Students who attend a course for which they are not officially registered
will not receive credit or grades for their work. The registration of all
students is conducted under the direction of the
registrar, according to the schedule of classes for the College year. The
official registration records are compiled and administered in the Office
of the Registrar. All full-time undergraduate and graduate
students are registered at specific times and dates as listed in the official
calendars. The registrar publishes, in advance of each registration, specific
instructions regarding procedures. Students who fail to register by the
registration deadline may be required to pay a late-registration fee.
Courses with low enrollments are subject to cancellation. Not all courses
listed in the course description section of the Catalogs are
offered each semester. All graduate students (full- and part-time) must report to their advisors for
scheduling purposes and approval of registration.
Springfield College maintains a five-day add period and a ten-day drop period
at the start of each semester. Late registration will be permitted only in an
emergency, and a fee may be assessed in such cases. The approval of the Associate Vice
President for Graduate Education and Research must be secured for late registration.
No graduate student will be placed in a supervised fieldwork or student teaching
experience until admitted to graduate standing and candidacy for a degree or
certificate. Students will not be eligible to register for a course by arrangement,
Guided Individual Study (RSCH 618), Thesis (RSCH 625-635), or Dissertation (RSCH
735) until the above condition has been met.* Before a graduate student may
add or drop a course, approval of the major advisor must be obtained.
*On the recommendation of the department and upon approval by the Associate Vice
President for Graduate Education and Research, exceptions to this regulation may be made for students
pursuing approved certification programs.
These pages contain information about these topics:
Springfield College maintains a five-day add period and a ten-day drop period
each semester (excluding summer). During the first five days of each semester,
students may request additions to their schedule of courses. Students must complete
a Change-of-Schedule Form to complete schedule additions. The form may be obtained
from the Office of the Registrar. All Change-of-Schedule Forms must be signed
by the students advisor before they are brought to the registrar for processing.
After the five-day add period, students may not make additions to their academic
schedules. Students are urged to refer to the Academic Schedule each semester
for more specific information.
During the first ten days of the semester, students may drop a course for which
they have registered. An approved Change-of-Schedule Form must be signed by
the students advisor. Students are encouraged to refer to the Colleges
publication of Fiscal Facts for additional information.
Course Withdrawal Policy
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After the ten-day drop period, students may, with the approval of their advisor
and course instructor, withdraw (receive a grade of W) from a course
anytime up to a point at which eighty percent of the course is completed (twelve
weeks in a fifteen-week semester). Exceptions to the withdrawal deadline can
be made only by the Registrar. A W grade submitted for a student
by the course instructor is recorded as a grade of F.
Springfield College will maintain student confidentiality rights and protect
access to information as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act, also known as the Buckley Amendment. Except as provided by law, information
from a students records will not be released without the prior written
consent of the student. This legislation also provides for the College to release
information without consent including, without limitation, the following:
- Directory information may be provided unless a student has filed a written
request to withhold this information. Students, whether they reside on or
off campus, must advise the Office of the Registrar in writing no later than
September 15 of each academic year if they wish to restrict the release of
this information. Springfield College considers the following information as directory
information: name; local and home address and phone number; name and
address of parents or spouse; dates of attendance at the College and field
of study; semester hours earned; degrees earned; honors received; weight,
height, and age of members of athletic teams; and participation in organizations
and activities recognized by the College.
- Information may be shared with and by Springfield College faculty and staff
who have a legitimate educational interest in the student.
- Information may be shared with parents of students who are dependent upon
them as defined in the IRS code.
In addition, any requests that come from officials of other institutions in
which the student might be applying for transfer; government agencies and officials
who provide proper identification; officers of the court; financial aid personnel
to support a students application for aid; as well as appropriate parties
in health or safety emergencies will have access to information in the students
records. Students may also be asked to sign a written waiver granting permission
for the release of information from the school records.
Students retain the right to review the contents of their educational records.
In order to do so, a formal written request must be made through the Associate Vice
President for Graduate Education and Research. In such cases, a meeting will be established within forty-five
days of the request to permit the student to review materials. A photocopy charge
may be assessed if the student wishes to have copies made of materials in their
file. Springfield College will comply with a written request initiated by the
student to supply information in their behalf. Such requests must be signed
and dated and include the specific records or information to be disclosed, the
purpose for the disclosure and the individual(s) to whom the information should
be released. Details concerning the Buckley Amendment are available through
the Office of the Registrar.
Transcript of Academic Work
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Students may obtain student-issued, unofficial copies of their academic
transcripts for the duration of study at Springfield College. Applications
for these transcripts are made in writing to the Office of the Registrar.
A $4-$6 fee is charged for transcripts requested to be officially sent to a third
party. Official transcript requests must include name and address of the
official to whom the information is to be mailed, along with a students
signature as permission to release a record.
Official transcripts, bearing the College seal, are sent by the registrar
directly to the receiver and may not be transmitted by the applicant.
Ordinarily, transcript requests will be processed and mailed within ten
days of the written request.
Currently enrolled students; non-enrolled students; students who have
been separated, dismissed, suspended, expelled, disciplined, withdrawn,
or were on a leave of absence may not obtain an official transcript, access
to registration for courses, selection of a residence hall room, and/or a
diploma if their accounts are not paid in full, as and when due.
College Withdrawal Policy
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To withdraw from Springfield College, a student must meet with the School Dean
and the Associate Vice President for Graduate Education and Research for an exit
interview, at which time the various steps of the withdrawal process will be reviewed.
The purpose of the interview is for the student to have an opportunity to review options
and bring closure to the experience at the College. At that time, an effective date
will be determined. This date will be used in processing any possible refunds. Students who are
withdrawing from the College must return the Student Identification Card that
was issued to them. Withdrawals will not be processed unless the Student Identification
Card is returned.
Continuous Registration Policy
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Matriculated graduate and post-graduate students at Springfield College are expected to be registered each semester until they
graduate, unless they file an official leave of absence with the Graduate Office during their program of study. Those students who
are eligible to enroll for classes, but are not registered for the current semester or summer term and are working on the completion of
a thesis, dissertation, or coursework are required to register for continuous registration status. This status allows students
to maintain certain use of campus facilities including but not limited to off-campus access to library resources.
Students are expected to complete the Authorization for Continued Registration form for each term (including summer) in which a
student wishes to maintain this enrollment status. There will be a $100 fee for this status.
Research and Other Projects at Springfield College
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Springfield College endeavors to promote research in four areas: institutional
research, research related to the Colleges objectives and programs, individual
and new research, and service research.
The Associate Vice President for Graduate Education and Research, in consultation
with the Graduate Council, administers a General Research Fund that is designed to
stimulate faculty research and to lead to larger studies that may receive further
assistance from private or public sources. Support has been given to a wide variety
of investigations. A student research fund, administered by the Graduate Office, is
also available to provide financial assistance to graduate students who are conducting
research studies.
The College Counseling Center, the East Campus, and the Babson Library offer
campus opportunities for conducting research related to student interests and
areas of study. Within the community, research is conducted in collaboration
with agencies and schools. The Allied Health Sciences Building offers well-equipped
laboratories for physiology, physiology of exercise, motor learning, biomechanics,
physical therapy, and occupational therapy.
Other study and training projects financed or sponsored by federal and state
governments, private industry, the YMCA, other social organizations, and philanthropic
foundations are conducted from time to time making the College campus a lively
place for students to enlarge their interests and to participate under supervision
in many enriching experiences.
Computers on Campus
Computers are increasingly a necessary tool for instruction throughout the
curriculum. Their use extends beyond simple word processing and includes a wide
variety of applications which include spreadsheets, E-mail, group discussion
databases, presentation programs, Internet research, library search services,
and other specialized programs required within individual courses. The Information
and Technology Services department (ITS) maintains a student public access computer
lab and several training and instructional computer labs in the basement of
Babson Library. Instructional computer labs are also located in Schoo Hall along
with a writing lab. All computer labs are connected to the campus data network
and most provide printing services.
All labs run Windows 2000 operating systems; Apple OS is not supported by the
college. The campus software package includes Microsoft
Office and Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet access. All Springfield College
students are given an individual E-mail account. Each campus residence room
is equipped with a live data network outlet for each student.
There are 14 computer labs on campus. For a detailed listing, see the computing resources
page at .
A full service computer store is located in the basement of the Administration
building and is open daily to serve students, faculty and staff for computer
sales and service. For anyone wishing to purchase a computer system, printer
or peripherals, The computer store offers competitive prices and outstanding
service. Computer systems are equipped with a data network card, loaded with
all the college software and fully configured for the college network and comes
with an on campus warranty. For students choosing to bring their own computer
to campus, The computer store provides “Certification” services which
includes installation of a data network card, software, and network configuration.
The computer store
may be reached at 413-748-3860 or via E-mail:
Degree Requirements
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Please refer to the appropriate section below
Current page: Academic
Policies and Procedures > Registration