campus.

Reasonable accommodations are provided for students with disabilities on the basis of need if the disabilities are documented with appropriate evaluations administered by qualified professionals such as psychologists, medical doctors, or agencies specializing in the diagnosis of such disabilities.

Veterans’ Administration Benefits

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Students planning to utilize VA benefits to pay for tuition must contact the VA certifying official at the local campus as soon as they decide to matriculate. They must speak with the official at the beginning of each term to have their enrollment certified. Recertifications are not done automatically. If a student decides to withdraw from a particular semesters classes or from the program, he/she must submit a written notice to that effect and indicate that he/she is receiving VA benefits.

Career Services

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The Career Center assists students and alumni in making career and life-planning decisions. A career development specialist serves as a liaison for SHS campuses. The specialist is responsible for coordinating services and programs focused on helping individuals become well-informed job applicants who are skilled and confident in presenting their credentials to employers. Resources and networking opportunities are available to assist students to identify and secure full-time professional employment. Job search skills can be sharpened by scheduling videotaped practice interviews, having resumes and cover letters critiqued via fax or e-mail and by using the Career Center library resources and the Internet. Students who register with the Career Center can establish a permanent reference file and easy access to the weekly job-listing bulletin and Job Hotline. The Career Center is open some Saturdays and evenings to more easily accommodate calls from SHS students at remote campuses. The center also accepts telephone appointments. Graduates are surveyed each year, and the placement results are published. While the Center will assist students and alumni with career services, it does not guarantee placement. The Career Center is located at the main campus in Springfield, Massachusetts. Students can contact the office at 413-748-3222 or through Margaret Downing, Assistant Director, at mdowning@spfldcol.edu.  In addition, support from Career Services is available online at http://www.spfldcol.edu/homepage/dept.nsf/career.


Library Services

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Babson Library is Springfield College’s library, serving the students, faculty and staff of Springfield College and all of its campuses. The library collection mirrors the curriculum and is especially strong in the areas of social services, education, psychology, health, physical education, recreation and sports. The library is staffed by professionals who assist in the use of library resources as well as provide library instruction and interlibrary loan and electronic reserve services. The library is a member of the Cooperating Libraries of Greater Springfield, the Western Massachusetts Regional Library System, NELINET, and the Massachusetts Library and Information Network, all of which provide greater access to resources for students.

The collection is housed in the Babson Library building on the main campus in Springfield, Massachusetts, which also includes spacious reading areas, lounges, and individual and group study areas. Students can make use of various library services, such as the Reference Desk and the Circulation/Reserves Desk. The building also houses an open computer lab and several electronic classrooms run by the Information and Technology Services Department. All campuses have terminals through which students can connect to the College network and the library network.

Babson Library’s home page is at www.springfieldcollege.edu/library. From here students can access the library’s catalog and its many databases. The catalog and databases are available on all campuses and most are also available from off-campus. Other Web pages provide information about library services and policies and allow students to request help from the reference librarians or to submit interlibrary loan requests. There is a special section, Distance Students, written specifically for students who take classes at campuses other than the main campus.

Academic Policies and Procedures

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Academic life at Springfield College is governed by a series of policies and regulations that insure consistency and permit fairness to all students. These policies are under the auspices of the Office of Academic Affairs and can be found in the Springfield College School of Human Services undergraduate and graduate catalogs.

Academic Credit

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The unit of measure for student progress at Springfield College is the”semester hour.” Springfield College adheres to the equation of one semester unit with 15 hours of classroom instruction and a reasonable period of time for preparation. The basic course structure is built around four weekend classes, with a pre-assignment, which includes both readings and a written assignment, that must be completed for the first class. The faculty work plan requires faculty to be available for a nine-hour, flexible instructional period each weekend class with no more than one hour for lunch and breaks.

For most classes, the eight hours of instruction are offered in a seven-hour period of classroom instruction and one hour for tutorial and course-specific advising, but some faculty choose to conduct a seven-and-a-half to eight-hour classroom session. Springfield College equates the flexible nine-hour instructional period with seven-and-a-half hours of classroom instruction. It also equates the pre-assignment with a seven-and-a-half hour class, since students are required to complete a reading and written assignment in preparation for the first class, and usually must interact with the faculty in order to complete the assignment. The pre-assignment is designed to be the equivalent of preparing for and attending a full class session, with an emphasis on establishing a frame of reference for class discussion on the first day. These 37.5 hours of instruction equate with the actual instruction that occurs in the 45 “50-minute hours” of instruction that are traditionally equated with three credits.

Undergraduate Classifications

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Earned 0 — 29.5 credit hours - FR, First-year student
Earned 30 — 59.5 credit hours - SO, Sophomore
Earned 60 — 89.5 credit hours - JR, Junior
Earned 90 and above credit hours - SR, Senior graduate
All graduate students - GR, Graduate

Academic Honors

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Undergraduate students whose final cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 3.500 or above and who have completed at least 45 graded semester hours (exclusive of pass/fail grades) at Springfield College are awarded their degrees with honor according to the following criteria:

Summa Cum Laude-3.900 to 4.000
Magna Cum Laude-3.700 to 3.899
Cum Laude-3.500 to 3.699

The qualifying cumulative GPA shall be determined at the close of the January term for May commencement and shall only include students who have completed all degree requirements. Students eligible for academic honors will be announced prior to and recognized at the May commencement ceremony with honor cords. Academic honors shall be noted on diplomas and transcripts.

Dean’s List

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The Dean’s List is published three times a year: in January, following completion of the September term; in June, following completion of the January term; and in September, following completion of the May term.

The criteria for selection to the Dean’s List are as follows:

  1. The student must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours of graded coursework for the term, exclusive of “P” grades.
  2. The student must not have any incompletes or missing grades in the designated term.
  3. The student must have a minimum semester grade average of 3.500 for the term.
  4. The student must not have been barred from the Dean’s List due to disciplinary action.
  5. If subsequent grade changes qualify a student for Dean’s List honors for a previous term, that designation will be reflected on the student’s transcript. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing, even if all academic requirements for the Dean’s List have been met, a student may be sanctioned pursuant to the student disciplinary policy, which may prevent the awarding of Dean’s List credentials.


Course Numbering System

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Course levels:


Undergraduate Course Numbers




These courses are broad surveys or an introduction to a discipline. They do not have prerequisites, unless it is a sequential course.



These courses are introductions to, or principles of, areas of study within a discipline. They may or may not have prerequisites.



These are advanced courses, providing depth of study in a specialized topic, or pre-practicums. They often have prerequisites, or assume readiness for advanced level study.



These are highly specialized undergraduate courses, capstone seminars, or capstone practicums. Prerequisites, a level of readiness, or advancement within the major may be required for this advanced level of work.



These courses are generally introductory or entry level graduate courses. Undergraduates ready for graduate level work may take these courses for undergraduate credit. Undergraduates seeking graduate credit must petition to do so. The course may apply to only one degree.

Graduate Course Numbers




These courses are generally introductory or entry level graduate courses. Undergraduates ready for graduate level work may take these courses for undergraduate credit. Undergraduates seeking graduate credit must petition to do so. The course may apply to only one degree.



These courses are more advanced, in-depth and specialized graduate study associated with a profession or discipline. Undergraduates who qualify may petition to take these courses and must specify whether the credits will be undergraduate or graduate. The course may apply to only one degree.

Grades and Grading

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Students’ work will be evaluated by faculty members and course grades assigned. Examinations, written papers, oral assignments, fieldwork, performance in class and/or class attendance may constitute the basis for the grade awarded in class. Faculty members generally outline the details for determining grades on the course syllabus. Often, any weighted factors for assignments will be outlined in the syllabus.

Courses are graded on a letter basis on the following scale:

A exceptional
B good
C fair
D passing
D- (lowest passing grade)
F failure
  4.0 quality points
Grade not submitted by instructor
Course in progress

Faculty have sole responsibility for awarding all grades except IP, W and X. Grades are submitted within two weeks after the end of each term. Grade reports are available online via the Campus Web.

Credit Hour Definitions

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Attempted credit hours - include credits for courses graded “A” though “F”, accepted transfer credits.

Earned credit hours - include credits for courses graded “A” through “D-“, and accepted transfer credits.

Graded credit hours (used for calculation of GPAs) - include credits for courses graded “A” through “F”.

Calculation of GPA

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The GPA (grade point average) is determined by dividing the sum of the quality points by the sum of the credits. An example is shown below:

Course:   Earned Credits:   Grade:   Earned QP’s


A (4.0)
C (2.0)


22.0 divided by 7 credits is equal to a GPA of 3.15. The cumulative GPA is shown on the grade reports from the Registrars Office.


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Undergraduate students may audit one undergraduate course per semester on a space-available basis. The same tuition charges per credit hour apply to audited courses as credited courses. Students are expected to attend classes but are not required to complete course assignments or take exams. Students may add a course they intend to audit on-line, but to properly record it as an audit, they must submit a paper registration form to the Registrar’s Office, indicating their intent to audit the course.  Students may change from credit to audit status in a course through the end of the withdrawal period for that course.  Students may change from audit to credit status through the end of the add period, or, with the instructor’s permission, through the end of the withdrawal period for that course.

An audit carries no credit, has no grade point equivalent, and is recorded as an X on the transcript. Although the course is entered onto a transcript and the student is billed as if it carries credit, it does not affect a student’s full- or part-time status. Proficiency credit or credit by examination will not be given for courses previously audited.

Incomplete (I) Grade

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An instructor may give a grade of incomplete (“I”) following a students request in situations when incapacitating illness or exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the student prevent the student from completing course requirements as determined at the sole discretion of the instructor. A student must complete the incomplete work and a valid grade submitted by the faculty member to the Registrar’s Office no later than the last day of classes in the term subsequent to the term in which the “I” was received. All work must be completed prior to graduation.

A contract for incomplete grades must be completed. A copy of this contract will remain with the student, the instructor, the registrar and the SHS campus offering the course.

If the student does not meet the conditions of the contract for the completion of the incomplete by the time specified or prior to graduation, the registrar will automatically change the “I” grade to an “F” grade or an alternate grade designated by the instructor that is based on work completed. This policy applies to all students enrolled at Springfield College, effective fall 1999. It does not affect “I” grades given prior to this date.

For a student who withdraws from the College or a graduate student whose candidacy period expires with a grade of ‘I’ on his or her record, the grade will be converted by the Registrar’s office to a ‘PI’ (permanent incomplete).  This grade is permanent and cannot be changed in the future.  Students who withdraw and subsequently apply for readmission to the College must re-register for and complete the course in order to earn credit for it.

Grade Changes

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Faculty may not submit grade changes later than one calendar year following the term in which the course was originally graded. This policy is not intended to supersede the academic grievance policy or the policy governing incompletes.

Repeating a Course

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Students may repeat a course in which they have received an unsatisfactory grade. To do so, they must register again for the course at their own expense. Both grade entries will appear on the record card, but only the credit hours and grade resulting from the repeated courses will be used in computing hours and honor credits for graduation. This is true whether the grade for the repeat is higher or lower than the original grade. Students may not receive financial aid for repeated courses.

Grade Appeal Policy

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A student may file an appeal for a grade received only in cases when:

  • There is a discrepancy between the criteria, expectations, or standards outlined in the syllabus and a professor’s actions and practices.
  • There is some inconsistency in treatment across the student body enrolled in a course. 

A student must follow the following process to get fair and timely resolution of his/her appeal:

  1. The student communicates directly with the instructor within 30 days of receiving the disputed grade. The instructor must respond within 14 days.
  2. If not resolved in (1), the student appeals in writing to the Assistant Dean/Campus Director or his/her designee within 14 days of the instructor’s response. The Assistant Dean/Campus Director or designee must respond to the student within 14 days and also notify the faculty of the continuation of the appeals process.
  3. If not resolved in (2), the student appeals to the Dean of the School in writing within 14 days of response from the Assistant Dean/Campus Director or designee. The Dean will notify all parties of his/her decision. The decision of the Dean is final. 

Class Attendance Policy

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Because of the accelerated schedule of all courses within the School of Human Services of Springfield College, missing any class session means missing a significant portion of an entire course. Absences are therefore detrimental to academic achievement. Regular attendance is expected of all students and is necessary for optimizing the School of Human Services’ learning experience and the overall value of classroom instruction. Furthermore, it is essential for the School of Human Services to keep accurate attendance records in order to comply with federal and state financial assistance programs, Veterans Administration benefits, scholarships requirements, and accreditation standards.

Once a course begins, students are expected to attend all class sessions and workshops for courses in which they are enrolled. However, it is recognized that class absences are sometimes necessary for extenuating professional or personal reasons. It is for these reasons that the following policy and procedures are established.


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An absence is defined as cumulatively missing one-tenth of a class session (e.g. approximately 45 minutes of a seven hour class at any time during the class).


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Students cannot be absent for more than 25% of the number of class sessions within a course (e.g. one absence in a course that meets four times). All absences must involve legitimate reasons, such as health problems, family emergencies, or unexpected employment-related duties. Exceeding the number of absences during a course results in an “F” for the course if the student has not submitted a written request for a course withdrawal or a leave of absence for the term. Eligibility for a course withdrawal or a leave of absence is possible only within the time limitations established by the Schools Leave of Absence Policy and Withdrawal Policy. Requests for withdrawals or leaves of absence beyond the time limitations must be submitted in writing to the Dean of the School.

The student should inform the instructor in advance of an anticipated absence. In the event that this is not possible, it is the students responsibility to communicate with the course instructor no later than three days after the absence has occurred.

In order to make-up for the absence, the instructor is to assign the student a substantial course related make-up assignment, normally a research paper. The make-up assignment for the missed class and other assignments for the class must be fulfilled within the time frame determined by the instructor. If the student does not contact the instructor within the time designated and/or neglects to complete the additional assignment, the final grade for the course will be lowered as defined in the course syllabus.

Note: The above policy relates exclusively to all courses taken on ground within any of the eleven campuses of SHS. Attendance Policy for online courses is consistent in principle with the above policy but differs in application to an asynchronous learning environment. Please check the School of Human Services Guidebook for Online Students for further information. 

Class Lateness

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Because of the accelerated schedule of all courses within the School of Human Services of Springfield College, it is important that classes begin and end on time making full use of all available class time. Therefore, students are required to arrive prior to the time class begins and remain in the classroom until class time is over. Failure to fulfill any of these attendance requirements will affect the students grade for the course.

Course Cancellation

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If registration for any course is under six students, the course may be cancelled unless it serves as a required course and is then offered as a full course or provided as a course by arrangement.

Inclement Weather

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Policies for cancellation of classes due to inclement weather vary from campus to campus. See the student handbook or contact the campus for specific information.

Grievance Policy

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If a student believes that he/she has been treated unfairly, the student has the right to seek resolution of the concern through informal and formal processes. At any step in the process, the student may consult with his or her academic advisor or any other faculty or staff member for advice.

Step 1 (informal process):

Within 30 calendar days of the disputed action, the student must raise the concern with the instructor or appropriate party. The instructor or other party should respond to the student regarding this concern within 14 calendar days. (If the 30 days are interrupted by the close of a term or semester break, the remaining days will extend into the beginning of the following term. In situations in which the instructor is on leave or no longer employed by the College, the student should proceed to Step 2.)

Step 2 (informal process):

If the student and the instructor, or other party, do not agree to a resolution, the student has 14 calendar days from the response to raise the concern with the campus director. The campus director should respond to the student regarding this concern within 14 calendar days and must notify the instructor, or other party, of the continuation of the grievance process.

Step 3 (formal process):

If accord is not yet reached through the steps above, the student may file a written grievance using the Academic Grievance Form. The grievance form must be submitted to the Office of the Dean within 14 days following the associate dean or campus director’s response to the student. Upon receipt of the form, the dean will conduct whatever review is needed to arrive at a resolution, including, if necessary, a meeting with the student and instructor, or other party. The dean will notify all parties involved in writing of his/her decision and any subsequent actions. The decision of the dean regarding the grievance is final.

This policy is not intended to supersede the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy or the Harassment/Discrimination Policy.

Academic Progress Policy

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This Institutional Academic Progress Policy applies to both full-time and part time matriculated undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Human Services at Springfield College (SHS). A student is matriculated if he or she received official acceptance into Springfield College through the admissions process as a degree seeking student.

Academic Review

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Following the close of each full term, a systematic SHS undergraduate records review is conducted by the Registrar to determine student academic standing status classifications. SHS undergraduate students will not be subject to review until they have attempted the completion of 12 cumulative credits at Springfield College.

  • For the purpose of determining academic progress, attempted hours are defined as:
    Credits for courses graded “A” through “F”, “P”, and accepted transfer credits.


  • (Attempted credits for determination of financial aid eligibility are defined by Financial Aid regulations as credits for courses graded “A” through “F”, “P”, “W”, “*”, “I”, “CP” and accepted transfer credits.) 

Academic Progress

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Full-Time Status: In order to be considered a full time student at Springfield College, an undergraduate student must enroll in at least 12 credit hours in a semester. Full time students are expected to earn a minimum of 24 credit hours in an academic year, comprising September, January, and May terms. The student who does not earn a total of 24 credits in the September and January terms may earn credit sufficient to meet or exceed the criterion through coursework taken the May term immediately following the review at the end of the January term.

Financial Aid Eligibility: In order to maintain continuing eligibility for financial aid, an undergraduate student is expected to complete with a passing grade (‘A’ through ‘D-‘) at least 75% of all credits attempted for completion at Springfield College (not including transfer courses), as calculated at each academic progress review.

The calculation for the 75% pass rate in credit hours attempted for completion includes the Springfield College credit hours for which a student received a grade of ‘A’ through ‘D-’ and ‘P’ divided by the total number of credits the student has attempted for completion at Springfield College.

Academic Standing

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A matriculated undergraduate student enrolled in the School of Human Services must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.000 to be eligible for graduation with a bachelor’s degree from Springfield College. The 2.000 CGPA is the minimum standard for the College; academic programs may have higher standards for entrance into or continuation in their undergraduate programs and students are responsible for reviewing program standards and requirements that are found in the official campus, school, or institutional documents.

An undergraduate student’s academic standing status is assessed at the end of each term according to the Cumulative Grade Point Average criteria listed below. As a result of the academic standing review, SHS undergraduate students are assigned the appropriate academic standing status actions listed below. 

Cumulative Grade Point Average Criterion

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There are three minimum CGPAs that undergraduate SHS students must meet, depending on the number of credit hours they have attempted. Those minimum CGPAs are as follows:

Credit Hours Attempted for Completion   Minimum GPA
After attempting the completion of 12-29.5 credits   1.80 CGPA
After attempting the completion of 30-59.5 credits   1.90 CGPA
After attempting the completion of 60+ credits   2.00 CGPA

Academic Standing Status Categories

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Following determination of status by the SHS undergraduate records review process, academic standing status actions (Good Academic Standing, Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Continued Probation, and Academic Dismissal) go into effect at the start of the successive term (September, January, May).

Good Academic Standing

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An undergraduate SHS student whose CGPA is at or above the minimum standards (as noted above), is classified as an undergraduate student in good academic standing at the College. A student who has received an academic warning or an academic alert is also considered to be in good academic standing.

Academic Warning

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Upon reaching the first 12 cumulative semester hour academic standing review, an SHS undergraduate student is given an academic warning when his or her cumulative GPA is at or above 1.500 but fails to meet the criterion cumulative GPA of 1.80. A student given an academic warning is considered to be in good academic standing.

Academic Warning will not be recorded on the student’s academic transcript. A student will be removed from academic warning when he or she has successfully met the appropriate CGPA.

Academic Alert

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The SHS undergraduate student who is in good academic standing, but has a term GPA below the required CGPA, will receive an academic alert. The academic alert is designed to notify the undergraduate student that he or she is in danger of not continuing in good academic standing, and to encourage that student to seek academic support. This action is advisory and will not be recorded on the student’s academic transcript.

Academic Probation

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The undergraduate SHS student who, at any academic review point, fails to meet the CGPA academic standing criterion, and who does not meet the criteria for academic warning, is placed on academic probation. An undergraduate student who is placed on academic probation will maintain matriculation status but will not be eligible for financial aid.

The undergraduate student who is placed on academic probation will be notified of this academic standing by letter. As part of the letter of notification from the Office of the Dean of the School of Human Services, the undergraduate student on academic probation may be informed that he or she is required to take certain courses, limit the number of courses taken, or fulfill other conditions specified. Academic probation status will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript.

An undergraduate student will be removed from academic probation when he or she meets or exceeds the criterion CGPA. When an undergraduate student is removed from academic probation, it will be so noted on the transcript.

Continued Academic Probation

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An SHS undergraduate student who was on academic probation during the semester of review will be continued on academic probation if the student’s term GPA shows significant improvement, but his or her CGPA remains below the required level. Significant improvement is generally defined as a student earning a semester GPA of at least 2.000 and having met the conditions of his or her academic probation. If continued on academic probation, the undergraduate student will be subject to the conditions specified under Academic Probation. Continued Academic Probation will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript.

Academic Dismissal

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At any academic standing review point, an undergraduate student who is currently on academic probation or continued academic probation will be academically dismissed when the criteria for continued academic probation are not met. The Office of the Dean of the School of Human Services will send the undergraduate student a notification letter of dismissal. The student may appeal the institutional academic dismissal and is required to submit the request in writing to SHS Campus Academic Standards Committee, via the Campus Director.

The institutional academic dismissal will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

Academic Dismissal Readmission

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An undergraduate SHS student who is academically dismissed does not maintain matriculation status and may not take courses at Springfield College for a minimum of three (3) academic terms [inclusive of September, January, May] following academic dismissal; and thereafter must make a formal application for readmission to the College. A student who is officially readmitted to the College following institutional academic dismissal will return on academic probation unless he or she has raised his or her CGPA to equal or exceed the appropriate academic standing criterion through course work transferred from another accredited institution and has met all other conditions of readmission from academic dismissal.

When a student is removed from academic dismissal, it will be so noted on the transcript.

Appeal Process

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An SHS undergraduate student who has been academically dismissed from the College may appeal the academic dismissal to the SHS Campus Academic Standards Committee by submitting a written request of appeal to the Campus Director. The timeline for the appeal will be specified in the letter of notification of dismissal.

The undergraduate student’s appeal should contain information about circumstances affecting the student’s academic performance and the student’s plans to remedy the situation. Students may bring one Springfield College employee to the appeal meeting for emotional support or to present brief information on the student’s behalf. A College employee member invited to attend is under no obligation to do so. A lawyer may not be present at the appeal meeting, either as a legal representative or as the above-mentioned College employee. Any College personnel speaking on behalf of the student will not be in the room during the student’s presentation but will be invited to speak following the student’s appeal presentation. The student may also bring letters of support written by any individual.

The campus-based ASC will review the appeal according to the ASC operating guidelines. If the committee recommends that the appeal be supported, and the Dean of SHS concurs, the student will be allowed to return on continued academic probation and will be required to adhere to all academic standing policies.

The Office of the Dean of the School of Human Services will inform the undergraduate student of the appeal decision by letter. The outcome of the appeal will be noted on the student’s academic transcript.

Academic Honesty and Integrity

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School of Human Services students are expected to be academically honest. Misrepresentation of facts, omissions or falsifications in any connection with the academic process (including both coursework and official documents) are violations of the SHS Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy, hereinafter referred to as the Policy.

Students are urged to consider that the public value of their education depends on the integrity of the grading system, and that academic dishonesty in any form dilutes the value of those grades. The Policy is not intended to diminish collegiality at Springfield College. All of us learn from our colleagues, and education is a cooperative enterprise. Simple justice requires, however, that students receive the quantity and quality of academic credit they have earned. Justice of this sort is compatible with the community values and shared experiences on which a liberal education is based. If students know of fellow students who are cheating or are taking advantage of policies or procedures, they should bring that to the attention of the course instructor and/or campus director (anonymously, if they wish).

Misunderstanding the Policy will not be accepted as an excuse for dishonest work. If a student is in doubt on some points as they affect work in a particular course or as they may be interpreted in practice, he/she should consult with the instructor in the course or the campus director, so as to avoid the serious charge of academic dishonesty.

Academic achievement is generally evaluated on the basis of completed “exercises” (defined hereinafter) that a student produces independently. Obtaining credit for work, words or ideas that are not the products of a students own effort is dishonest. Such dishonesty undermines the integrity of the academic standards of the College. Consequences of violating the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy entail penalties ranging from failing an exercise, failing a course, reprimand, suspension, dismissal, expulsion from the College, forfeiture of a diploma and/or legal action. This Policy also applies to alumni, insofar as it relates to Springfield College transcripts and other records of work at Springfield College.

Basic Policy

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A students name on any “exercise(s),” which term shall include, but not be limited to, a theme, oral report, notebook, report, computer program, course paper, project, portfolio, quiz, examination or any other assignment related to a course or internship thereto, is regarded as assurance that the exercise is the result of the students own thoughts and study, stated in his/her own words, and produced without assistance, except as quotation marks, references and footnotes acknowledge the use of printed sources or other outside help. In some instances, an instructor, program or campus may authorize students to work jointly in solving problems or completing projects. Such efforts must be clearly marked as the results of collaboration. Where collaboration is authorized, students should make sure that they understand which parts of any assignment must be performed independently. Students are not allowed to present the same exercise previously or concurrently completed for another course without the permission of the instructor(s) of the course(s) in question. Students who perceive the possibility of an overlapping assignment should consult with their instructors before presuming that a single effort will meet the requirements of both courses.

Offenses Against the Policy

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Use of Sources

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In preparing assignments, a student often needs or is required to employ outside sources of information or opinion. All such sources should be listed in the bibliography/reference section.

For citations, references in text are required for all specific facts which are not common knowledge and which do not obtain general agreement. New discoveries or debatable opinions must be credited to the source with specific references to edition, page or web page even when the student relates the matter in his/her own words. Word-for-word, including any part, even if only a phrase or sentence, from the written or oral statement of someone else (including the Internet) requires citation in quotation marks and use of the appropriate conventions for attribution. Paraphrasing or summarizing the contents of anothers work is not dishonest if the source or sources are clearly identified (author, title, edition, page), but such paraphrasing does not constitute independent work and may be rejected by the instructor.

Laboratory Work and Assignments

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Notebooks, homework and reports of investigations or experiments must meet the same standards as all other written work. If any of the work is done jointly or if any part of the experiment or analysis is made by anyone other than the writer, acknowledgment of this fact must be made in the report submitted. It is dishonest for a student to falsify or invent data.

Creative Work

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A piece of work presented as the individual creation of the student is assumed to involve no assistance other than incidental criticism from another person. A student may not knowingly employ artwork, story material, wording or dialogue taken from published work, motion pictures, lectures, Internet or similar media without full acknowledgment.

Examinations, Quizzes, and Tests

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In writing examinations and quizzes, the student is required to respond entirely on the basis of his/her own memory and capacity without any assistance whatsoever except as specifically authorized by the instructor. Cheating on examinations and quizzes can take many forms, including, but not limited to, using another individual to take an examination in ones place, bringing into the exam room unauthorized materials from which one gains assistance, appropriating an exam or exam materials without authorization, purposely missing an exam in order to gain an advantage, copying during an examination, improper collaboration or unauthorized assistance on take-home examinations, or other actions that undermine equity and reduce the objectivity of evaluation of student work.


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Students involved in community projects, practica, independent studies or fieldwork experiences related to their academic program should be aware that their behavior is a reflection on themselves and the College. Their behavior related to such experiences should be appropriate and professional and is subject to this Policy. Violations of this Policy in such circumstances include, but are not limited to, misrepresenting oneself, misrepresenting the College, misusing a position of authority or failure to honestly report the results of their experience or research.

College Documents

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Any misuse of official College documents connected with the academic process constitutes a violation of the Policy. Such documents include, but are not limited to, registration cards, change of schedule forms, applications to change majors, grade report forms, applications for internships or fieldwork, and transcripts. Misuse of such documents includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized alteration of a form, forging of signatures or misrepresentation of personal or academic information requested.

Other Offenses Against the Policy

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In addition to fraudulent uses of sources as described above, dishonesty includes a number of offenses that circumvent procedures set up to produce a fair grade. The use of services of commercial “research” companies is cheating and a punishable offense. Any falsification of records or routines for grading is dishonest, whether before or after graduation. Gaining access to a recommendation (without permission) once rights have been waived is a violation of the Policy. Withholding, removing or destroying materials needed by other students for class exercises is as much an offense against the Policy as is plagiarism. Lying in the course of an investigation or a hearing pursuant to the Policy shall be deemed a violation of this Policy.

Students should be scrupulous in learning the principles that govern each new area of computer operations to which they are introduced. Unauthorized collaboration, unauthorized borrowing of someone elses data or programs, and use of a Springfield College computer for unethical purposes and/or other purposes that violate any of the terms of this Policy are a violation of this Policy and are subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.


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All cases of suspected academic dishonesty shall be referred to or made by the instructor of the course in which the offense occurred. The person alleging a violation of the Policy shall provide or have copies of the work in question and indicate clearly the nature of the alleged violation in an accompanying narrative. In cases of plagiarism, the person making the charge shall provide or have copies of original sources, if available, marking plagiarized phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs, and shall indicate borrowings in the accused individuals text and in original sources. In the case of an examination, the person making the charge shall provide or have copies of the examination in question, indicate specifically the grounds for the charge and explain his/her process of discovery. Other alleged offenses of the Policy should be documented with equal thoroughness and in equal detail.

The instructor is expected to meet with the student and, if applicable, sanction the student with respect to the coursework for which the instructor is responsible, as provided in I, II or III below. If assistance with the investigation is needed, the instructor may consult with or refer the matter to the campus director or his/her designee. If the instructor determines that the student has violated the Policy, the sanction (I, II or III) shall be assessed to the offender, and that decision will be conveyed to the student in a letter written by the instructor. The student will be informed in the letter that he/she has the right to appeal any decisions to the Academic Standards Committee of the campus wherein the Policy violation occurred. The appeal must be in writing and include all materials the accused considers relevant, including a narrative clearly outlining the grounds of the appeal. The student will be informed in writing of the decision of the ASC. The student will be informed in the letter that he/she has the right to appeal the decision to the dean of the School of Human Services. The appeal must be in writing and include all materials the accused considers relevant, including a narrative clearly outlining the grounds of the appeal. The student will be informed in writing of the decision of the dean. The decision of the dean in response to this appeal will prevail.

In addition to sanctions I, II or III, the ASC of the campus has the option of referring the matter to the dean of the School of Human Services or his/her designee to investigate whether further disciplinary action is warranted. If the dean believes that a violation exists, he/she shall have the right to sanction a student, which may include, but not be limited to, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, revocation of degree or legal action.

Course-Related Sanctions

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No student may withdraw from a course following an accusation of a violation of this Policy, unless it is determined that no such violation occurred. An instructor is authorized to enact any sanction under I, II or III that he/she judges to be appropriate with respect to the course in which the violation occurred.

1. Reprimand

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In some cases in which a first offense has been judged to merit a minor penalty, the student will be allowed to repeat the exercise or complete an alternative assignment, as determined by the instructor of the course. Responsibility for evaluation of the students work in the course continues to belong to the instructor of the course. The instructor should keep documentation of the offense and the reprimand.


2. Loss of Credit in the Exercise

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For most offenses, the least severe penalty will be loss of credit in the exercise. The student may be required to repeat the exercise or complete an alternative assignment, although credit will not be given. The student will be allowed to continue in the course. The instructor should keep documentation of the offense and the resulting sanction.


3. A Grade of “F” in the Course

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When the offense is sufficiently serious to merit failure in the course, the student will be removed from the course immediately, and the instructor will give a grade of “F.” The instructor must write a letter notifying the student of his/her status. A copy of the letter should be sent to the campus director for inclusion in the students permanent file.