Mar 10, 2025  
2010-2011 Springfield College Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Springfield College Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administrative and Professional Staff

Lita Adams (1989)
Director of Purchasing
B.A., Brandeis University, 1981
M.B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1987

Tarome Alford (2007)
Director of Housing / Residence Life
B.A., University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 1982
M.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1985

Deborah Alm (1993)
Director, International Center
B.A., State University of New York at Potsdam, 1977
M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, 1988

Gaetano Amato (2002)
Coordinator of Physical Education/Health Pre-practicum
B.S., Springfield College, 1953
M.A., University of Connecticut, 1954
C.A.S., University of Connecticut, 1959

Sam Anderson (2007)
Reference Librarion
B.A., Hampshire College, 2005
M.L.I.S., University of Rhode Island, 2006

Vickie Anderson (2002)
Learning Disabilities Specialist
B.A., Westfield State College, 1992
M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, 2002

April Arcouette (2010)
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
School of Human Services

Gary Atwood (2005)
Reference Librarian
Babson Library
B.A., University of Maine, 1991
M.A., University of Maine, 1997
M.L.S., Simmons College, 2005

Peter Avdoulos (2006)
Coordinator of Aquatics / Diving Coach
B.B., Springfield College, 1985

Darlene Avisata (1996)
Head Preschool Teacher
B.A., State University of New York, Stony Brook
M.Ed., University of Massachusetts

Scott Berg (2009)
Associate Vice-President of Development & Alumni Relations
B.A., Boston College
M.S., Springfield College
M.B.A., University of Massachusetts
J.D., Western New England College

Steven Bigda (1998)
Technical Services Coordinator/Remote Sites

Ellen Demos Bletsos (1975)
Accounts Payable Supervisor
B.S., Springfield College, 1983
M.S., Springfield College, 1987

Daniel Bowker (2008)
Student Helpdesk Coordinator
B.A., Springfield College, 2008

David Braverman (2005)
Vice President of Student Affairs
B.A., University of Missouri, Columbia, 1982
M.A., University of Iowa
Ph.D., University of Iowa

Carol Brennan (2000)
Head 3 Year Old Teacher
B.S., Springfield College, 2000

Kristen Brosius (2010)
Coordinator of Facility Operations
B.S., Keene State
M.Ed., Springfield College

Maureen Burke (2003)
Director of the Child Development Center
B.S., Bridgewater State College, 1980
J.D., University of Kansas, 1988

Claire Burns (1997)
Media Relations Director
B.A., College of Mt. St. Vincent, 1969

Kinser Cancelmo (1989)
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1988

Rosanne Captain, CPA (2001)
Assistant Vice-President for Administration & Finance
A.S., Bay Path College, 1979
B.S., Central Connecticut State University, 1989

Alfonse Carrano (2003)
Planned Gifts Officer
B.S., University of Connecticut

Edward Ciosek (2002)
Director of Financial Aid
B.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1979
M.Ed., Springfield, College, 1987

Evelyn Cohen (2005)
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
B.A., McGill University, 2002
M.Ed., Springfield College, 2005

Mary Ann Coughlin (1993)
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs 
B.S., Plymouth State College, 1977
M.S., Springfield College, 1984
C.A.G.S., Springfield College, 1984
D.P.E., Springfield College, 1987

Bonnie Cox (2002)
Leadership Giving Officer
B.A., Franklin & Marshall College, 1986
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1988

Allene Begley Curto (1993)
Financial Aid Counselor,
School of Human Services

Patricia Dalessio (2005)
Systems Manager - ITS
B.S., Westfield State College, 1987

Danny Davis (2010)
Chief Information Officer
B.S., Gardner-Webb University
M.B.A., Gardner-Webb University

Amy Dean (2006)
Director of Marketing and Communications
B.A., Skidmore College, 1975

Mary N. DeAngelo (1984)
Director of Enrollment Management
B.A., Bridgewater State College, 1982
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1984

Deborah H. Dickens (1993)
Director of Student Support Services
B.S., Central Connecticut State University
M.S., Southern Connecticut State University

Michael Dobise (1998)
B.S., C.W. Post College, 1969

Margaret Downing
Assistant Director of the Career Center
B.S., Westfield State College
M.Ed., Springfield College

Scott Dranka (2001)
Assistant Director of the Career Center
B.S., American International College, 1998
M.Ed., Springfield College, 2001

Mary Lou Dyjak (1986)
Special Assistant to the President/
Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Charlene Elvers (2000)
Director, Student Volunteer Programs
B.A., Northwestern State University of Louisiana, 1984
M.A., Framingham State College, 1987

Gary Enright (1994)
Associate Director of Counseling Center
B.S., Springfield College, 1979
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1987

Kerry Ernst (2007)
Toddler Teacher
B.S., Springfield College

Aaron Ferguson (2010)
Coordinator of First Year Success
B.A., University of Connecticut
M.Ed., University of Vermont

Carl Fetteroll
Program Director United States Sports
and Fitness Center for the Disabled

Anne Fischer (2007)
Graphic Design Associate
B.F.A., University of Hartford, 1980

Richard B. Flynn (1999)
B.S., MacMurray College, 1964
M.Ed., Ohio University, 1965
Ed.D., Columbia University, 1970

Monica Gagliarducci (2006)
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
B.A., Siena College, 2003

Olivia Gendron (2007)
B.S., Springfield College, 2004
M.S., Springfield College

Thomas Ghazil (1968)
Media Services Coordinator

Kelly Gonya (2004)
Print Production Manager
B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1988

Eneida Gonzalez (1990)
Assistant Director of Teacher Preparation and Certification
B.S., Springfield College, 1994

Anne Goodeve (2006)
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
B.S., Springfield College

Linda Gourlay (1999)
Director of the Health Center
B.S., University of Iowa School of Nursing, 1982
M.S., Yale University School of Nursing, 1986

Bridget Gunn (2007)
Coordinator of Science Information Literacy
B.A., Mount Holyoke College, 1996
M.S. University of Massachusetts, Amherts (2001)
M.L.I.S., Simmons College, 2007

David Hall (2005)
Director of Campus Recreation
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1993
M.S., University of West Florida, 1995
Ed.D., University of the Pacific, 2004

Danielle Harrison (2009)
Admissions Counselor
B.S., Springfield College
M.Ed., Springfield College

Judy Hartling (1996)
Director, Academic Advising Services
B.A., Central Connecticut State College, 1980
M.A., Saint Joseph College, 1986

JoAnn Hayes (2000)
Desktop Services Coordinator

Mary D. Healey (1981)
Dean, School of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies
Professor of Biology
B.S., Springfield College, 1978
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1980
M.S., University of Connecticut, 1986
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1993

Cynthia Herlihy (1978)
Coordinator of Academic Affairs
Operations and Services

Michael Hill (1993)
Associate Director, Career Center
B.A., University of Connecticut, 1986
M.Ed., University of Connecticut, 1990

Chris Hinely (2008)
Admissions Coordinator
School of Social Work
B.A., American Univeristy, Cairo, Egypt, 1994
M.S. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1997

Ann Holder (2005)
Equipment Room and Facilities Manager
B.S., Stetson University, 1988
M.S., Springfield College, 2005

Michael Houle (2006)
Computer Support Technician

Keith Ingalls (2000)
B.S., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1975
M.S., American International College, 2004

L. Judy Jackson (1974)
Chief of Campus Police

Allan Johnson (2000)
Computer Support Technician
A.A., Springfield Technical Community College, 1972
B.S., San Jose State University, 1976

Barbara Kautz (1987)
Director of Career Center
B.S., University of Connecticut, 1972
M.A., American International College, 1986

Carol Keeney (1996)
Registered Nurse
M.Ed., Springfield College, 2003

David Kiley (2004)
Associate Director of Alumni Relations
B.S., Springfield College, 1977

Cheryl Kisiel
Library Network Technician
A.S., Greenfield Community College, 1967
B.S., Springfield College, 1992

Scott Kuhnly (2009)
Risk Manager
B.S., Keene State
M.S., University of Hartford

Gary Lacy
Associate Dean
Director of Instruction and Curriculum
School of Human Services

Stephen Lafever (1988)
Director of Facilities and Campus Services
B.A., Castleton State College, 1984

Jerold Laguilles (2009)
Coordinator - Institutional Research
B.A., Amherst College
M.S., University of Maryland

Nathan Larkin (2008)
Web Developer
B.S., Springfield College, 2006

Thomas F. Larkin (1985)
Senior Director of Networking, ITS
Academic and Client Computing
B.S., Springfield College, 1975
C.S.C.P., University of Massachusetts, 1984


Julie A. Le Duc (1980)
Director of Administrative Training and Operations, ITS
A.S., Springfield Technical Community College, 1973

Debra J. LeMay (1994)
Director of Accounting

Donna Wood Lozier
Asst Director, Financial Aid
A.A., Greenfield Community College, 1971
B.S., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1986

J. Tamari Kidess Lucey (1986)
Director of Alumni Relations
B.S., Springfield College, 1981
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1982

Brian Magoffin (2007)
Assistant Director of Sports Information
Marketing and Communications
B.S., Springfield College, 2005

Stephanie Mahoney (2002)
Toddler Teacher
Child Development Center
B.S., Northwestern College

John Mailhot (1988)
Vice President
for Administration and Finance
B.S., American International College, 1983
M.B.A., American International College, 1987

Evelyn Markham (2008)
Head Toddler Teacher
Child Development Center
B.S., Springfield College, 2005

Linda L. Marston (1994)
Director of Grants Office
B.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1975
M.A., Tufts University, 1982
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1989

Michael Mayo (2001)
Manager of Network Operations
B.S., Westfield State College, 1990

Susan McIntyre (1999)
Associate Registrar
B.S., Springfield College (2003)

David McMahon (2006)
Director of United Campus Ministeries
A.B., Harvard College
M.Div., Boston University School of Theology
Ph.D., Boston University

Mary Kate McMahon
Health Educator
B.S., University of Massachusetts
M.Ed., Springfield College

Robert M. McMaster (1982)
Superintendent of Grounds
A.S., Springfield Technical Community College, 1982

Donald Melody (2002)
Manager, ITS/Video Conferencing

David J. Miller (1993)
Interim Dean, School of Health Sciences and Rehabilitation Studies
B.A., Stockton State College, 1974
Certificate in Physical Therapy, Emory University, 1977
M.S., University of North Carolina, 1983
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1993

Keith Moore (2009)
Assistant Director of Residence Life
B.A., Chicago State University
M.Ed., Troy State University
M.S., Western CT State University

Rachael Naismith (1995)
Senior Reference Librarian
B.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1975
M.L.S., SUNY at Albany, 1981
M.A., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1993

Allen L. Noble (1998)
Manager of Employment
and Equal Opportunity Officer
B.S., California Polytechnic State University-
San Luis Obispo, 1971
M.S., Springfield College, 2002

Suzanne Nowlan (1992)
Assistant Director of Career Center
B.A., Western New England College, 1984
M.Ed., Springfield College

Kelly O’Brien
Youth Development Project Coordinator
B.A., Mt. Holyoke College, 1999
M.Ed., Springfield College, 2001

Brian Page (2005)
Website Manager
B.A., Northeastern University, 2000

Janet Plumb
Captain - Public Safety

Stephen Raczynski (2005)
Director of Sports Communications
B.S., Assumption College, 1974

Robert Raum (1997)
Director of Advancement Research
B.F.A., Central Connecticut State University, 1983

Charles Redmond (1969)
Dean, School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Springfield College, 1968
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1971
M.S.P.T., Boston University, 1981

Ann M. Reilly (2000)
Manager of Benefits and Payroll
B.A., Elms College, 1980

Laraine Robison (2002)
Director of Annual Fund
B.A., State University of New York, Oswego, 1996
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1999

Jill F. Russell (2000)
Executive Vice President
B.S., Ohio State University, 1974
M.A., Ohio State University, 1978
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 1994

Carla Santaniello (2008)
Communications/Marketing Specialist
Marketing and Communications
B.A., Westfield State College, 2005
M.A., University of Hartford, 2007

Cathie Schweitezer (1996)
Director of Athletics
B.S., University of Akron, 1973
M.Ed., Bowling Green State University, 1975
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1993

Donald J. Shaw, Jr. (1974)
Director of Graduate Admissions
B.S., Springfield College, 1969
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1970

Katherine A. Smith (1986)
Director of Conferences and Special Programs
B.S., Western New England College, 1982

Sheri Sochrin (1994)
Reference and Distance Learning Librarian
B.A., Brandeis University, 1988
M.L.S., Simmons College, 1993

Thomas St. John (2010)
Coordinator of Intramurals/Sports Clubs
B.S., University of Maine
M.Ed, University of Maine

Michael Stevens (2002)
Senior Technical Services Librarian
B.A., Rice University
M.L.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1999

Carl Stiles (2005)
Director of Student Activities / Campus Programs
B.S., Western New England College, 1987
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1989

Rosemary Stocks (1983)
Project Manager
B.S., Fitchburg State, 1968
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1989

Cynthia Swan (2003)
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
B.S., Springfield College, 1998
M.A., American International College, 2000

Andrea Taupier (1993)
Director of Babson Library
B.A., St. Olaf College, 1980
M.S.L.S., Columbia University, 1981
M.S., Springfield College, 2002

Benjamin Taylor (2005)
Director of Outdoor Programs
B.A., Springfield College, 1999

Angela Veatch
Assistant Director of Outdoor Programs
B.A., Indiana University, 2000
M.Ed., Springfield College, 2007

Theresa A. Vecchio (1993)
Associate Dean of Campus Life
B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1982
M.S.W., University of Connecticut, 1991
Ed.D., Johnson and Wales University, 2004

Francine J. Vecchiolla (1990)
Dean, School of Social Work
Professor of Social Work
B.S., Springfield College, 1972
M.S.W., University of Connecticut, 1974
Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1987

Richard Veres (1995)
Director of Undergraduate Admissions
B.S., Springfield College, 1995
M.Ed., Springfield College, 1997

Luis F. Vitorino (1985)
Environmental Health and Safety Director
A.S., Springfield Technical Community College, 1985
B.S., Springfield College, 1994
M.S., 2001

Jane Johnson Vottero (2000)
Publications Director
B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1983

Sarah Wheeler (1982)
Associate Director of Financial Aid
A.A., Lasell Junior College, 1972
B.A., Springfield College, 1993

Wende Wheeler (1998)
Director of Advancement Services
B.A., Smith College, 1982

Ann Whitall (1985)
Associate Director of Counseling Center
B.A., Earlham College, 1977
M.S.W., Smith College, 1983

John White (2001)
Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1993
M.A., Framingham State College, 1996

Richard A. Whiting (1970)
Director of Counseling Center
B.A., Springfield College, 1966
M.S., Springfield College, 1967
C.A.G.S., Springfield College, 1968
Ed.D., University of Massachusetts, 1980

Andrew Wilcox (2007)
Director, Academic Success Center
B.A., Clark University, 1993
M.A., Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

Robert J. Willey, Jr. (2002)
Dean, School of Human Services
B.S., Philadelphia Biblical University
M.A., Trinity International University
Ph.D., Trinity International University

Michael E. Williamson (1993)
Assistant Director for Telecommunications

John Wilson (1976)
Director of Multicultural Student Affairs
A.A., Holyoke Community College, 1969
B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1971
M.A., University of Massachusetts, 1974

Laurie Wrona (1999)
Assistant Director of Career Center
B.S., Eastern Connecticut State University, 1994
M.S., Central Connecticut State University, 1999

Jean A. Wyld (2001)
Vice President for Academic Affairs
B.A., University of Connecticut, Storrs, 1973
M.S., University of Connecticut, Storrs, 1975
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, Storrs, 1980

Mark Zaborowski (1990)
Director of Administration Systems
and Programming
A.S., Springfield Technical Community College, 1981

Bohdan Zaryckyj (2009)
Coordinator of Alcohol and Other Drug and Community Standards
B.A., Merrimack College
M.Ed., Northeastern University

Ronald Ziemba (2000)
Senior Writer, Office of the President
B.A., Amherst College, 1964