Jan 15, 2025  
2005-2006 School of Human Services Graduate Catalog 
2005-2006 School of Human Services Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Academic life at Springfield College is governed by a series of policies and regulations that insure consistency and permit fairness to all students. These policies are under the auspices of the Office of Academic Affairs and can be found in the Springfield College School of Human Services undergraduate and graduate catalogs.

The following pages contain information about these topics:


Academic Advising

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Academic advisors, who are required to post office hours, are assigned to every student who enrolls in the SHS program. Academic advisors and students work in partnership to achieve the students educational requirements and goals. An academic advisor:

  • assists the student in understanding and meeting all requirements for graduation.
  • monitors incomplete grades and progress toward completing coursework.
  • assists in clarifying learning objectives and career plans.
  • addresses problems regarding work, instructors and expectations.
  • counsels or refers student to appropriate source for assistance.

The academic progress of a student enrolled in the SHS program is monitored by the students academic advisor and the Academic Standards Committee.

Academic Credit

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The unit of measure for student progress at Springfield College is thesemester hour. Springfield College adheres to the equation of one semester unit with 15 hours of classroom instruction and a reasonable period of time for preparation. The basic course structure is built around four weekend classes, with a pre-assignment, which includes both readings and a written assignment, that must be completed for the first class. The faculty work plan requires faculty to be available for a nine-hour,flexible instructional period each weekend class with no more than one hour for lunch and breaks.

For most classes, the eight hours of instruction are offered in a seven-hour period of classroom instruction and one hour for tutorial and course-specific advising, but some faculty do choose to conduct a seven-and-a-half to eight-hour classroom session. Springfield College equates the flexible nine-hour instructional period with seven-and-a-half hours of classroom instruction. It also equates the pre-assignment with a seven-and-a-half hour class, since students are required to complete a reading and written assignment in preparation for the first class, and usually must interact with the faculty in order to complete the assignment. The pre-assignment is designed to be the equivalent of preparing for and attending a full class session, with an emphasis on establishing a frame of reference for class discussion on the first day. These 37.5 hours of instruction equate with the actual instruction that occurs in the 45 50-minute hours of instruction that are traditionally equated with three credits.

Academic Load

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Full-time graduate studentenrolled for nine or more semester hours.
Half-time graduate studentenrolled for four-and-one-half to eight-and-one-half semester hours.
Less-than-half-time graduate studentenrolled for less than four-and-one-half semester hours.

Class Attendance Policy

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Because of the accelerated schedule of all courses within the School of Human Services of Springfield College, missing any class session means missing a significant portion of an entire course. Absences are therefore detrimental to academic achievement. Regular attendance is expected of all students and is necessary for optimizing the School of Human Services learning experience and the overall value of classroom instruction. Furthermore, it is essential for the School of Human Services to keep accurate attendance records in order to comply with federal and state financial assistance programs, Veterans Administration benefits, scholarships requirements, and accreditation standards.

Once a course begins, students are expected to attend all class sessions and workshops for courses in which they are enrolled. However, it is recognized that class absences are sometimes necessary for extenuating professional or personal reasons. It is for these reasons that the following policy and procedures are established.


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An absence is defined as cumulatively missing one-tenth of a class session (e.g. approximately 45 minutes of a seven hour class at any time during the class).


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Students cannot be absent for more than 25% of the number of class sessions within a course (e.g. one absence in a course that meets four times). All absences must involve legitimate reasons, such as health problems, family emergencies, or unexpected employment-related duties. Exceeding the number of absences during a course results in an F for the course if the student has not submitted a written request for a course withdrawal or a leave of absence for the term. Eligibility for a course withdrawal or a leave of absence is possible only within the time limitations established by the Schools Leave of Absence Policy and Withdrawal Policy. Requests for withdrawals or leaves of absence beyond the time limitations must be submitted in writing to the Dean of the School.

The student should inform the instructor in advance of an anticipated absence. In the event that this is not possible, it is the students responsibility to communicate with the course instructor no later than three days after the absence has occurred.

In order to make-up for the absence, the instructor is to assign the student a substantial course related make-up assignment, normally a research paper. The make-up assignment for the missed class and other assignments for the class must be fulfilled within the time frame determined by the instructor. If the student does not contact the instructor within the time designated and/or neglects to complete the additional assignment, the final grade for the course will be lowered as defined in the course syllabus.

Class Lateness

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Because of the accelerated schedule of all courses within the School of Human Services of Springfield College, it is important that classes begin and end on time making full use of all available class time. Therefore, students are required to arrive prior to the time class begins and remain in the classroom until class time is over. Failure to fulfill any of these attendance requirements will affect the students grade for the course.


Academic Progress Policy

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The academic progress policy applies to full time and part time matriculated graduate students enrolled in the School of Human Services at Springfield College. A student is matriculated if he or she received official acceptance into Springfield College through the admissions process as a graduate degree-seeking student.

Matriculated candidates for the masters degree are required to maintain at least a 3.00 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) in graduate level courses and must have a CGPA of at least 3.00 in all graduate work to earn a masters degree from Springfield College. While the 3.00 CGPA is the minimum standard for graduation and continuation in graduate programs at the College, academic departments may have higher standards for entrance into or continuation in their graduate programs. Students must verify program standards with their Campus Director or School Dean.

All students are subject to academic progress review by the Office of Graduate Studies, following the semester in which they complete 9 semester hours of graduate credit at Springfield College. A graduate student whose CGPA meets the minimum standard of 3.00 is considered to be in Good Academic Standing at the College. A student may need to meet a higher standard to be making satisfactory progress in a particular graduate program or concentration. A graduate student whose CGPA is below 3.00 following the completion of 9 semester hours of graduate credit at Springfield College is subject to placement on academic probation.

A graduate students CGPA is calculated using the quality points for grades A through C and F, received in a Springfield College graduate level course, divided by the number of graduate credits a student has attempted toward completion of the program. Grades obtained in coursework transferred from another institution or grades for undergraduate courses taken at Springfield College, whether as prerequisites or as supplements to a students total program are not included in the calculation of the students GPA.

A graduate student will be placed on or continued on academic probation if the following condition is met: Any student whose CGPA falls below a 3.00 following the completion of 9 semester hours of graduate credit at Springfield College. A graduate student meeting this condition will be ineligible for financial aid, including Graduate Associateships. A student placed on probation or continued on probation may be required or advised to take certain courses, limit the number of courses taken, or fulfill other conditions specified by the advisor, Department Chair/Campus Director, and/or Dean. A student is removed from academic probation when his or her CGPA officially meets or exceeds 3.00.

A graduate student will be dismissed from candidacy for the graduate degree if the following conditions are met:

  1. Any student whose CGPA is below 2.80 at the end of the semester in which he or she has completed at least 18 semester hours of graduate work.
  2. Any student whose CGPA is below 3.0 after the completion of the required minimum number of semester hours in his or her program plus six.

A student who has been dismissed may appeal the dismissal in person or by letter to the Graduate Academic Appeal and Review Board. The time line for the letter will be specified in the letter of notification of dismissal. Such an appeal should contain information about circumstances affecting the students academic performance and the students plan to remedy the situation. If the appeal is granted the student will be readmitted, continued on academic probation and may be required to take certain courses, limit the number of courses taken, or fulfill other conditions specified by the department or campus site. The appeal will be noted on the students academic transcript.

If the students appeal is not granted and the student has reasonable grounds to file a grievance, the student should notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) of his or her desire to grieve the dismissal. The notification must be in writing and be postmarked or received within 7 business days of notification of the action to dismiss. Reasonable grounds for a grievance include:

  1. Newly acquired information regarding the students academic standing, not made available during the appeal process;
  2. Procedural irregularities or improper application of the policy; or
  3. Imposition of an improper or excessive sanction.

If reasonable grounds exist, the Office of the VPAA will review the students appeal and take appropriate action or refer the appeal to the Academic Appeal and Review Board.

Course Cancellation

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If registration for any course is under ten students, the course is cancelled unless it serves as a required course and is then offered as a full course or provided as an independent study.

Inclement Weather

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Policies for cancellation of classes due to inclement weather vary from campus to campus. See the student handbook or contact the campus for specific information.


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Degrees are conferred once each year at the annual commencement ceremony following the spring semester. Students who complete degree requirements during the prior December or are scheduled to complete in the spring semester or by the following August are eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony. All students must complete a degree application with the registrar in order to be eligible to participate in the May commencement ceremony. Degree applications for the May ceremony are generally due to the registrar by the beginning of February.

Notwithstanding the foregoing and the successful completion of all academic requirements, a student may not be entitled to participate in commencement exercises and/or receive a diploma if he/she is involved in any disciplinary proceedings, and is sanctioned as such.


Posthumous Degree Policy

Upon request, Springfield College may award a degree (any level) posthumously in the following circumstances: when a student death occurs during a student’s final academic year, and the student was in good academic standing with the college and completed at least 90% of all required coursework for the degree. Graduate students must have begun the capstone experience. The school Dean will make the final determination in consultation with the Registrar.

Course Overload Policy

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Graduate full-time enrollment is defined as nine credit hours. Students wishing to take an overload must have completed one full term, be in good academic standing with a B average and have permission of their academic advisor.

Exception to Policies

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Exceptions to graduate policies may only be made at the sole discretion of the Office of Graduate Studies, following petition. Appropriate forms, available in the Office of Graduate Studies, must be completed by the student, reviewed by his/her advisor, approved by the department chair and dean, and returned to the Office of Graduate Studies for action.


Grades and Grading

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Students work will be evaluated by faculty members, and course grades will be assigned. Written papers, oral assignments and/or fieldwork may constitute the basis for the grade awarded in class. Faculty members generally outline the details for determining grades on the course syllabus. Often, any weighted factors for assignments will be outlined in the syllabus. Grade points are assigned to each grade and used in the calculation of the students grade point average for the terms work or cumulative average. The grades and point values are:


General Numeric

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  Grade Points   Grade Equivalencies
C-(lowest passing grade)
F (failure)
P (pass C- or better)
I (incomplete)
X (audit) N
W (withdrawal)
Not included in computation
Not included in computation
Not included in computation
Not included in computation
Grade not reported by faculty
Course in progress
less than 70

Faculty have sole responsibility for awarding all grades except IP, W and X.



Calculation of GPA

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The GPA (Grade Point Average) is determined by dividing the sum of the grade points by the sum of the semester hours. For example:



  Semester Hours   Grade Points  

Total Grade Points
(for each course)






= 8.00
= 6.00
= 4.00
= 0.00
18 (total for all courses)

Total grade points divided by total semester hours equals GPA 18 divided by 8 equals 2.25 GPA

Incomplete (I) Grade

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An instructor may give a grade of incomplete (I) following a student request in situations where incapacitating illness or exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the student prevent the student from completing course requirements. A student will have a specified period of time, not to exceed one year, to complete incomplete work. All work must be completed prior to graduation.

A contract for incomplete grades must be completed. A copy of this contract will remain with the student, the instructor, the registrar and the SHS campus offering the course. If the student does not meet the conditions of the contract for the completion of the incomplete by the time specified or prior to graduation, the registrar will automatically change the I grade to an F grade or an alternate grade designated by the instructor that is based on work completed.

This policy applies to all students enrolled at Springfield College, effective fall 1999. It does not affect I grades given prior to this date.


Grade Changes

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Instructors may not submit grade changes later than one calendar year following the semester or term in which a course was originally graded. This policy is not intended to supercede the academic grievance policy or the policy governing incompletes. Grades can be changed only if a grade was miscalculated or erroneously reported by the faculty member or if an incomplete needs to be changed. A form for grade changes is available in the Office of the Registrar. Only faculty may complete the form and submit it to the Registrar. Students will receive notification of the grade change from the Office of the Registrar.

Repeating a Course

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Students may repeat a course in which they have received an unsatisfactory grade. To do so, they must register again for the course at their own expense. Both grade entries will appear on the record card, but only the credit hours and grade resulting from the repeated courses will be used in computing hours and honor credits for graduation. This is true whether the grade for the repeat is higher or lower than the original grade. Students may not receive financial aid for repeated courses.

Grade Appeal Policy

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If a student believes that he/she has not been graded according to the criteria in the course syllabus, or has been graded unfairly or inaccurately, the student should first consult with the course instructor about the course requirements and grading procedures. Such an appeal must be made before 30 days into the term following the one in which the grade was received. The student, of course, may consult with the academic advisor or any other faculty or staff member for advice at any step of this process.

Policy Statement Regarding Students with Disabilities

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Springfield College School of Human Services is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity and full participation in college programs for persons with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws. The College fully supports the antidiscrimination policies expressed in state and federal legislation for persons with disabilities. It is the Colleges intent that no person be subject to discrimination with regard to any College program or activity.

Springfield College School of Human Services recognizes the unique needs of students with disabilities and encourages these students to use the support services offered by the College to assist them in attaining their educational goals. The policy of Springfield College School of Human Services regarding admission and access to programs and activities prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Disabled students should refer to the SHS Student Handbook for further details regarding disability services and are invited to contact the School of Human Services Office of Student Services at their instructional campus.

Reasonable accommodations are provided for students with disabilities on the basis of need if the disabilities are documented with appropriate evaluations administered by qualified professionals such as psychologists, medical doctors or agencies specializing in the diagnosis of such disabilities.

Grievance Policy

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If a student believes that he/she has been treated unfairly, the student has the right to seek resolution of the concern through informal and formal processes. At any step in the process, the student may consult with his or her academic advisor or any other faculty or staff member for advice.


Step 1 (informal process):

Within 30 calendar days of the disputed action, the student must raise the concern with the instructor or appropriate party. The instructor or other party should respond to the student regarding this concern within 14 calendar days. (If the 30 days are interrupted by the close of a term or semester break, the remaining days will extend into the beginning of the following term. In situations in which the instructor is on leave or no longer employed by the College, the student should proceed to Step 2.)


Step 2 (informal process):

If the student and the instructor, or other party, do not agree to a resolution, the student has 14 calendar days from the response to raise the concern with the campus director. The campus director should respond to the student regarding this concern within 14 calendar days and must notify the instructor, or other party, of the continuation of the grievance process.


Step 3 (formal process):

If accord is not yet reached through the steps above, the student may file a written grievance using the Academic Grievance Form. The grievance form must be submitted to the Office of the Dean within 14 days following the chairperson or campus director’s response to the student. Upon receipt of the form, the dean will conduct whatever review is needed to arrive at a resolution, including, if necessary, a meeting with the student and instructor, or other party. The dean will notify all parties involved in writing of his/her decision and any subsequent actions. The decision of the dean regarding the grievance is final.

This policy is not intended to supercede the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy or the Harassment/Discrimination Policy.

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